This chapter describes the Intel® IPP functions that perform logical and shift, arithmetic, conversion, windowing, and statistical operations.
The full list of functions in this group is given in the table below.
Function Base Name | Operation |
Logical and Shift Functions | |
AndC | Computes the bitwise AND of a scalar value and each element of a vector. |
And | Computes the bitwise AND of two vectors. |
OrC | Computes the bitwise OR of a scalar value and each element of a vector. |
Or | Computes the bitwise OR of two vectors. |
XorC | Computes the bitwise XOR of a scalar value and each element of a vector. |
Xor | Computes the bitwise XOR of two vectors. |
Not | Computes the bitwise NOT of the vector elements. |
LShiftC | Shifts bits in vector elements to the left. |
RShiftC | Shifts bits in vector elements to the right. |
arithmetic functions | |
AddC | Adds a constant value to each element of a vector. |
Add | Adds the elements of two vectors. |
AddProduct | Adds product of two vectors to the accumulator vector. |
AddProductC | Adds product of a vector and a constant to the accumulator vector. |
MulC | Multiplies each elements of a vector by a constant value. |
Mul | Multiplies the elements of two vectors. |
SubC | Subtracts a constant value from each element of a vector. |
SubCRev | Subtracts each element of a vector from a constant value. |
Sub | Subtracts the elements of two vectors. |
DivC | Divides each element of a vector by a constant value. |
DivCRev | Divides a constant value by each element of a vector. |
Div | Divides the elements of two vectors. |
Div_Round | Divides the elements of two vectors with rounding. |
Abs | Computes absolute values of vector elements. |
Sqr | Computes a square of each element of a vector. |
Sqrt | Computes a square root of each element of a vector. |
Cubrt | Computes cube root of each element of a vector. |
Exp | Computese to the power of each element of a vector. |
Ln | Computes the natural logarithm of each element of a vector. |
10Log10 | Computes the decimal logarithm of each element of a vector and multiplies it by 10. |
SumLn | Sums natural logarithms of each element of a vector. |
Arctan | Computes the inverse tangent of each element of a vector. |
Normalize | Normalizes elements of a real or complex vector using offset and division operations. |
Cauchy, CauchyD, CauchyDD2 | Computes Cauchy robust error function, and its first and second derivatives |
Conversion Functions | |
SortAscend, SortDescend | Rearranges all elements of a vector. |
SortIndexAscend, SortIndexDescend | Rearranges all elements of the vector and their indexes. |
SortRadixAscend, SortRadixDescend | Sorts all elements of a vector using radix sorting algorithm. |
SortRadixIndexAscend, SortRadixIndexDescend | Indirectly sorts all elements of a vector using radix sorting algorithm. |
SwapBytes | Reverses byte order of a vector. |
Convert | Converts the data type of a vector and stores the results in a second vector. |
Join | Converts the floating-point data of several vectors to integer data, and stores the results in a single vector. |
JoinScaled | Converts with scaling the floating-point data of several vectors to integer data, and stores the results in a single vector. |
SplitScaled | Converts with scaling the integer data of a vector to floating-point data, and stores the result in several vectors. |
Conj | Stores the complex conjugate values of a vector in a second vector or in-place. |
ConjFlip | Computes the complex conjugate of a vector and stores the result in reverse order. |
Magnitude | Computes the magnitudes of the elements of a complex vector. |
MagSquared | Computes the squared magnitudes of the elements of a complex vector. |
Phase | Computes the phase angles of elements of a complex vector. |
PowerSpectr | Computes the power spectrum of a complex vector. |
Real | Returns the real part of a complex vector in a second vector. |
Imag | Returns the imaginary part of a complex vector in a second vector. |
RealToCplx | Returns a complex vector constructed from the real and imaginary parts of two real vectors. |
CplxToReal | Returns the real and imaginary parts of a complex vector in two respective vectors. |
DemodulateFM | Converts frequency modulated signal into the initial demodulated form. |
Threshold_LT, Threshold_GT, Threshold_LTVal, Threshold_GTVal, Threshold_LTValGTVal |
Performs the threshold operation on the elements of a vector by limiting the element values by the specified value. |
Threshold_LTAbs, Threshold_GTAbs | Performs the threshold operation on the absolute values of elements of a vector. |
Threshold_LTInv | Computes the inverse of vector elements after limiting their magnitudes by the given lower bound. |
CartToPolar | Converts the elements of a complex vector to polar coordinate form. |
PolarToCart | Converts the polar form magnitude/phase pairs stored in input vectors to Cartesian coordinate form. |
MaxOrder | Computes the maximum order of a vector. |
Preemphasize | Computes preemphasis of a single precision real signal in-place. |
Flip | Reverses the order of elements in a vector. |
FindNearestOne | Finds an element of the table which is closest to the specified value. |
FindNearest | Finds table elements that are closest to the elements of the specified vector. |
Viterbi Decoder Functions | |
GetVarPointDV | Fills the array with the information about points that are closest to the received point. |
CalcStatesDV | Calculates the states of the Viterbi decoder. |
BuildSymblTableDV4D | Fills the array with the information about possible 4D symbols. |
UpdatePathMetricsDV | Searches for the state with the minimum path metric. |
Windowing Functions | |
WinBartlett | Multiplies a vector by a Bartlett windowing function. |
WinBlackman | Multiplies a vector by a Blackman windowing function. |
WinHamming | Multiplies a vector by a Hamming windowing function. |
WinHann | Multiplies a vector by a Hann windowing function. |
WinKaiser | Multiplies a vector by a Kaiser windowing function. |
Statistical Functions | |
Sum | Computes the sum of the elements of a vector. |
Max | Returns the maximum value of a vector. |
MaxIndx | Returns the maximum value of a vector and the index of the maximum element. |
MaxAbs | Returns the maximum absolute value of a vector. |
MaxAbsIndx | Returns the maximum absolute value of a vector and the index of the corresponding element |
Min | Returns the minimum value of a vector. |
MinIndx | Returns the minimum value of a vector and the index of the minimum element. |
MinAbs | Returns the minimum absolute value of a vector. |
MinAbsIndx | Returns the minimum absolute value of a vector and the index of the corresponding element |
MinMax | Returns the maximum and minimum values of a vector. |
MinMaxIndx | Returns the maximum and minimum values of a vector and the indexes of the corresponding elements. |
Mean | Computes the mean value of a vector. |
StdDev | Computes the standard deviation value of a vector. |
MeanStdDev | Computes the mean value and the standard deviation value of a vector. |
Norm | Computes the C, L1, L2, or L2Sqr norm of a vector. |
NormDiff | Computes the C, L1, L2, or L2Sqr norm of two vectors' difference. |
DotProd | Computes the dot product of two vectors. |
MaxEvery, | Computes maximum or minimum value for each pair of elements of two vectors. |
ZeroCrossing | Computes specific zero crossing measure. |
CountInRange | Computes the number of elements of the vector whose values are in the specified range. |
Sampling Functions | |
SampleUp | Up-samples a signal, conceptually increasing its sampling rate by an integer factor. |
SampleDown | Down-samples a signal, conceptually decreasing its sampling rate by an integer factor. |
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