1. Aguilar-Saavedra, Juan Antonio |
Flavourful searches for seesaw at LHC
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2. Altarelli, Guido |
Neutrino1 / Neutrino 2/ The HIGGS and the EXCESSIVE success of the SM
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3. Anastasopoulos, Pascal |
Twisted state production
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4. Angelantonj, Carlo |
Introduction to String Theory
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5. Antoniadis, Ignatios |
Extra Dimensions
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6. Athanasopoulos, Panagiotis |
Spectral flow as a map between N=(2,0)-models
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7. Badziak, Marcin |
Phenomenology of a light singlet-like scalar in NMSSM
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Discrete symmetries CP, T, CPT
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9. Branco, Gustavo C. |
Majorana Neutrinos and Quasidegeneracy at the origin of Large Leptonic Mixing
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10. Capozziello, Salvatore |
Dark Energy and Dark Matter as curvature effects
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11. Cooper-Sarkar, Amanda |
Parton Distribution Functions and LHC physics
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12. Culetu, Hristu |
Anisotropic fluid on the brane from 5-dimensional tidal effects
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13. De Roeck, Albert |
Higgs physics at the LHC - Experimental review
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14. Degrassi, Giuseppe |
Electroweak Standard Model
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15. del Aguila, Francisco |
Four lepton signals of new physics at large colliders
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16. Djouadi, Abdelhak |
Higgs Physics (in the SM and in the MSSM)
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17. Emmanuel-Costa, David |
PROTON DECAY Constraints on New Physics
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18. Espin, Johnny |
Second Order Fermions and the Standard Model
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19. Farakos, Fotis |
Inflation and SUSY Breaking from Higher Curvature Supergravity
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20. Fassouliotis, Dimitris |
Higgs Physics in ATLAS
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21. Feruglio, Ferruccio |
Flavour Physics (Theory)
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22. Franco, Pezzella |
Two double string theory actions non-covariance vs covariance.
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23. FRERE, Jean-Marie |
How much Dark Matter in the Solar system?
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24. Gaberdiel, Matthias |
Higher Spins & Strings
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25. Ghilencea, Dumitru |
SUSY fine-tuning without prejudice
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26. Giataganas, Dimitrios |
Applications of Anisotropic Gauge/Gravity Dualities
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27. Giunti, Carlo |
Phenomenology of Light Sterile Neutrinos
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28. Gomez, Cesar |
Black Holes and Q.M.
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29. Grzadkowski, Bohdan |
Prospects for 2HDM CP violation in light of the LHC Higgs signal /Two-Higgs Doublet Models with Scalar Singlet Dark Matter
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30. Harnew, Neville |
Physics results from LHCb /Selected physics highlights from LHCb
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31. Heurtier, Lucien |
Large-Field Inflation and Supersymmetry Breaking
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32. Hohm, Olaf |
String Theory and Double Field Theory
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33. Hubeny, Veronika |
Holographic Entanglement Entropy
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34. Jafferis, Daniel |
Exact Results in Susy QFT from Six Dimensions
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35. Jelinski, Tomasz |
SO(10) inspired extended GMSB models
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36. Kazakov, Dmitri |
Introduction to Supersymmetry
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37. Konitopoulos, Spyros |
"Extension of Chern-Simons Forms"
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38. Konstantinidis, Nikos |
Overview of ATLAS results
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39. Kotlarski, Wojciech |
Higgs and the electroweak precision observables in the MRSSM
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40. Koutrolikos, Konstantinos |
Component Lagrangian description of arbitrary superhelicity
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41. Krawczyk, Maria |
Vacuum (stability) in IDM
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42. Kuzenko, Sergei |
Symmetries of Curved Superspace
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43. Lalak, Zygmunt |
Hints of BSM physics in the SM effective potential
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44. Lazarides, George |
Astroparticle Physics (theory)
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45. Linardopoulos, Georgios |
Large-spin expansions of giant magnons
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46. Lindstrom, Ulf |
Introduction to supergravity
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47. Linssen, Lucie |
CLIC physics and detectors at a future TeV-scale e+e- collider
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48. Luest, Dieter |
Non-Associative Geometry and Double Field Theory
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49. Mastrolia, Pierpaolo |
Progess on Scattering Amplitudes
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50. Minkowski, Peter |
Oscillatory modes of q q ′, in mesons and q q ′, q ′,′, in baryons ( ↔, antibaryons )
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51. Moreno Llacer, Maria |
Top quark physics - Experimental results from ATLAS
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52. Morselli , Aldo |
Experimental Astroparticle Physics
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53. Osland, Per |
The approach to CP conservation in the 2HDM
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Induced-Gravity Inflation in Sugra Confronted With Planck13 & Bicep2 /CMSSM With Generalized Yukawa Quasi-Unification An Update
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55. Pastras, Georgios |
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56. Penedo, Joao |
Radiative charged-lepton mass generation in multi-Higgs doublet models
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57. Policicchio, Antonio |
BSM searches in ATLAS
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58. Radchenko, Olga |
Field theories invariant under one-parameter fermionic symmetry
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59. Ramello, Luciano |
Status of experimental searches at the LHC ALICE
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60. Rangamani, Mukund |
Adiabatic Fluids
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61. Ross, Graham |
Beyond the Standard Model String/SUGRA
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62. Sachs, Ivo |
Scale versus Conformal Invariance
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63. Sarkar, Subir |
Has BICEP2 proved cosmic inflation? / Physics (dark matter searches)
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64. Simon, Frank |
ILC - The International Linear Collider
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65. Sphicas, Paraskevas |
Physics results from CMS
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66. Spindel, Philippe |
Mini-Superspace Quantum Supergravity and its Hidden Hyperbolic Kac-Moody Structures
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67. Studenikin, Alexander |
Neutrino electromagnetic properties new limits and phenomenology
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68. Talaganis, Spyridon |
Quantum Loops in Nonlocal Gravity
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69. Tierz, Miguel |
Large N phase transitions in Supersymmetric gauge theories with massive matter
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70. Tommasini, Damiano |
Precision phenomenology and differential equations approach to master integrals
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71. Wegman, Daniel |
Extended Left-Right SUSY
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72. Weisz , Peter |
Lattice gauge theory insights
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73. Wetterich, Christof |
Big bang or freeze?
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74. Zimmermann, Frank |
Future Highest-Energy Circular Colliders
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Generated on Mon Feb 23 15:30:03 EET 2015. Updated every 15 min.