Convolution and Correlation Functions

Convolution is an operation used to define an output signal from any linear time-invariant (LTI) processor in response to any input signal.

The correlation functions described later in this section estimate either the auto-correlation of a source vector or the cross-correlation of two vectors

The full list of functions in this group is given in the table below.

  Intel IPP Convolution and Correlation Functions
Function Base Name Operation
Conv Performs finite, linear convolution of two sequences.
ConvBiased Computes the specified number of elements of the full finite linear convolution of two vectors.
ConvCyclic Performs cyclic convolution of two sequences of the fixed size.
AutoCorr Estimates normal, biased, and unbiased auto-correlation of a vector and stores the result in a second vector.
CrossCorr Estimates the cross-correlation of two vectors.
UpdateLinear Integrates an input vector with specified integration weight.
UpdatePower Integrates the square of an input vector with specified integration weight

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