Essential Functions

This chapter describes the Intel® IPP functions that perform logical and shift, arithmetic, conversion, windowing, and statistical operations.

The full list of functions in this group is given in the table below.

Intel IPP Essential Vector Functions 
Function Base Name Operation
Logical and Shift Functions
AndC Computes the bitwise AND of a scalar value and each element of a vector.
And Computes the bitwise AND of two vectors.
OrC Computes the bitwise OR of a scalar value and each element of a vector.
Or Computes the bitwise OR of two vectors.
XorC Computes the bitwise XOR of a scalar value and each element of a vector.
Xor Computes the bitwise XOR of two vectors.
Not Computes the bitwise NOT of the vector elements.
LShiftC Shifts bits in vector elements to the left.
RShiftC Shifts bits in vector elements to the right.
arithmetic functions
AddC Adds a constant value to each element of a vector.
Add Adds the elements of two vectors.
AddProduct Adds product of two vectors to the accumulator vector.
AddProductC Adds product of a vector and a constant to the accumulator vector.
MulC Multiplies each elements of a vector by a constant value.
Mul Multiplies the elements of two vectors.
SubC Subtracts a constant value from each element of a vector.
SubCRev Subtracts each element of a vector from a constant value.
Sub Subtracts the elements of two vectors.
DivC Divides each element of a vector by a constant value.
DivCRev Divides a constant value by each element of a vector.
Div Divides the elements of two vectors.
Div_Round Divides the elements of two vectors with rounding.
Abs Computes absolute values of vector elements.
Sqr Computes a square of each element of a vector.
Sqrt Computes a square root of each element of a vector.
Cubrt Computes cube root of each element of a vector.
Exp Computese to the power of each element of a vector.
Ln Computes the natural logarithm of each element of a vector.
10Log10 Computes the decimal logarithm of each element of a vector and multiplies it by 10.
SumLn Sums natural logarithms of each element of a vector.
Arctan Computes the inverse tangent of each element of a vector.
Normalize Normalizes elements of a real or complex vector using offset and division operations.
Cauchy, CauchyD, CauchyDD2 Computes Cauchy robust error function, and its first and second derivatives
Conversion Functions
SortAscend, SortDescend Rearranges all elements of a vector.
SortIndexAscend, SortIndexDescend Rearranges all elements of the vector and their indexes.
SortRadixAscend, SortRadixDescend Sorts all elements of a vector using radix sorting algorithm.
SortRadixIndexAscend, SortRadixIndexDescend Indirectly sorts all elements of a vector using radix sorting algorithm.
SwapBytes Reverses byte order of a vector.
Convert Converts the data type of a vector and stores the results in a second vector.
Join Converts the floating-point data of several vectors to integer data, and stores the results in a single vector.
JoinScaled Converts with scaling the floating-point data of several vectors to integer data, and stores the results in a single vector.
SplitScaled Converts with scaling the integer data of a vector to floating-point data, and stores the result in several vectors.
Conj Stores the complex conjugate values of a vector in a second vector or in-place.
ConjFlip Computes the complex conjugate of a vector and stores the result in reverse order.
Magnitude Computes the magnitudes of the elements of a complex vector.
MagSquared Computes the squared magnitudes of the elements of a complex vector.
Phase Computes the phase angles of elements of a complex vector.
PowerSpectr Computes the power spectrum of a complex vector.
Real Returns the real part of a complex vector in a second vector.
Imag Returns the imaginary part of a complex vector in a second vector.
RealToCplx Returns a complex vector constructed from the real and imaginary parts of two real vectors.
CplxToReal Returns the real and imaginary parts of a complex vector in two respective vectors.
DemodulateFM Converts frequency modulated signal into the initial demodulated form.

Threshold_LT, Threshold_GT, Threshold_LTVal, Threshold_GTVal, Threshold_LTValGTVal

Performs the threshold operation on the elements of a vector by limiting the element values by the specified value.
Threshold_LTAbs, Threshold_GTAbs Performs the threshold operation on the absolute values of elements of a vector.
Threshold_LTInv Computes the inverse of vector elements after limiting their magnitudes by the given lower bound.
CartToPolar Converts the elements of a complex vector to polar coordinate form.
PolarToCart Converts the polar form magnitude/phase pairs stored in input vectors to Cartesian coordinate form.
MaxOrder Computes the maximum order of a vector.
Preemphasize Computes preemphasis of a single precision real signal in-place.
Flip Reverses the order of elements in a vector.
FindNearestOne Finds an element of the table which is closest to the specified value.
FindNearest Finds table elements that are closest to the elements of the specified vector.
Viterbi Decoder Functions
GetVarPointDV Fills the array with the information about points that are closest to the received point.
CalcStatesDV Calculates the states of the Viterbi decoder.
BuildSymblTableDV4D Fills the array with the information about possible 4D symbols.
UpdatePathMetricsDV Searches for the state with the minimum path metric.
Windowing Functions
WinBartlett Multiplies a vector by a Bartlett windowing function.
WinBlackman Multiplies a vector by a Blackman windowing function.
WinHamming Multiplies a vector by a Hamming windowing function.
WinHann Multiplies a vector by a Hann windowing function.
WinKaiser Multiplies a vector by a Kaiser windowing function.
Statistical Functions
Sum Computes the sum of the elements of a vector.
Max Returns the maximum value of a vector.
MaxIndx Returns the maximum value of a vector and the index of the maximum element.
MaxAbs Returns the maximum absolute value of a vector.
MaxAbsIndx Returns the maximum absolute value of a vector and the index of the corresponding element
Min Returns the minimum value of a vector.
MinIndx Returns the minimum value of a vector and the index of the minimum element.
MinAbs Returns the minimum absolute value of a vector.
MinAbsIndx Returns the minimum absolute value of a vector and the index of the corresponding element
MinMax Returns the maximum and minimum values of a vector.
MinMaxIndx Returns the maximum and minimum values of a vector and the indexes of the corresponding elements.
Mean Computes the mean value of a vector.
StdDev Computes the standard deviation value of a vector.
MeanStdDev Computes the mean value and the standard deviation value of a vector.
Norm Computes the C, L1, L2, or L2Sqr norm of a vector.
NormDiff Computes the C, L1, L2, or L2Sqr norm of two vectors' difference.
DotProd Computes the dot product of two vectors.


Computes maximum or minimum value for each pair of elements of two vectors.
ZeroCrossing Computes specific zero crossing measure.
CountInRange Computes the number of elements of the vector whose values are in the specified range.
Sampling Functions
SampleUp Up-samples a signal, conceptually increasing its sampling rate by an integer factor.
SampleDown Down-samples a signal, conceptually decreasing its sampling rate by an integer factor.

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