Humboldt Kolleg Frontiers in Physics:
From the Electroweak to the Planck Scales
- The National Technical University of Athens
- The Municipality of Corfu
- The Regional Government of the Ionian Islands (Periphery of the Ionian Islands)
- The Ephorate of Antiquities of Corfu
- ENS Paris, Ecole Polytechnique, LPT Orsay, U Paris-VI, LMU & Max Planck Inst. Munich, INFN, Napoli, U. Napoli Federico II.
The main objective of the Conference is the understanding of the quantum nature of fundamental interactions at very high-energy energy scales and their implications for Particle Physics and Cosmology. For this purpose, we intend to bring together world experts in String Theory, AdS/CFT correspondence, Beyond the Standard Model Physics, Non-commutative geometry and Matrix Models for a three days conference. During the conference, particle physics string models, low-energy supersymmetry, grand unified models, other beyond the standard model physics scenarios and non-commutative geometry field theory and gravity constructions and specific matrix models will be investigated from the viewpoint of their emergence from a quantum gravity framework and of their implications in Particle Physics and Cosmology.
C. Bachas, E. Dudas, N. Irges, V. Kazakov, D. Lüst, P. Vitale, G. Zoupanos.
C. Angelantonj (U Torino) | B. Ovrut (U Pennsylvania) |
G. Barnich (U Libre Bruxelles) | S. Penati (Milano Bicocca) |
D. Benedetti (LPT Orsay) | M. Petropoulos (Ecole Polyt, Palaiseau) |
J. Bengeloun (Paris XIII) | A. Platania (U Heidelberg) |
E. Bergshoeff (U Groningen) | E. Plauschinn (LMU Munich) |
R. Blumenhagen (LMU Munich) | G. Savvidy (NCSR Demokritos) |
T. Coudarchet (Ecole Polyt, CPHT) | P. Schupp (Jacobs U) |
B. De Wit (Utrecht U) | G. Semenoff (U British Columbia) |
A. Hanany (Imperial College London) | A. Sitarz (Jagellonian U) |
L. Jonke (Rudjer Boskovic Inst) | E. Skvortsov (Albert Einstein Inst) |
H. Kawai (Kyoto U) | D. Sorokin (Padova U) |
A. Kehagias (NTUA) | H. Steinacker (U Wien) |
J. Kim (Seoul U) | K. Stelle (Imperial College) |
K. Krasnov (Nottingham U) | I. Todorov (INRNE Sofia) |
V. Kupriyanov (U ABC Sao Paulo) | L. Traina (UMONS) |
R. Loll (Nijemegen U) | J. Vergados (Ioannina U) |
D. Lust (LMU & MPI Munich) | C. Wetterich (U Heidelberg) |
S. Myungbo (Kyung Hee U) | R. Zhu (Dublin IAS) |
D. Oriti (LMU Munich) |
- Registered Participants: click here for list
- Sep 15: Arrival/Registration day.
- Sep 19: Departure date.
- Scientific Programme: available here (with talk slides)
- Detailed Programme: PDF available here
- Sep 16: Opening Session (video available here)
- Photos: Selected photos from the Kolleg can also be found here
Detailed Programme (click on "Look for earlier events" in order to roll up the Agenda):
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece
(click here for a larger map, for a menu click on the top left icon of the map, GPS: geo:39.606101,19.926115)

Guaranteed hotel availability is for a very limited time! Please make your hotel reservations ASAP!
There is no registration fee for the Humboldt Kolleg. Young scientists can apply for the lowcost package for accommodation and meals..