Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond

This year's workshop is dedicated to the memory of a great scientist and close friend and lifelong, strong supporter of EISA and its activities, who passed away on Nov 1, 2021. Read more about Graham's celebrated life here and here.
September 1 will be Graham's special memorial day.
- The National Technical University of Athens
- The Municipality of Corfu
- The Regional Government of the Ionian Islands (Periphery of the Ionian Islands)
K.N. Anagnostopoulos, J. Kalinowski, M.N. Rebelo, E. Saridakis, G. Zoupanos
K.N. Anagnostopoulos, D. Ghilencea, J. Kalinowski, C. Kokorelis, S. Maltezos, G. Manolakos, N. Mavromatos, G. Patellis, E. Saridakis, N. Tracas, D. Varouchas, G. Zoupanos
F. del Aguila, J.A. Aguilar Saavedra, K.N. Anagnostopoulos, I. Antoniadis, R. Barbieri, M.B. Gavela, D. Ghilencea, N. Glover, W. Hollik, J. Kalinowski, G. Koutsoumbas, N. Mavromatos, M. Neubert, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau, M.N. Rebelo, A. Ringwald, G. Rodrigo, E. Saridakis, S. Sarkar, E. Tsesmelis, G. Zanderighi, G. Zoupanos
S. Abel (Durham U) | Z. Lalak (U Warsaw) |
C. Alexandrou (U Cyprus & CYI) | O. Lebedev (U Helsinki) |
A. Ali (DESY)* | H. Lee (KAIST) |
E. Alvarez (U Madrid) | W. Lee (Seoul National U) |
P. Anastasopoulos (TU Wien) | G. Leontaris (Ioannina U) |
O. Antipin (Boskovic Inst)* | C. Lim (Tokyo Woman's Christian U)* |
I. Antoniadis (U Paris Jussieu) | M. Lindner (MPI Heidelberg) |
P. Apostolopoulos (Ionian U) | S. Lola (U Patras) |
S. Argyropoulos (Freiburg/CERN) | J. Lopez-Pavon ( Valencia U, IFIC) |
M. Asorey (U Zaragoza) | N. Mahmoudi (Inst Phys 2 Infinis,Lyon) |
M. Bastero Gil (U Granada) | Y. Mambrini (U Paris Orsay) |
G. Belanger (CNRS)* | M. Mangano (CERN) |
A. Belyaev (Soton U) | P. Marquard (DESY)* |
K. Benakli (CNRS) | A. Martin (U Durham) |
G. Bhattacharyya (Saha Inst. and HBNI, Mumbai) | G. Martinelli (U Roma 1) |
C. Biggio (U d Stui, Genova)* | N. Mavromatos (NTUA) |
S. Biondini (U Basel) | D. Mazocca (INFN, Trieste) |
M. Blasone (U Salerno) | B. Melic (Boskovic Inst, Zagreb) |
V. Branchina (Catania U & INFN) | A. Mitov (Cambridge U)* |
L. Brenner (Nikhef) | V. Mitsou ( IFIC-U Valencia-CSIC) |
G.C. Branco (CFTP/IST, U Lisboa) | M. Mondragon (U Mexico) |
T. Brinckmann (U Ferrara & INFN Ferrara) | A. Morselli (INFN) |
F. Buccella (INFN, Naples) | S. Mukhanov (MPI Munich)* |
W. Buchmueller (DESY Hamburg)* | C. Munoz (U Madrid) |
Y. Cai (USTC, China) | M. Neubert (Mainz) |
S. Capozzielo (U Napoli "Federico II") | H.B. Nielsen (NBI) |
C. Charmousis (IJCLab, Orsay)* | N. Nishu (U Alberta) |
W. Chung (IBS )* | B. Ovrut (U Penn) |
A. Cooper-Sarkar (U Oxford) | P. Paradisi (INFN, Padova) |
C. Coriano (U Lecce) | A. Pilaftsis (U Manchester) |
M. Cristinziani (Siegen U) | J. Pinfold (U Alberta) |
C.O. Curceanu Petrascu (Lab Nazionali Frascati) | W. Plessas (U Graz) |
P. de Forcrand (CERN)* | S. Pokorski (U Warsaw) |
A. De Roeck (CERN) | W. Porod (Wurzburg U) |
A. de Rujula (IFT Madrid & CERN)* | M. Quiros (ICREA, IFAE, Barcelona) |
C. Delaunay (CNRS9)* | S. Raby (Ohio State U) |
P. di Bari (U Southampton) | M. Raidal (NICPB, Tallinn) |
I. Dorsner (U Split) | A. Rajantie (Imperial Coll London) |
E. Dudas (CPTH, Ecole Polyt) | J. Reuter (DESY Hamburg) |
L. Fayard (LAL, Orsay) | S. Rigolin (U Padova) |
R. Fleischer (NIKHEF) | I. Rizos (Ioannina U) |
E. Floratos (NKUA) | J. Rubio (CENTRA, IST, U Lisboa)* |
P. Frampton (U Salento) | K. Sakurai (U Warsaw) |
J. Frere (U Libre Bruxelles) | P. Salati (Lab Annecy-les-Vieux) |
H. Fritzsch (MPI Munich) | F. Sannino (CP3-Origins SDU) |
B. Gavela (U Autonoma Madrid) | E. Saridakis (NOA) |
M. Gazdzicki (Jan Kochanowski U) | S. Sarkar (U Oxford) |
D. Ghilencea (IFIN-HH, Bucharest) | T. Schwetz-Mangold (KIT, Karlsruhe)* |
J. Gluza (Silesian U) | Y.K. Semertzidis (KAIST, Taejon, Korea) |
D. Gorbunov (Moscow, INR)* | G. Senjanovic (ICTP Trieste) |
A. Goudelis (U Clermont) | F. Simon (MPI) |
B. Grzadkowski (U Warsaw) | J. Solà Peracaula (U Barcelona) |
D. Guadagnoli (LAPTH, France )* | M. Son (KAIST)* |
N. Harnew (U Oxford) | D. Stockinger (TU Dresden) |
Y. Hosotani (Osaka U)* | L. Stodolsky (MPI, Munich)* |
K. Huitu (U Helsinki)* | H. Stoeckinger-kim (TU Dresden) |
A. Ilakovac (U Zagreb)* | A. Studenikin (Moscow State U) |
G. Isidori (U Zurich) | J. Talbert (Cambridge) |
I. Jack (Liverpoool U) | S. Tkaczyk (FNAL) |
M. Jezabek (Krakow, INP, Poland)* | M. Tortola (U Valencia)* |
T. Jones (U Liverpool) | E. Tsesmelis (CERN & Oxford U) |
S.K. Kang (Seoul Tech) | C. Vafa (Harvard)* |
A. Karam (NICPB) | G. Valencia (Monash U) |
D. Kazakov (DUBNA) | J. Valle (IFIC-U Valencia-CSIC) |
H. Kawai (National Taiwan U) | J. van der Bij (U Freiburg) |
S. Ketov (Tokyo Met U) | D. Varouchas (Orsay, LAL) |
J.E. Kim (Kyung Hee U) | T. Volansky (Tel-Aviv U)* |
S. King (U Southampton) | Z. Was (Cracow, INP)* |
R. Kitano (KEK)* | M. Yamada (ITP, U Heidelberg)* |
P. Ko (KIAS, Seoul) | K. Yamamoto (Hiroshima U) |
R. Kolb (U Chicago) | T. Yanagida (Tokyo U, IPMU) |
W. Kotlarski (NCBJ Warsaw) | U. Yang (Seoul National U) |
A. Kotwal (U Duke) | S. Youn (CAPPR, Daejeon)* |
S. Kraml ( LPSC Grenoble) | M. Zerlauth (CERN) |
M. Krasny (U Paris Sorbonne) |
(*): to be confirmed.
- ▪ QCD Physics
- ▪ Electroweak Physics (in SM and beyond)
- ▪ Higgs Physics (LHC plus Physics BSM)
- ▪ The origin of Flavour (study of flavour, CP violation, top observables and perspectives at high energy colliders. SM and Beyond)
- ▪ Neutrino Physics
- ▪ Physics Beyond the SM
- ▪ Cosmology, baryogenesis, leptogenesis, dark matter
- Registered Participants: click here for list
- Aug 28: Arrival/Registration day.
- Sep 08, afternoon: Departure.
- Detailed Programme: click here
- Recorded Talks: video list
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece
(click here for a larger map, for a menu click on the top left icon of the map, GPS: geo:39.606101,19.926115)

Guaranteed hotel availability is for a very limited time! Please make your hotel reservations ASAP!
Please register using the registration page, which is common for all Corfu events. The registration fee is 250€. For young researchers (students and 1st year postdocs) it is 150€. For remote participants the fee is 65€. Payments may be transferred to the NTUA bank account shown in this form and the receipt emailed to Mrs Ifigeneia Moraiti.