1. Aleksan, Roy |
TLEP/VHE-LHC long term vision for Europe
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2. Ali Cavasonza, Leila |
Search for dark matter at the LHC and with astrophysical experiments
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3. Anastasopoulos, Pascal |
Three- and Four-point correlators of excited bosonic twist fields
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4. Antipin, Oleg |
A Higgslike Dilaton and conformal phase transition
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5. Antoniadis, Ignatios |
Introduction to Extra dimensions and Braneworlds
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6. Aoki, Hajime |
Phenomenological studies in the matrix models
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7. Berenstein, David |
Emergent Geometry ideas at large N
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8. Blaschke, Daniel |
Gauge fields on non-commutative spaces and renormalization
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9. Botella, Francisco J. |
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10. Branco, Gustavo C. |
Flavor in the Higgs Era
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11. Buesser, Karsten |
The Linear Collider Project
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12. Butterworth, Jonathan |
The Standard Model and Beyond ATLAS
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13. Castellani, Leonardo |
Chern-Simons, with a twist
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14. Chatzistavrakidis, Athanasios |
Connections among U-dual branes and non-geometric string backgrounds
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15. CIRELLI, Marco |
Dark Matter Indirect Detections some recent developments and perspectives
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16. Ciuchin, Marco |
The Electroweak Fit Revisited
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17. Degrassi, Giuseppe |
The Higgs boson and the scale of new physics
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18. Dolan, Brian |
Where is the PdV term in the first law of black hole thermodynamics?
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19. Emmanuel-Costa, David |
Minimal adjoint-SU(5) Z4
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20. Farakos, Fotis |
Higher derivatives in new-minimal supergravity
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21. Fayard, Louis |
scalar boson at LHC into gamma gamma from the conception of the detectors to the measurements
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22. FRERE, Jean-Marie |
most probably Fermions Masses and Mixings from 6D .. Why neutrinos are different
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23. Grosse, Harald |
Noncommutative Field Theory
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24. Harnew, Neville |
Selected physics highlights from LHCb
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25. Hernandez, Pilar |
Neutrino Physics
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26. Heurtier, Lucien |
Extra U(1), effective operators, anomalies and dark matter
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27. Hoeschele, Maik |
Higgs boson production at the LHC NNLO partonic cross sections through order epsilon and convolutions with splitting functions to N3LO
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28. Hollik, Wolfgang |
Theory of Electroweak Interactions
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29. Hollik, Wolfgang Gregor |
Neutrino Mixing from SUSY breaking
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30. Irges, Nikos |
Global vs local solution to the hierarchy problem
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31. Kawai, Hikaru |
Large-N Reduction and IIB Matrix Model
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32. Kim, Jihn |
Axion Physics
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33. King, Steve F. |
Introduction to Supersymmetry and Current status of the MSSM
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34. Kraenkl, Susanne |
NNLO corrections to the decay B->D pi
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35. Krawczyk, Maria |
Update on the Inert Doublet Model
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36. Kullock, Ricardo |
Integration of NCQFT through Ward identities
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37. Liew, Seng Pei |
Decaying Supersymmetric Dark Matter and 130 GeV Fermi Gamma-ray Line
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38. Linssen, Lucie |
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39. Mahmoudi, Nazila |
Theoretical overview of Higgs Physics
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40. Mansoulie, Brouno |
Higgs Couplings and spin determination
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41. Martinetti, Pierre |
Grand symmetry, spectral action, and the Higgs mass
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42. Matassa, Marco |
A modular spectral triple for k-Minkowski space
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43. Mollet, Simon |
Hierarchies, mixings and CP-violation from 6D models
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44. Mondragon, Alfonso |
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45. Mondragon, Myriam |
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46. Nilles, Hans - Peter |
Strings, MSSM and LHC
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47. Nishimura, Jun |
Recent developments in the type IIB matrix model
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48. Olechowski, Marek |
125 GeV Higgs in NMSSM with moderate or large $\tan\beta$
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49. Osland, Per |
to be fixed
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50. Petropoulos, Marios |
Introduction to String Theory
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51. Pich, Antonio |
Flavour Physics and CP Violations
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52. Pittau, Roberto |
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53. Ross, Graham |
Beyond the SM and the LHC
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54. Saldana-Salazar, Ulises Jesus |
An S3 model with multiple Higgs doublets
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55. Schupp, Peter |
Aspects of quantization
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56. Sonneveld, Jory |
Simplified Models and the Interpretation of Supersymmetry Searches
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57. Stebel, Tomasz |
Quantitative Study of Geometrical Scaling in Deep Inelastic Scattering
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58. Tonelli, Guido |
Experimental status of Higgs Physics
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59. Tsamis, George |
Reduction of couplings in the MSSM
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60. Tsesmelis, Emmanuel |
CERN & the High Energy Frontier
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61. Varela, Joao |
Recent results of the CMS experiment
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62. Vitale, Patrizia |
A noncommutative field theory in three dimensions
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63. Wark, David Lee |
Experimental Neutrino Physics – an advertisement…
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64. Watamura, Satoshi |
Generalized Geometry and Branes
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65. white, Sebastian |
Experimental Challenges of the European Strategy for Particle Physics
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66. Zoller, Max Frederik |
The three-loop beta-function for the Higgs self-coupling and the vacuum stability problem in the SM
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Generated on Thu Feb 13 19:45:05 EET 2014. Updated every 15 min.