Talk Slides
Abel, Steven | UV Completion in the Worldline Slides 1 |
Anastasiou , Charalampos | Local singular structure of gauge theory amplitudes Slides 1 |
Anastasopoulos, Pascal | Emergent/Composite axions Slides 1 |
Angelantonj, Carlo | The Geometry Behind Topological Amplitudes Slides 1 |
Anselmi, Damiano | Quantum gravity from fakeons Slides 1 |
Antoniadis, Ignatios | Challenges in supersymmetric cosmology Slides 1 |
Antoniou, Nikolaos | "Effective Description of Critical QCD" Slides 1 |
Arnlind, Joakim | Homomorphisms of pseudo-Riemannian calculi and noncommutative minimial submanifolds Slides 1 |
Arzano, Michele | Horizon temperature without space-time Slides 1 |
Asano, Yuhma | Emergent Geometries from the BMN Matrix Model Slides 1 |
Aydemir, Ufuk | Black Hole Mimickers in Quadratic Gravity Slides 1 |
Bachas, Constantin | Massive AdS Supergravities and String Theory Slides 1 |
Ballesteros, Angel | The kappa-(A)dS noncommutative spacetime Slides 1 |
Barberio, Elisabetta | Dark mater searches in ATLAS and CMS Slides 1 |
Barenboim, Gabriela | Inflation meets neutrinos Slides 1 |
Barnich, Glenn | Charged black body radiation Slides 1 |
Bascone, Francesco | Symmetries and Dualities in sigma models with Wess-Zumino term Slides 1 |
BELLOS, PANAGIOTIS | Event selection and differential cross section measurements in H->4l decays Slides 1 |
Belusca-Maito, Hermes | Treatment of gamma_5 in Dimensionally-Regularized Chiral Yang-Mills Theory with Scalar Fields Slides 1 |
Benedetti, Dario | Melonic CFTs Slides 1 |
Bengeloun, Joseph | On the counting tensor model observables as U(N) and O(N) classical invariants Slides 1 |
Bergner, Georg | Supersymmetry on the lattice and numerical simulations of supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions Slides 1 |
Bergshoeff, Eric | `Non-relativistic String theory for the conference' and `TBA' for the Humboldt Kolleg Slides 1 |
Bersini, Jahmall Matteo | Spectrum of anomalous dimensions in hypercubic theories Slides 1 |
BESNARD, Fabien | Noncommutative Geometry, background independence, and B-L extension of the Standard Model Slides 1 |
Biondini, Simone | Perturbative unitarity bounds for effective composite models Slides 1 |
Blumenhagen, Ralph | On Swampland Conjectures in String Theory Slides 1 |
Boffo, Eugenia | An action for dual gravity and graded Poisson algebras Slides 1 |
Bonechi, Francesco | The equivariant Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism Slides 1 |
Bonnefoy, Quentin | Weak gravity (and other conjectures) with broken supersymmetry Slides 1 |
Borowiec, Andrzej | Hopf-algebraic structure of quantum phase space Slides 1 |
bossard, guillaume | Kac-Moody exceptional field theory Slides 1 |
Botella, Francisco J. | GENERAL FLAVOUR CONSERVING 2HDM Slides 1 |
Branco, Gustavo C. | Selected Topics on Flavour Physics Slides 1 |
Buccella, Franco | Mass and stability of the sexaquark Slides 1 |
Castellani, Leonardo | Covariant hamiltonian formalism for gravity coupled to p-forms Slides 1 |
Charmousis, Christos | Rotating black holes in higher order gravity theories Slides 1 |
Chatrabhuti, Auttakit | A microscopic model for inflation from supersymmetry breaking Slides 1 |
Chen, Cheng | Observation of H to bb decays and VH production with the ATLAS detector Slides 1 |
Ciambelli, Luca | Role of Weyl Connections in Holography Slides 1 |
Consuegra Rodriguez, Sandra | SF Search for a pair of pseudoscalars in decays of the Higgs boson in CMS Slides 1 |
Coriano', Claudio | Dark Matter with an ultralight axion Slides 1 |
Coudarchet, Thibaut | Stability and vacuum energy in Gimon-Polchinski model with broken supersymmetry Slides 1 |
Cribiori, Niccolo | The supersymmetric anti-D3-brane action in KKLT Slides 1 |
D'Arcangelo, Mauro | Random fuzzy spaces in the spectral triple formalism Slides 1 |
Dalianis, Ioannis | TBA Slides 1 |
Das, Dipankar | Evasive maneuvers for a sequential fourth generation to circumvent the Higgs data Slides 1 |
De, Sudipan | Probing the QCD matter with ALICE at the LHC Slides 1 |
de Mello Koch, Robert | Primary fields in free CFT4 Slides 1 |
De Roeck, Albert | Recent Results from CMS Slides 1 |
de Vaulchier, Balthazar | Adler's induced gravity with compactified dimensions Slides 1 |
DE WIT, Bernard | Exact results for an STU-model Slides 1 |
Dedes, Athanasios | Effective Field Theory insight to Physics Beyond the Standard Model Slides 1 |
Deser, Andreas | On Torsion and Curvature in Courant Algebroids Slides 1 |
Detournay, Stephane | Warped Flatland Slides 1 |
Djouadi, Abdelhak | Dark Matter and the Higgs Slides 1 |
Dmiti, Sorokin | Membranes and domain walls in N=1, D=4 SYM Slides 1 |
Dobrev, Vladimir | Multiparameter Quantum Minkowski Space-Time and Quantum Maxwell Hierarchy Slides 1 |
Doikou, Anastasia | Discrete Quantum Systems and Stochastics Slides 1 |
Dolan, Brian | Conserved quantities in general relativity and anomalies Slides 1 |
Dorsner, Ilja | On the viable two leptoquark model for the B-physics anomalies Slides 1 |
Dracos, Marcos | Long baseline neutrino experiments and the European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam Slides 1 |
Dreiner, Herbi | Searching for long-lived neutralinos Slides 1 |
Faraggi, Alon | Novel perspectives in string phenomenology Slides 1 |
Farakos, Fotios | Non-linear supersymmetry and TT-bar Slides 1 |
FAYARD, Louis | Highlights from ATLAS Slides 1 |
Filev, Veselin | One Dimensional Flavoured Theories and Their Gravity Duals Slides 1 |
Fiore, Gaetano | Energy cutoff, noncommutativity and fuzzyness the case of O(D)-covariant fuzzy spheres Slides 1 |
Fleischer, Robert | Probing New Physics with Leptonic Rare B Decays Slides 1 |
Florakis, Ioannis | Heterotic Unification and the GUT scale Slides 1 |
Gautason, Fridrik | Janus and J-folds Slides 1 |
Gerbino, Martina | Cosmological constraints on neutrino physics Slides 1 |
Ghilencea, Dumitru | Stueckelberg breaking of Weyl conformal geometry Slides 1 |
Ghoshal, Anish | Inflation, (P)reheating and Neutrino Anomalies Production of Sterile Neutrinos with Secret Interactions Slides 1 |
Giataganas, Dimitrios | Anisotropic RG Flows in Holography Slides 1 |
Giotopoulos, Grigorios | L-infinity algebra of Einstein-Cartan-Palatini Gravity and its braided non-commutative deformation Slides 1 |
Gnecchi, Alessandra | Holographic RG flows for 6D SCFTs Slides 1 |
Gocanin, Dragoljub | Matter Fields in AdS Model of Noncommutative Gravity Slides 1 |
Gohara, Jumpei | Formulation of Category Including Several Noncommutative Geometries Slides 1 |
Grzadkowski, Bohdan | Testing Pseudo-Goldstone Dark Matter Slides 1 |
Guadagnoli, Diego | Where we are on B-decay Discrepancies Slides 1 |
Gubitosi, Giulia | Generalized noncommutative Snyder spaces and projective geometry Slides 1 |
Hahn, Thomas | New Features in FeynArts & Friends, and how they got used in FeynHiggs Slides 1 |
Hanada, Masanori | Black Hole from Colors Slides 1 |
Hanany, Amihay | Magnetic Quivers Slides 1 |
Harnew, Neville | CP violation and spectroscopy at LHCb Slides 1 |
Held, Aaron | The predictive power of the asymptotic safety paradigm for gravity and matter Slides 1 |
Iazeolla, Carlo | Singularity-resolution mechanisms in Vasiliev's higher spin gravity Slides 1 |
IKEDA, NORIAKI | Gauged sigma model with Lie algebroid symmetry and moment map Slides 1 |
Ilakovac, Amon | Bonneau identities in the model gauge bosons fermions and scalars Slides 1 |
Iorio, Alfredo | Analog hep-th, on Dirac materials and in general Slides 1 |
Jung, Sunghoon | Probing Dark Matter at LIGO and Beyond Slides 1 |
Jurco, Branislav | Connections, Torsion and Curvature in Generalized Geometry Slides 1 |
Kang, Sin Kyu | Low scale Leptogenesis from dark sector scattering Slides 1 |
Kanti, Panagiota | Black Holes and Wormholes in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet Theories Slides 1 |
Karagiannis, Georgios | A graded geometric approach to duality Slides 1 |
Karam, Alexandros | Single-field inflation in models with an R^2 term Slides 1 |
Karamitros, Dimitrios | Forbidden Freeze-In Slides 1 |
Karananas, Georgios | Spontaneous conformal symmetry breaking in fishnet CFT Slides 1 |
Katanaev, Mikhail | Global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic field and a cosmological constant Slides 1 |
Kawai, Hikaru | Quantum Gravity and Naturalness Slides 1 |
Kehagias, Alex | The Selfish Higgs Slides 1 |
Keus, Venus | CP-violation in extended Higgs sectors Slides 1 |
Kim, Jihn | Gauge hierarchy and SUSY Think again Slides 1 |
King, Stephen | B anomalies linked to the problem of the origin of Yukawa Couplings Slides 1 Slides 2 |
Konjik, Nikola | Noncommutative field theory from an angular twist Slides 1 |
Kovacik, Samuel | The non-perturbative phase diagram of the bosonic BMN matrix model Slides 1 |
Krajewski, Thomas | The SYK model and random tensors Slides 1 |
Krasny, MIeczyslaw Witold | The Gamma Factory project for CERN Slides 1 |
Krippendorf, Sven | Dualities in and from Machine Learning Slides 1 |
Kugo, Taichiro | Necessity and Insufficiency of Scale Invariance for solving Cosmological Constant Problem Slides 1 |
Kupriyanov, Vladislav | Non-commutative deformation of Chern-Simons theory Slides 1 |
Kurkov, Maxim | Parity anomaly in four dimensions Slides 1 |
Kutak, Krzysztof | Selected topics in QCD Slides 1 |
Kvam, Audrey | The Lifetime Frontier Search for displaced hadronic jets in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector Slides 1 |
Lalak, Zygmunt | Stability of electroweak vacuum in a scale invariant extension of the SM Slides 1 |
Lee, Seung J. | Continuum Naturalness Slides 1 |
Leontaris, George | String loop corrections and de Sitter vacua Slides 1 |
Linardopoulos, Georgios | Solving Holographic Defects Slides 1 |
Lindstrom, Ulf | Thoughts on a Hamiltonian formulation of sigma models, doubling and possible susy Slides 1 |
Liu, Kun | Higgs studies in ATLAS and CMS Slides 1 |
Locke, Daniel | Minimal Consistent Fermion Dark Matter Slides 1 |
Loll, Renate | Lattice gravity, diffeomorphisms and quantum curvature Slides 1 |
Luciano, Gaetano | Neutrino oscillations in Unruh radiation the proton’s testimony Slides 1 |
Luest, Dieter | Higher spin states, AdS distance conjecture and the swampland Slides 1 |
Lust, Severin | Microstate geometries at a generic point in moduli space Slides 1 |
Ma, Ernest | Leptonic Scalars versus Scalar Leptons Slides 1 |
Malami, Eleftheria | Bs to Ds+- K-+ decays Can they reveal New Physics? Slides 1 Slides 2 |
Malek, Emanuel | Consistent truncations and Kaluza-Klein spectra from Exceptional Field Theory Slides 1 |
Manfredonia, Mattia | Localization and Reference Frames in κ-Minkowski Spacetime Slides 1 |
Marquard, Peter | Heavy-quark form factors Slides 1 |
Martin, Carmelo Perez | Quantum noncommutative ABJM theory Slides 1 |
Matsumoto, Takaki | Diffeomorphisms and approximate invariants on fuzzy sphere Slides 1 |
Mavromatos, Nikolaos | Quantum Anomalies in the Running Vacuum Universe and Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry Slides 1 |
Mazumdar, Anupam | Towards large entropic conformal window of gravity Slides 1 |
Mercati, Flavio | kappa-deformed special relativity Slides 1 |
Mignemi, Salvatore | Progress in Snyder model Slides 1 |
Mitov, Alexander | Precision physics applications for 2->2 and 2->3 NNLO LHC calculations Slides 1 |
Mitsou, Vasiliki | MoEDAL physics results and future plans Slides 1 Slides 2 |
Myungbo, SHIM | Wrapped Branes in Romans $F(4)$ Gauged Supergravity Slides 1 |
Nakajima, Sota | Exponentially suppressed cosmological constant with enhanced gauge symmetry in heterotic interpolating models Slides 1 |
Narozny, Jiri | Simplicial principal bundles and higher connections Slides 1 |
Nemevsek, Miha | Polygonal bounces and false vacuum decay Slides 1 |
Nielsen , Holger Bech | Novel string field theory, interactions fake, p-adic generalization(s) Slides 1 |
Nishimura, Jun | New perspectives on the emergence of (3+1)D expanding space-time in the Lorentzian type IIB matrix model Slides 1 |
Olea, Rodrigo | Renormalized Volume and Kounterterms in AdS gravity Slides 1 |
Olechowski, Marek | Axions and clockwork in heterotic M-theory Slides 1 |
Oriti, Daniele | Towards emergent spacetime in quantum gravity Quantum Black Holes from scratch Slides 1 |
Ovrut, Burt | R-Parity Violating Decays of Wino Chargino and Bino Neutralino LSPs of the B-L MSSM Slides 1 |
Pachol, Anna | Digital Quantum Geometries Slides 1 |
Papadoudis, Stratos | Dynamical Spacetime in the Euclidean IKKT Matrix Model Compactification of Extra Dimensions via Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Slides 1 |
Papathanasiou, Georgios | The Steinman Cluster Bootstrap for N=4 Super Yang-Mills Amplitudes Slides 1 |
Parameswaran, Susha | Dark Energy in String Theory Slides 1 |
Partouche, Herve | Spontaneous Dark-Matter Mass Generation in Field and String Theory Slides 1 |
Patellis, Gregory | Updates in Reduction of Couplings in Finite Unified Theories Slides 1 |
Penati, Silvia | Exact results in AdS4/CFT3 Slides 1 |
Pepe Altarelli, Monica | Rare decays and tests of lepton flavour universality in (b-)quark flavour physics at LHCb Slides 1 |
Perez Martinez, Adriana | Higgs Potential with S3 symmetry Slides 1 |
Petropoulos, Marios | Relativistic fluids, gravity and the fate of hydrodynamic frames Slides 1 |
Pezzella, Franco | Principal Chiral Model T-Duality Symmetries and Doubling Slides 1 |
Pilaftsis, Apostolos | Quartic Coupling Unification in multi-Higgs Doublet Models Slides 1 |
Platania, Alessia | Aspects of non-perturbative unitarity in Quantum Field Theory Slides 1 |
Raidal, Martti | Primordial black holes as a possible candidate for dark matter Slides 1 |
Ramgoolam, Sanjaye | 4D conformal quantum fields from 2D topological field theories and polynomial rings. Slides 1 |
Reffert, Susanne | Compensating strong coupling with large charge Slides 1 |
Rivasseau, Vincent | Field Theory and Random Geometry Slides 1 |
Rizos, Ioannis (John) | On Non-Supersymmetric String Model Building Slides 1 |
Ross, Graham | Beyond the Standard Model and Quantum scale invariance, hierarchy generation and inflation Slides 1 |
Rubio , Javier | Scale symmetry, the Higgs and the Cosmos Slides 1 |
Ruehle, Fabian | Machine Learning for String Vacua Slides 1 |
Russo, Jorge | Phases of N=2 SQCD Slides 1 |
Saemann, Christian | Strong Homotopy Lie Algebras and Field Theories Slides 1 |
Saha, Ipsita | Can measurements of 2HDM parameters provide hints for high scale supersymmetry? Slides 1 |
Sakurai, Kazuki | A fresh look at the gauge coupling unification and proton decay Slides 1 |
Santos, Rui | One-loop contributions to dark matter-nucleon scattering in scalar and vector DM models Slides 1 |
Saridakis, Emmanuel | Theoretical and observational confrontation of cosmology and gravity, and the new era of multi-messenger astronomy Slides 1 |
Sasakura, Naoki | Numerical and analytical studies of a matrix model with non-pairwise contracted indices Slides 1 |
Savvidy, George | From Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian to the discovery of the Chromomagnetic Gluon Condensate Slides 1 |
Scholtz, Frederik | Classical dynamics on fuzzy space Slides 1 |
Schupp, Peter | Interaction via deformation from monopoles to supergravity Slides 1 |
Sekiguchi, Yuta | O(d,d) transformations preserve classical integrability Slides 1 |
Semenoff, Gordon | Entanglement and the Infrared Slides 1 |
Sfetsos, Konstantinos | λ-deformations exact results without loops Slides 1 |
Shuichiro, Funatsu | Forward-backward asymmetry in the gauge-Higgs unification at the International Linear Collider Slides 1 |
Siampos, Konstantinos | An exact symmetry in λ-deformed σ-models Slides 1 |
Simsek, Sinem | Measurement of the weak mixing phase phi_s through time-dependent CP violation in Bs0->J/psi phi decay in ATLAS Slides 1 |
Sitarz, Andrzej | (1) The noncommutative features of the Standard Model (2) Spectral action and bimetric gravity. Slides 1 |
Skvortsov, Evgeny | Quantum Higher Spin Gravity and three-dimensional Bosonization Duality Slides 1 |
Steinacker, Harold | Gravity and the Schwarzschild solution on a quantum FLRW space-time in Yang-Mills matrix models Slides 1 |
Stelle, Kellogg | Braneworld gravity in a hyperbolic transverse space with a mass gap Slides 1 |
Subjakova, Maria | Slides 1 |
Svoboda, David | Commuting Pairs of Generalized Structures and 2D Sigma Models Slides 1 |
Tekel, Juraj | Fuzzy field theories and related matrix models Slides 1 |
Todorov, Ivan | Exceptional quantum algebra for the standard model of particle physics Slides 1 |
Tokareva, Anna | Beyond positivity bounds on Higgs-dilaton model Slides 1 |
Toldo, Chiara | Rotating black holes in gauged supergravity Slides 1 |
Traina, Lucas | A theory for multiple partially massless spin-2 fields Slides 1 |
Tsesmelis, Emmanuel | The Future Circular Collider (FCC) Slides 1 |
Tsimpis, Dimitrios | Consistent truncation and de Sitter space from gravitational instantons Slides 1 |
Valach, Fridrich | Higher Poisson-Lie T-duality Slides 1 |
Van Riet, Thomas | Euclidean instantons and wormholes sourced by axions and AdS/CFT Slides 1 |
Vergados, Ioannis | Beyond the Standard Model- The still elusive neutrinos Slides 1 |
Vysoky, Jan | Courant algebroid morphisms revisited Slides 1 |
Wang, Jin | Top Physics in ATLAS and CMS Slides 1 |
Wetterich, Christof | How solid is the quantum gravity prediction for the Higgs boson mass? Slides 1 |
Yamada, Masatoshi | Gauge hierarchy problem and scalegenesis Slides 1 |
Yang, Hyun Seok | Generalization of AdS/CFT correspondence Slides 1 |
Yuan, Li | Exotics and BSM in ATLAS and CMS (Non DM searches) Slides 1 |
Zarnecki, Aleksander Filip | 1. On the physics potential of ILC and CLIC 2. Searching Inert Scalars at Future e+e- Colliders Slides 1 Slides 2 |
Zhu, Ruidong | Web construction of ABCDEFG quiver gauge theories Slides 1 |
Zwikel, Celine | Near horizon soft hair of non-extremal black holes Slides 1 |
Generated on Tue Feb 25 23:07:13 EET 2020. Updated every 15 min. |