Workshop on Noncommutative and generalized geometry in string theory, gauge theory and related physical models
- The National Technical University of Athens
- The Municipality of Corfu
- The Regional Government of the Ionian Islands (Periphery of the Ionian Islands)
K.N. Anagnostopoulos, P. Aschieri, H. Kawai, F. Lizzi, J. Nishimura, D. O'Connor, H. Steinacker, R. Szabo, S. Watamura, G. Zoupanos
M. Agathos (Cambridge U) | C.P. Martin (U Complutense Madrid) |
A. Balachandran (Syracuse U) | V.P. Nair (New York) |
J. Bengeloun (U Paris 13)* | J. Nishimura (KEK & SOKENDAI Tsukuba) |
A. Borowiec (Wroclaw U) | S. Pateloudis (U Regensberg) |
S. Brahma (U Edinburgh) | C. Perez-Sanchez (Heidelberg) |
R. Brandenberger (McGill U) | A. Pinzul (Brasilia) |
L. Castellani (Alessandria) | S. Ramgoolam (Queen Mary U London) |
M. Dimitrijevic Ciric (Belgrade) | C. Saemann (Heriot-Watt) |
V. Dobrev (INRNE, BAS) | P. Schupp (Bremen) |
G. Fiore (U Napoli & INFN Napoli) | A. Sitarz (Krakow) |
R. Fioresi (Bologna) | E. Skvortsov (AEI Potsdam) |
S. Franchino-Vinas (La Plata) | T. Strobl (ICJ Lyon) |
L. Freidel (Perimeter Inst) | J. Tekel (Bratislava) |
G. Gubitosi (Napoli) | T. Tran (Mons U) |
M. Hanada (U Surrey) | A. Tsuchiya (Shizuoka U) |
M. Hirasawa (Milano Bicocca) | S. Wu (National Tsing Hua U) |
P. Ho (Taiwan) | S. Vaidya (Indian Inst Science) |
C. Hull (Imperial) | W. van Suijlekom (Radboud U Nijmegen) |
B. Jurco (Prague) | J. Visoky (Czech Technical U, Prague) |
J. Kowalski-Glikman (Wroclaw) | P. Vitale (Napoli) |
M.A. Lledo (U Valencia & IFIC) | B. Ydri (Badji Mokhtar U) |
J. Lukierski (IFT U Wroclawski) |
(*): to be confirmed.
Some members of the Organizing Committee will also be included among the invited speakers. Workshop speakers will also be selected among the participating young scientists
The workshop is devoted to quantum spacetime and noncommutative geometry and the their connections to various branches of research, including strings and supersymmetry, field theory on noncommutative spaces, quantum symmetries, gravity and cosmology, fuzzy spaces and matrix models, particle and gravity phenomenology, integrable systems, quantum information and gravity, and black holes.
- Registered Participants: click here for list
- September 18: Arrival/Registration day.
- September 25: Departure date.
- Detailed Programme: PDF available here
- Zoom Connection:, or select Meeting ID: 812 8157 1036 Passcode: 169694
- Recorded Talks: available here.
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece
(click here for a larger map, for a menu click on the top left icon of the map, GPS: geo:39.606101,19.926115)

Guaranteed hotel availability is for a very limited time! Please make your hotel reservations ASAP!
Please register using the registration page, which is common for all Corfu events. The registration fee is 200€. For young researchers (students and 1st year postdocs) it is 130€. For remote participants the fee is 65€. Payments may be transferred to the NTUA bank account shown in this form and the receipt emailed to Mrs Ifigeneia Moraiti.