Please notice that, starting from 9/9/2024, there is no everyday
connection between Sifnos and Piraeus Port. Also, the duration of the
journey may vary since there are several stops to other islands during the
journey to Piraeus. In order to issue and provide you the free tickets, we need to have (Deadline 30 June 2024): 1.
Surname 2.
First Name(s) 3.
Date of birth 4.
Nationality 5.
Date of your Piraeus-Sifnos trip 6.
Date of your Sifnos-Piraeus trip 7.
Your email, in order to receive electronically your tickets from the Aegean
Sea Lines. 8.
Mobile phone number (please do not forget your country code)
Therefore, we kindly ask you to complete a google-form which is prepared
for this reason. The link for the google-form has been sent to your email
book a room in the listed hotels please contact them by phone, email, or
hotel booking platforms, telling
them that you are a participant of the 12th Aegean Summer School
which will take place in the Cultural Center in Artemonas, 9-14 of
You should expect the following prices: Single bed room
Double bed room
Triple bed room
60-80 Euros
There are bus lines
between all main towns/villages of Sifnos. You can find the timetables in
the link:
https://dimos.sifnos.gr/dromologia-leoforeion/ (be sure to use the
timetables for the period after 1st September 2024). (The superscript
indicates a different itinerary from that of the title. Please check the
explanations below)
The Cultural Centre “Marianthi Simou”, where the summer
school takes place, is less than 300 meters from the bus stop in