Converts frequency modulated signal into the initial demodulated form.
IppStatus ippsDemodulateFM_CToR_16s(const Ipp16s* pSrcRe, const Ipp16s* pSrcIm, Ipp16s* pDst, int len, Ipp16sc* pDlyPoint);
pSrcRe |
Pointer to the source vector with real parts of complex elements. |
pSrcIm |
Pointer to the source vector with imaginary parts of complex elements. |
pDst |
Pointer to the destination vector. |
len |
Number of elements in the vector. |
pDlyPoint |
Pointer to the value required for operation. |
The function ippsDemodulateFM_CToR is declared in the ipps.h file. This function converts the frequency modulated signal to the initial demodulated form. The modulated signal is presented as a complex vector, pSrcRe and pSrcIm. The demodulated signal is presented as the real vector pDst.
On input the pointer pDlyPoint points to the value that corresponds to the demodulated value of the element preceding the first element in the source vector. When operation is completed the pointer points to the demodulated value of the last element.
ippStsNoErr |
Indicates no error. |
ippStsNullPtrErr |
Indicates an error when the one of the specified pointer is NULL. |
ippStsSizeErr |
Indicates an error when len is less than or equal to 0. |
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