Welcome to the Ninth Aegean Summer School: Einstein’s Theory Of Gravity And Its Modifications: From Theory To Observations - Home Page

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Organizing Committee


Scientific Program

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Map of Sifnos




Lecture Notes in Physics

Organizing Committee

Lefteris Papantonopoulos
NTU-Athens, Physics Department,
Zografou Campus,157 80 Zografou, Athens, Greece
Tel. +30-210-772-3024, Fax: +30-210-772-3025
email : lpapa"AT"central.ntua.gr

Nikos Tracas
NTU-Athens, Physics Department,
Zografou Campus,157 80 Zografou, Athens, Greece
Tel. +30-210-772-3047, Fax: +30-210-772-3025
email: ntrac"AT"central.ntua.gr

Thanasis Bakopoulos
NTU-Athens, Physics Department,
Zografou Campus,157 80 Zografou, Athens, Greece
Tel. +30-210-772-3024, Fax: +30-210-772-3025
email : atbakopoulos"AT"gmail.com

Christos Charmousis
IJCLab, Orsay, CNRS UMR 9012,
Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irčne Joliot-Curie,
Université Paris Saclay, F-91405, Orsay , France
Tel: +33-1-69157365, Fax : +33-1-69157366
email: christos.charmousis"ΑΤ"ijclab.in2p3.fr

Kyriakos Destounis
Physics Department, Sapienza University,
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185, Roma, Italy
email: kyriakos.destounis"AT"uniroma1.it

Cristian Erices
Universidad Central de Chile,
Toesca 1783, Santiago 8320000, Chile
Email: crericeso"AT"gmail.com


Natalia Anagnostou
NTU-Athens, Physics Department
Zografou Campus, 157 80 Zografou, Athens, Greece
Tel. +30-210-772-3032
email: Nataliaa.anagnostou"AT"gmail.com





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