
Divides the elements of two vectors with rounding.


Case 1. Not-in-place operations on integer data.

IppStatus ippsDiv_Round_8u_Sfs(const Ipp8u* pSrc1, const Ipp8u* pSrc2, Ipp8u* pDst, int len, IppRoundMode rndMode, int scaleFactor);

IppStatus ippsDiv_Round_16u_Sfs(const Ipp16u* pSrc1, const Ipp16u* pSrc2, Ipp16u* pDst, int len, IppRoundMode rndMode, int scaleFactor);

IppStatus ippsDiv_Round_16s_Sfs(const Ipp16s* pSrc1, const Ipp16s* pSrc2, Ipp16s* pDst, int len, IppRoundMode rndMode, int scaleFactor);

Case 2. In-place operations on integer data.

IppStatus ippsDiv_Round_8u_ISfs(const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int len, IppRoundMode rndMode, int scaleFactor);

IppStatus ippsDiv_Round_16u_ISfs(const Ipp16u* pSrc, Ipp16u* pSrcDst, int len, IppRoundMode rndMode, int scaleFactor);

IppStatus ippsDiv_Round_16s_ISfs(const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp16s* pSrcDst, int len, IppRoundMode rndMode, int scaleFactor);



Pointer to the vector whose elements are used as divisors.


Pointer to the vector whose elements are used as dividends.


Pointer to the destination vector.


Pointer to the source vector whose elements are used as divisors for in-place operations.


Pointer to the source and destination vector for in-place operations.


Number of elements in the vector.


Rounding mode, the following values are possible:

ippRndZero - specifies that floating-point values are truncated toward zero,

ippRndNear - specifies that floating-point values are rounded to the nearest even integer when the fractional part equals 0.5; otherwise they are rounded to the nearest integer,

ippRndFinancial - specifies that floating-point values are rounded down to the nearest integer when the fractional part is less than 0.5, or rounded up to the nearest integer if the fractional part is equal or greater than 0.5.


Scale factor, refer to Integer Scaling.


The function ippsDiv_Round is declared in the ipps.h file. This function divides the elements of the vector pSrc2 by the elements of the vector pSrc1, the result is rounded using the rounding method specified by the parameter roundMode and stored in the vector pDst.

The in-place flavors of ippsDiv_Round divide the elements of the vector pSrcDst by the elements of the vector pSrc, the result is rounded using the rounding method specified by the parameter roundMode and stored in the vector pSrcDst.

Functions perform scaling of the result value in accordance with the scaleFactor value. If the output value exceeds the data range, the result becomes saturated.

If the function ippsDiv_Round encounters a zero-valued divisor vector element, it returns a warning status and continues execution with the corresponding result value (see appendix A "Handling of Special Cases" for more information).

Return Values


Indicates no error.


Indicates an error when any of the specified pointers is NULL.


Indicates an error when len is less than or equal to 0.


Indicates a warning for zero-valued divisor vector element. The function execution is continued.


Indicates an error condition if the roundMode has an illegal value.

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