- - 2009-2012, "Optics":
- Undergraduate course, 5th semester at the School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens.
- - 2003-2012, "Microoptics and integrated optics":
- Postgraduate course at the “Microsystems and Nanodevices” MSc program of the NTUA.
- - 2005-2012, "Applied Optics":
- Undergraduate course, 5th semester at the Survey Engineering, National Technical University of Athens.
- - 2003-2012, "Optoelectronics labs":
- Undergraduate course, 7 and 8 semester at the Physics Department of School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens.
- - 2001-2003, "Optics labs":
- Undergraduate course, 5 semester at the Department of Materials Science, University of Crete.