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1. Complex symmetry of phases and magnetic properties of EuTiO3, Pappas, A Bussmann-Holder, H Keller, E Liarokapis, K Roleder, Physical Review B 106 (21), 214306 (2022). 2. The quantitative 6H-SiC crystal damage depth profiling, M Gloginjić, M Erich, M Kokkoris, E Liarokapis, S Fazinić, M Karlušić, ..., Journal of Nuclear Materials 555, 153143, (2021). 3. Magnetic field driven phase transitions in EuTiO3, P Pappas, M Calamiotou, M Polentarutti, G Bais, A Bussmann-Holder, ..., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34 (2), 02LT01 (2021). 4. Intriguing spin–lattice interactions in EuTiO3, A Bussmann-Holder, E Liarokapis, K Roleder, Scientific Reports 11 (1) (2021). 5. Magnetic interactions and the puzzling absence of any Raman mode in EuTiO3, P Pappas, E Liarokapis, M Calamiotou, A Bussmann-Holder, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 52 (4), 914-924 (2021). 6. Probing phase separation and local lattice distortions in cuprates by Raman Spectroscopy, E Liarokapis, Condensed Matter 4 (4), 87 (2019). 7. Pressure induced lattice effects in pure and near optimally doped La2−xSrxCuO4, M Calamiotou, P Parisiades, E Siranidi, D Lampakis, K Conder, ..., Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications 565, 1353516 (2019). 8. Raman mapping of 4-MeV C and Si channeling implantation of 6H-SiC, A Flessa, E Ntemou, M Kokkoris, E Liarokapis, M Gloginjić, S Petrović, ..., Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 50 (8), 1186-1196 (2019). 9. Nonlinear electrostrictive lattice response of EuTiO3, P Pappas, M Calamiotou, J Köhler, A Bussmann-Holder, E Liarokapis, Applied Physics Letters 111 (5), 052902 (2017). 10. Raman Study of the Anharmonicity in YBa2Cu3Ox, E Liarokapis, High-Tc Copper Oxide Superconductors and Related Novel Materials, 189-200 (2017). 11. Raman and IR studies of the effect of Fe substitution in hydroxyapatites and deuterated hydroxyapatite, A Antonakos, E Liarokapis, A Kyriacou, T Leventouri, American Mineralogist 102 (1), 85-91 (2017). 12. Local lattice distortions vs. structural phase transition in NdFeAsO1−xFx, M Calamiotou, D Lampakis, ND Zhigadlo, S Katrych, J Karpinski, A Fitch, ...,Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 527, 55-62 (2016). 13. High pressure antiferrodistortive phase transition in mixed crystals of EuTiO3 and SrTiO3, P Parisiades, F Saltarelli, E Liarokapis, J Köhler, A Bussmann-Holder, AIP Advances 6 (6), 065019 (2016). 14. Pressure induced lattice anomalies in pnictides, E Liarokapis, M Calamiotou, E Siranidi, ND Zhigadlo, S Katrych, ..., Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 84, 28-33 (2015). 15. Pressure-temperature phase diagram of multiferroic EuTiO3, P Parisiades, E Liarokapis, J Köhler, A Bussmann-Holder, M Mezouar, Physical Review B 92 (6), 064102 (2015). 16. Probing high-energy ion-implanted silicon by micro-Raman spectroscopy, I Kopsalis, V Paneta, M Kokkoris, E Liarokapis, M Erich, S Petrović, ..., Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 45 (8), 650-656 (2014). 17. Non-linear lattice response of Sm oxypnictides to hydrostatic pressure,E Liarokapis, M Calamiotou, ND Zhigadlo, S Katrych, J Karpinski, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 74 (10), 1465-1469 (2013). 18. Lattice Effects Across the Phase Diagram of Pnictides, E Liarokapis, A Antonakos, ND Zhigadlo, S Katrych, J Karpinski, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 26 (4), 1325-1330 (2013). 19. Micro-Raman depth profiling of silicon amorphization induced by high-energy ion channeling implantation, M Erich, S Petrović, M Kokkoris, E Liarokapis, A Antonakos, I Telečki, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44 (3), 496-500 (2013). 20. Low temperature Raman study of the spin ladder compound BiCu2PO6, A Antonakos, S Wang, E Liarokapis, K Conder, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 400 (3), 032004 (2012). 21. Pressure and doping dependent anisotropic compressibility of the SmFeAsO1−xFx (x= 0.0–0.17) system, M Calamiotou, D Lampakis, E Siranidi, J Karpinski, ND Zhigadlo, ..., Physica C: Superconductivity 483, 136-139 (2012). 22. Lattice Anomalies in the Oxygen Deficient NdFeAsO Superconductor, M Calamiotou, I Margiolaki, ZA Ren, ZX Zhao, E Siranidi, E Liarokapis, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 24 (3), 1181-1184 (2011). 23. Strain induced phase separation on La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films, A Antonakos, E Liarokapis, GH Aydogdu, HU Habermeier, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 323 (5), 620-630 (2011). 24. Lattice effects in diborides, P Parisiades, E Liarokapis, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 24 (1), 49-56 (2011). 25. Investigation of MWCNT reinforcement on the strain hardening behavior of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene, H Mahfuz, MR Khan, T Leventouri, E Liarokapis, Journal of Nanotechnology 2011, 31 2011. 26. Lattice anomalies in the FeAs sub (4) tetrahedra of the NdFeAsO0.85 superconductor that disappear at Tc, M Calamiotou, I Margiolaki, A Gantis, E Siranidi, ZA Ren, ZX Zhao, ..., EPL (Europhysics Letters) 91 (5), 57005 (2010). 27. Pressure induced lattice instability and phase separation in the cuprates, E Liarokapis, D Lampakis, E Siranidi, M Calamiotou, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 71 (8), 1084-1087 (2010). 28. Pressure-induced lattice instabilities and superconductivity in YBa2Cu4O8 and optimally doped YBa2Cu3O7−δ, M Calamiotou, A Gantis, E Siranidi, D Lampakis, J Karpinski, E Liarokapis, Physical Review B 80 (21), 214517 (2009). 29. Micro-Raman and infrared study of NdFeAsO0.85, E Siranidi, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, Z Dohcevic-Mitrovic, N Paunovic, ..., Journal of Alloys and Compounds 487 (1-2), 430-433 (2009). 30. Crystal structure studies of human dental apatite as a function of age, T Leventouri, A Antonakos, A Kyriacou, R Venturelli, E Liarokapis, ..., International journal of biomaterials 110 (2009). 31. Isotope effect on the E2g phonon and mesoscopic phase separation near the electronic topological transition in Mg1-xAlxB2, L Simonelli, V Palmisano, M Fratini, M Filippi, P Parisiades, D Lampakis, ..., Physical Review B 80 (1), 014520 (2009). 32. Doping and temperature dependence of inversion symmetry breaking in La2-xSrxCuO4, E Siranidi, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, C Panagopoulos, K Conder, Physica. C, Superconductivity 469 (13), 760-765 (2009). 33. Raman spectroscopic evidence of a coherent room temperature hybrid structure of BaTiO3 single crystal, E Liarokapis, A Antonakos, A Kojima, Y Yoshimura, Acta Physica Polonica-Series A General Physics 116 (1), 68 (2009). 34. Optical Study of the Strain Effects on Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 Thin Films, A Antonakos, E Liarokapis, M Filippi, W Prellier, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 22 (3), 209-213 (2009). 35. Pressure and magnetic field effects on Pr1-xCaxMnO3 thin films, A Antonakos, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, M Filippi, W Prellier, ..., Physica Status Solidi B (Basic Research) 246 (2009). 36. Micro-Raman study of the spin and orbital ordering in SmVO3, E Siranidi, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, TTM Palstra, Journal of physics: Conference series 150 (4), 042184 (2009). 37. Pressure and magnetic field effects on Pr1–xCaxMnO3 thin films, A Antonakos, M Filippi, P Auban-Senzier, D Lampakis, CR Pasquier, ..., Physica Status Solidi (b) 246 (3), 622-625 (2009). 38. Application of piezoresistance effect in highly uniaxially strained p-Si and n-Si for current-carrier mobility increase, V Kolomoets, V Baidakov, A Fedosov, A Gorin, V Ermakov, E Liarokapis, ..., physica status solidi (b) 246 (3), 652-654 (2009). 39. Strain-induced nonlinear behavior of electron effective mass in degenerately doped n-Si(P) under high uniaxial pressure X || [111], V Shenderovskii, V Baidakov, S Budsuliak, A Gorin, V Ermakov, ..., physica status solidi (b) 246 (3), 612-614 (2009). 40. Tuning of the charge ordered state in the manganite thin films by internal or external strains, A Antonakos, M Filippi, GH Aydogdu, W Prellier, HU Habermeier, ..., physica status solidi (b) 246 (3), 635-642 (2009). 41. Raman investigations of C-, Li-and Mn-doped MgB2, P Parisiades, E Liarokapis, ND Zhigadlo, S Katrych, J Karpinski, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 22 (2), 169-172 (2009). 42. Infrared Reflectivity Spectra of Manganite Thin Films Grown on Different Substrates, A Antonakos, E Liarokapis, M Filippi, W Prellier, GH Aydogdu, ..., Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 22 (2), 109-113 (2009). 43. Raman Studies of Vanadates at Low Temperatures and High Pressures, E Siranidi, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, C Colin, TTM Palstra, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 22 (2), 185-188 (2009). 44. Pressure-induced phase separation in the Y123 superconductor, M Calamiotou, A Gantis, D Lampakis, E Siranidi, E Liarokapis, ..., EPL (Europhysics Letters) 85 (2), 26004 (2009). 45. Pressure-Induced Phase Separation in High Tc Superconductors, M Calamiotou, A Gantis, D Lampakis, E Siranidi, K Conder, I Margiolaki, ..., ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES 65, S55-S56 (2009). 46. Research Article Crystal Structure Studies of Human Dental Apatite as a Function of Age T Leventouri, A Antonakos, A Kyriacou, R Venturelli, E Liarokapis, ..., 2009. 47. Pressure effects on the phase separation of Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 thin films, A Antonakos, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, M Filippi, W Prellier, ..., Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 20 (2008). 48. Phase separation in manganite thin films, W Prellier, C Grygiel, A Pautrat, W Sheets, B Mercey, L Méchin, ..., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (43), 434232 (2008). 49. Lattice effects in the La2-xSrxCuO4 compounds, E Liarokapis, E Siranidi, D Lampakis, K Conder, C Panagopoulos, Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 20 (2008). 50. Pressure effects on the phase separation of Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 thin films, A Antonakos, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, M Filippi, W Prellier, ..., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (48), 485202 (2008). 51. Controlling mesoscopic phase separation near electronic topological transitions via quenched disorder in ternary diborides, V Palmisano, L Simonelli, A Puri, M Fratini, Y Busby, P Parisiades, ..., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (43), 434222 (2008). 52. Phase separation in manganite thin films, A Antonakos, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, M Filippi, W Prellier, ..., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (43), 434232 (2008). 53. Lattice effects in the La2−xSrxCuO4 compounds, E Liarokapis, E Siranidi, D Lampakis, K Conder, C Panagopoulos, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (43), 434233 (2008). 54. Phase separation, microstructure and superconductivity in the Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3Oy compounds, M Calamiotou, A Gantis, I Margiolaki, D Palles, E Siranidi, E Liarokapis, Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 20 (2008). 55. Evaluation of the strains in charge-ordered thin films using Raman spectroscopy, A Antonakos, D Palles, E Liarokapis, M Filippi, W Prellier, Journal of Applied Physics 104 (6), 063508 (2008). 56. Phase separation, microstructure and superconductivity in the Y1−xPrxBa2Cu3Oy compounds, M Calamiotou, A Gantis, I Margiolaki, D Palles, E Siranidi, E Liarokapis, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (39), 395224 (2008). 57. Two-mode behavior for the E2g broad band in Mg(B1−xCx)2, P Parisiades, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, ND Zhigadlo, S Katrych, ..., Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications 468 (14), 1064-1069 (2008). 58. Pressure induced insulator-metal phase transition on Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 thin films, D Lampakis, A Antonakos, E Liarokapis, M Filippi, W Prellier, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 121 (5), 052002 (2008). 59. Hydrostatic pressure induced lattice effects in La2-xSrxCuO4, D Lampakis, E Siranidi, E Liarokapis, C Panagopoulos, Journal of Physics. 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Micro-Raman evidence for charge ordering in superconducting La2-xSrxCuO4, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, C Panagopoulos, Physica. C, Superconductivity 460 (2007). 66. Abnormal isotopic shift of the broad band in the Mg1−xAlx10,11B2 superconductor, P Parisiades, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, L Simonelli, A Bianconi, Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications 460, 612-613 (2007). 67. Micro-Raman evidence for charge ordering in superconducting La2−xSrxCuO4, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, C Panagopoulos, Physica C: Superconductivity 460, 1174-1175 (2007). 68. Texture, strains, and superconductivity in Y1−xPrxBa2Cu3O7−δ, D Palles, D Lampakis, E Siranidi, E Liarokapis, A Gantis, M Calamiotou, Physica C: Superconductivity 460, 922-924 (2007). 69. Micro-Raman and FTIR studies of synthetic and natural apatites, A Antonakos, E Liarokapis, T Leventouri, Biomaterials 28 (19), 3043-3054 (2007). 70. Optical properties of nanocrystalline SnS2 thin films, SK Panda, A Antonakos, E Liarokapis, S Bhattacharya, S Chaudhuri, Materials Research Bulletin 42 (3), 576-583 (2007). 71. The relation of the broad band with the E2g phonon and superconductivity in the Mg(B1-xCx)2 compound, P Parisiades, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, J Karpinski, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 (2007). 72. Low temperature micro-Raman measurements under magnetic field of thin films, W Prellier, A Antonakos, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, B Mercey, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 (2), 2164-2166 (2007). 73. The relation of the broad band with the E2g phonon and superconductivity in the Mg(B1−xCx)2 compound, P Parisiades, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, J Karpinski, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 (2), e110-e112 (2007). 74. Raman study of β-Sr0.33V2O5 micro-crystals under high pressure, AG Kontos, D Lampakis, YS Raptis, E Liarokapis, ZV Popovic, M Isobe, ..., Physica Status Solidi B 244 (1), 362-367 (2007). 75. II. 1 Magnesium diboride and the two-band scenario, A Bianconi, M Filippi, M Fratini, E Liarokapis, V Palmisano, NL Saini, ..., Electron Correlation in New Materials and Nanosystems, 93-101 (2007). 76. Anharmonicity and Weak Mode Assignment in La2−xSrxCuO4 with Oxygen Isotopic Substitution, E Siranidi, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, K Conder, Acta Physica Polonica A 111 (1), 173-177 (2007). 77. A Raman view of local lattice distortions and charge transfer in cuprates, E Liarokapis, D Lampakis, D Palles, J Karpinski, C Panagopoulos, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (9-10), 2065-2071 (2006). 78. Micro-Raman evidence for topological charge order across the superconducting dome of La2−xSrxCuO4, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, C Panagopoulos, Physical Review B73 (17), 174518 (2006). 79. Raman study of the heavy fermion system URu2Si2 at low temperatures and high hydrostatic pressures, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, JA Mydosh, Physica B: Condensed Matter 378, 578-580 (2006). 80. Phase Separation in Cuprates Induced by Doping, Hydrostatic Pressure or Atomic Substitution, E Liarokapis, Symmetry and Heterogeneity in High Temperature Superconductors, 117-132 (2006). 81. Morphology controlled solvothermal synthesis of copper indium sulphide powder and its characterization, S Gorai, S Bhattacharya, E Liarokapis, D Lampakis, S Chaudhuri, Materials Letters 59 (28), 3535-3538 (2005). 82. Hydrostatic-pressure-induced phase separation in the YBa2Cu4O8 superconductor, D Lampakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, SM Kazakov, J Karpinski, Physical Review B 72 (1), 014539 (2005). 83. Phase separation in fully oxygenated Y1−yCayBa2Cu3Ox compounds, E Liarokapis, D Palles, D Lampakis, G Böttger, K Conder, E Kaldis, Physical Review B 71 (1), 014303 (2005). 84. Substitution of for in : Effects on transition temperature and Kohn anomaly, S Agrestini, C Metallo, M Filippi, L Simonelli, G Campi, C Sanipoli, ...,Physical Review B 70 (13), 134514 (2004). 85. Effect of post-hydrogenation on the structural properties of amorphous silicon network, B Pantchev, P Danesh, E Liarokapis, B Schmidt, J Schmidt, D Grambole, Japanese journal of applied physics 43 (2R), 454 (2004). 86. Local structural distortions and phase separation in cuprates, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, J Karpinski, C Panagopoulos, T Nishizaki, Journal of superconductivity 17 (1), 121-125 (2004). 87. Raman Study in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 Thin Films, W Prellier, A Tatsi, EL Papadopoulou, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, ..., Acta Physica Polonica A 105 (1-2), 99-106 (2004). 88. Raman Study in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 Thin Films, A Tatsi, EL Papadopoulou, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, W Prellier, ..., Acta Physica Polonica A 105 (1-2), 99-106 (2004). 89. Site-selective oxygen isotope effect on the magnetic-field penetration depth in underdoped Y0.6Pr0.4Ba2Cu3O7−δ, R Khasanov, A Shengelaya, E Morenzoni, M Angst, K Conder, IM Savić, ..., Physical Review B 68 (22), 220506 (2003). 90. Hydrogen bonding and structural order in hydrogenated amorphous silicon, prepared with hydrogen-diluted silane, P Danesh, B Pantchev, K Antonova, E Liarokapis, B Schmidt, D Grambole, ..., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 37 (2), 249 (2003). 91. Raman study of ion-implanted hydrogenated amorphous silicon, P Danesh, B Pantchev, E Liarokapis, B Schmidt, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 14 (10), 753-754 (2003). 92. Phase formation and lattice strain in superconducting compound Y1−xLaxBa2Cu3Oy (0≤x≤1), A Gantis, M Calamiotou, D Palles, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, Physical Review B 68 (6), 064502 (2003). 93. 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Pressure Effects in Phonon Modes and Structure of AIIB2IIIC4IV Compounds and Combinations, A Tatsi, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, SA López, L Martínez, W Giriat, High Pressure Research 22 (1), 89-93 (2002). 100. Raman characterization of H: LiNbO3 waveguides, I Savova, I Savatinova, P Kircheva, E Liarokapis, Applied Physics B 73 (5), 565-568 (2001). 101. The anharmonic behavior of the oxygen modes in YBa2Cu3Ox compounds, E Liarokapis, D Palles, K Conder, E Kaldis, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 32 (10), 821-826 (2001). 102. The effect of structural disorder on mechanical stress in a-Si: H films, B Pantchev, P Danesh, I Savatinova, E Liarokapis, B Schmidt, ..., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 34 (17), 2589 (2001). 103. Development and Application of Instrumental Methods for Strain Analysis of Semiconductor Layers and Devices, D Papadimitriou, E Liarokapis, W Richter, Microchimica Acta 136 (3), 165-169 (2001). 104. Phase composition of Z-cut protonated LiNbO3: a Raman study, I Savova, I Savatinova, E Liarokapis, Optical Materials 16 (3), 353-360 (2001). 105. A Refined Picture of the Structure: Sequence of Dimpling-Chain Superstructures, 1D-Modulation of the Planes, Phase Separation Phenomena, E Kaldis, E Liarokapis, N Poulakis, D Palles, K Conder, Stripes and Related Phenomena, 211 (2001). 106. Identification of physical mechanisms of tensoeffects in highly strained Si andGe, SI Budzulyak, VM Ermakov, YP Dotsenko, VV Kolomoets, YM Shwarts, ..., Springer Proc. in Physics 87 (1), 146-147 (2001). 107. Defect states in transmutation-doped γ-irradiated Cz-Si crystals under high uniaxial pressure, SI Budzulyak, YP Dotsenko, VM Ermakov, VV Kolomoets, DV Korbutyak, ..., Physica B: Condensed Matter 302, 12-16 (2001). 108. Strain-Induced MI Transition in n-Si and n-Ge: Physical Mechanisms and Transport Phenomena, SI Budzulyak, AE Gorin, VM Ermakov, VV Kolomoets, EF Venger, ..., physica status solidi (b) 223 (2), 519-523 (2001). 109. Raman spectroscopy, structural modifications, and phase transitions in the high-temperature superconductors, E Liarokapis, Journal of superconductivity 13 (6), 889-893 (2000). 110. Phase transitions at low oxygen concentration in YBa2Cu3Ox, D Palles, N Poulakis, E Liarokapis, K Conder, E Kaldis, Physica C: Superconductivity 341, 2163-2164 (2000). 111. Phase separation in Ca substituted YBCO, D Palles, D Lampakis, G Böttger, E Liarokapis, E Kaldis, Physica C: Superconductivity 341, 2149-2150 (2000). 112. Raman studies of local structure, superstructure, and phases in high temperature superconductors, E Liarokapis, Physica C: Superconductivity 341, 2185-2188 (2000). 113. 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Evidence of different β-phases in highly protonated z-cut H: LiNbO3 waveguides by raman scattering, I Savatinova, S Tonchev, E Liarokapis, MN Armenise, M Armenise, Applied Physics A 68 (4), 483-487 (1999). 119. Raman study of protonated H: LiNbO3 thin film waveguides, I Savatinova, I Savova, S Tonchev, E Liarokapis, MN Armenise, Physica B: Condensed Matter 263, 819-821 (1999). 120. Breakdown of Donor Localized States on the Insulating Side of Strain-Induced MI Transitions in Si and Ge, SI Budzulyak, JP Dotsenko, AE Gorin, VV Kolomoets, VF Machulin, ..., physica status solidi (b) 211 (1), 137-142 (1999). 121. Raman and RAS measurements on uniaxially strained thin semiconductor layers, E Liarokapis, D Papadimitriou, J Rumberg, W Richter, physica status solidi (b) 211 (1), 309-316 (1999). 122. Phase separation and internal strains in the mixed La0.5R0.5Ba2Cu3Oy compounds (R=rare earth element), M Calamiotou, A Gantis, D Palles, D Lampakis, E Liarokapis, ..., Physical Review B 58 (22), 15238 (1998). 123. Softening of phonon modes in C60 crystals induced by laser irradiation:Thermal effects, KP Meletov, E Liarokapis, J Arvanitidis, K Papagelis, S Ves, ..., Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 87 (5), 967-972 (1998). 124. A comparative analysis of Rb: KTP and Cs: KTP optical waveguides, I Savatinova, I Savova, E Liarokapis, CC Ziling, VV Atuchin, MN Armenise, ..., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 31 (14), 1667 (1998). 125. On the nature of the laser irradiation induced reversible softening of phonon modes in C60 single crystals, KP Meletov, E Liarokapis, J Arvanitidis, K Papagelis, D Palles, ..., Chemical physics letters 290 (1-3), 125-130 (1998). 126. Photoluminescence of porous silicon prepared from crystallized a-Si: H films, P Danesh, L Bedikjan, I Savatinova, E Liarokapis, Journal of non-crystalline solids 227, 1049-1052 (1998). 127. The effect of Ca substitution on the structure and the Raman active phonons in Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-δ, D Palles, E Liarokapis, T Leventouri, BC Chakoumakos, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (11), 2515 (1998). 128. Raman Study of XY Anisotropy in Twin-Free Domains of YBCO Single Crystal, D Lampakis, N Poulakis, E Liarokapis, C Panagopoulos, T Nishizaki, ..., ICORS 16, 660-661 (1998). 129. Rb: KTP Optical Waveguides, I Savatinova, I Savova, E Liarokapis, MN Armenise, V Passaro, Advanced Photonics with Second-Order Optically Nonlinear Processes, 401-404 (1998). 130. Non-linear annealing effect on Raman scattering of porous silicon layers, DB Dimitrov, I Savatinova, E Liarokapis, Opto-electronics review 6 (4), 295-298 (1998). 131. A Displacive Structural Transformation in the CuO2 Planes of YBa2Cu3Ox at the Underdoped-Overdoped Phase Separation Line, E Kaldis, J Röhler, E Liarokapis, N Poulakis, K Conder, PW Loeffen Physical Review Letters 79 (24), 4894 (1997). 132. Low temperature Raman study of the YBa2Cu3Ox (6.44≤ x≤ 6.98) superconductor, D Palles, D Lampakis, N Poulakis, K Conder, E Kaldis, E Liarokapis, Physica C: Superconductivity 282, 1051-1052 (1997). 133. XRD and micro Raman characterization of epitaxial Bi-2201, Bi-2212 and Bi-2223 thin films, M Holiastou, N Poulakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, D Niarchos, U Frey, ..., Physica C: Superconductivity 282, 583-584 (1997). 134. Raman spectroscopic study of the La0.5R0.5Ba2Cu3Oy (R Y, rare earth) superconductors, D Palles, N Poulakis, E Liarokapis, A Gantis, M Calamiotou, ..., Superlattices and microstructures 21 (3), 329-334 (1997). 135. Raman Scattering in the YBCO Compounds, E Liarokapis, High-Tc Superconductivity 1996: Ten Years after the Discovery, 447-468 (1997). 136. Correlations between structural and optoelectronic properties of a-Si: H grown by homogeneous chemical vapor deposition, P Danesh, A Toneva, I Savatinova, E Liarokapis, Journal of non-crystalline solids 204 (3), 265-272 (1996). 137. Raman study of the oxygen anharmonicity in YBa2Cu3Ox (6.4<x<7.0) superconductors, D Palles, N Poulakis, E Liarokapis, K Conder, E Kaldis, KA Müller, Physical Review B 54 (9), 6721 (1996). 138. Structural study, resistivity, magnetization and Raman measurements for the HTc superconducting compounds SmBa2− xSrxCu3O6+y (x= 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25), V Psycharis, C Mitros, A Koufoudakis, H Gamari-Seale, D Niarchos, ...Physica C: Superconductivity 267 (3-4), 211-224 (1996). 139. An IBA and Raman study of irradiated thin films of YBa2Cu3O7 superconductor, R Vlastou, EN Gazis, CT Papadopoulos, E Liarokapis, D Palles, ..., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam … (1996). 140. Raman study of the oxygen vibrations in 123-superconductors, E Liarokapis, N Poulakis, D Palles, K Conder, E Kaldis, KA Müller, Physica B: Condensed Matter 219, 139-141 (1996). 141. Phase separation and softening of the O2,3 in-phase mode in the YBa2Cu3Ox superconductors, N Poulakis, D Palles, E Liarokapis, K Conder, E Kaldis, KA Mueller, Physical Review, B: Condensed Matter 53 (2) R534 (1996). 142. Ca doped YBCO on the Ba site, T Leventouri, GA Soifer, M Calamiotou, V Perdikatsis, E Liarokapis, Journal of superconductivity 8 (5), 625-626 (1995). 143. Structural, Mössbauer, and Raman studies of the (Y,Ce)2Sr2Cu2FeO8+y compound, M Pissas, G Kallias, N Poulakis, D Niarchos, A Simopoulos, E Liarokapis, Physical Review B 52 (14), 10610 (1995). 144. Radiation damage of thin films of YBa2Cu3O7 superconductors, R Vlastou, EN Gazis, CT Papadopoulos, E Liarokapis, D Palles, ..., HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics 6, 271-278 (1995). 145. Sr-substitution-dependent mixing of the (Ba,Sr)-Ag and Cu2-Ag phonons in NdBa2− xSrxCu3O7−δ (0≤ x≤ 1.1), GG Bogachev, N Poulakis, VG Hadjiev, E Liarokapis, H Gamari-Seale, ..., Physica C: Superconductivity 235, 1187-1188 (1994). 146. Changes induced in the Raman spectra of SmBa2−xSrxCu3Oy, the redistribution of carriers and the orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition, N Poulakis, D Palles, C Mitros, V Psycharis, A Koufoudakis, D Niarchos, ..., Physica C: Superconductivity 235, 1177-1178 (1994). 147. The Ca substitution for Y and Ba in the YBa2Cu3Oy superconductor: a Raman study, D Palles, N Poulakis, T Leventouri, E Liarokapis, Physica C: Superconductivity 235, 1179-1180 (1994). 148. Site-selective oxygen isotope effect in optimally doped YBa2Cu3O6+x, D Zech, H Keller, K Conder, E Kaldis, E Liarokapis, N Poulakis, KA Müller, Nature 371 (6499), 681-683 (1994). 149. Raman study of Cs: KTiOPO4 waveguides, I Savatinova, S Tonchev, T Popov, E Liarokapis, CC Ziling, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 27 (7), 1384 (1994). 150. Optical and electro-optical properties of H: LiTaO3 waveguides, IT Savatinova, SH Tonchev, T Popov, MN Armenise, E Liarokapis, Design, Simulation, and Fabrication of Optoelectronic Devices and Circuits … (1994). 151. Raman scattering and phase state of H: LiTaO3 waveguide thin films, I Savatinova, S Tonchev, M Kuneva, E Liarokapis, Applied Physics A 58 (5), 481-485 (1994). 152. Raman study of R0.5Pr0.5Ba2Cu3O7−δ (R=Y, rare earth) G Bogachev, M Abrashev, M Iliev, N Poulakis, E Liarokapis, C Mitros, ..., Physical Review B 49 (17), 12151 (1994). 153. Melt-Textured Processing & Alloying in YBCO, T Leventouri, E Liarokapis, M Calamiotou, V Perdikatsis, FD Medina, ..., Metallic Alloys: Experimental and Theoretical Perspectives, 121-128 (1994). 154. A raman spectroscopic study of the interactions of 13 GHz microwave irradiation with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine dispersions, D Yova, E Liarokapis, Il Nuovo Cimento D 14 (11), 1085-1090 (1992). 155. Biaxial strains on thin silicon wafers, E Liarokapis, W Richter, International Journal of High Pressure Research 10 (1-2), 424-427 (1992). 156. Design of two devices for biaxial stresses and their application to silicon wafers, E Liarokapis, W Richter, Measurement Science and Technology 3 (4), 347 (1992). 157. Raman and Moessbauer study of the pseudo-orthorhombic-to-tetragonal phase transition in YBa2(Cu1-xFex)3O7-δ (0.02≤x≤0.15), M Iliev, Y Atanassova, L Bozukov, J Tihov, VG Hadjiev, E Liarokapis, Physica C: Superconductivity 191 (3-4), 419-428 (1992). 158. Raman scattering of proton exchanged LiNbO3 waveguides, I Savatinova, S Tonchev, E Popov, E Liarokapis, C Raptis, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 25 (1), 106 (1992). 159. Processing and Properties of Bulk Textured YBa2Cu3Ox, T Leventouri, JS Faulkner, FD Medina, L Martinez, E Liarokapis, ..., Physics and Materials Science of High Temperature Superconductors, II, 673-683 (1992). 160. A Raman Study of Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors, E Liarokapis, T Leventouri, O Papageorgiou, H Lu, FD Medina, Modern Physics Letters B 5 (26), 1751-1757 (1991). 161. Short-range order and microstructure in hydrogenated amorphous silicon, P Danesh, B Pantchev, I Savatinova, E Liarokapis, YS Raptis, Journal of applied physics 69 (11), 7656-7659 (1991). 162. Pressure and temperature dependence of the Raman spectra of zirconia and hafnia, GA Kourouklis, E Liarokapis, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 74 (3), 520-523 (1991). 163. Sequential Resonant Tunneling in Superlattices: Light Scattering by Intersubband Transitions, SH Kwok, E Liarokapis, R Merlin, K Ploog, Light Scattering in Semiconductor Structures and Superlattices, 491-497 (1991). 164. Studies of the bulk orientation in Y and Bi superconducting phases, T Leventouri, E Liarokapis, JS Faulkner, H Lu, L Martinez, ..., High-temperature superconductors. Materials aspects. Proceedings. Vol. 1 (1991). 165. Structure and superconducting properties of Fe- doped YBa2Cu3Oy, E Liarokapis, T Leventouri, L Martinez, Materials Science Monographs, 70 pp. 499 (1991). 166. Light Scattering in High TC Superconductors, E Liarokapis, Frontiers of High-Pressure Research, 457-472 (1991). 167. Study of Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors prepared with the oxalate precipitation /evaporation method, T Leventouri, E Liarokapis, L Martinez, FD Medina, M Moreno, ..., Modern Physics Letters B 4 (19), 1237-1244 (1990). 168. Structure and properties of bulk oriented YBa2Cu3Ox, T Leventouri, E Liarokapis, JS Faulkner, M Calamiotou, V Perdicatsis, ..., Journal of the Less Common Metals 164, 1142-1148 (1990). 169. Transport critical current densities of partially aligned bulk samples of YBa2Cu3O7−x superconductors, YS Hascicek, LR Testardi, T Leventouri, E Liarokapis, L Martinez, Journal of applied physics 68 (8), 4178-4182 (1990). 170. A Raman study of the structural properties of YBa2(Cu1−xFex)3Oy, E Liarokapis, LT Wille, T Leventouri, L Martinez, H Lu, V Hadjiev, M Iliev, Physica C: Superconductivity 170 (5-6), 419-426 (1990). 171. Proton-exchanged LiNbO3 optical waveguides, IT Savatinova, MK Kuneva, E Liarokapis, Electro-Optic and Magneto-Optic Materials II 1274, 66-76 (1990). 172. Bulk preferred orientation in superconducting YBa2Cu3Ox, T Leventouri, E Liarokapis, JS Faulkner, Solid state communications 74 (10), 1103-1106 (1990). 173. Target and projectile K x-ray production by 100, 160, and 200 MeV Nb collisions with thick solid targets, E Liarokapis, TJM Zouros, Journal de Physique 51 (8), 735-745 (1990). 174. Raman spectroscopic study of the effects of opiates on dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine dispersions, D Yova, I Zouboulis, E Liarokapis, S Loukas, Journal of Raman spectroscopy 21 (4), 251-254 (1990). 175. Polyimide thin-film waveguides: optical and Raman spectroscopic studies, Savatinova, S Tonchev, R Todorov, E Venkova, E Liarokapis, ..., Journal of applied physics 67 (4), 2051-2055 (1990). 176. Raman and far-infrared reflectance investigation of microcrystal orientation in YBa2Cu3O7−δ superconductors, E Liarokapis, EI Kamitsos, T Leventouri, FD Medina, Physica C: Superconductivity 157 (3), 551-554 (1989). 177. A Raman study of Zn1−xMnxS mixed crystals, A Anastassiadou, E Liarokapis, E Anastassakis, Solid State Communications 69 (2), 137-142 (1989). 178. Raman and luminescence study of Zn1-xMnxS, A Anastassiadou, E Liarokapis, E Anastassakis, S Stoyanov, Physica Scripta 38 (3), 444 (1988). 179. A Macroscopic Application of the Wigner-Eckart Theorem, E Anastassakis, E Liarokapis, physica status solidi (b) 149 (1), K1-5 (1988). 180. Laser excited luminescence of rare earth impurities in natural and synthetic CaF2, M Iliev, E Liarokapis, MB Sendova, Physics and chemistry of minerals 15 (6), 597-600 (1988). 181. The luminescence spectrum of Zn1-xMnxS under hydrostatic pressure, A Anastassiadou, E Liarokapis, S Stoyanov, E Anastassakis, W Giriat, Solid state communications 67 (6), 633-636 (1988). 182. Thermoelastic response of polycrystalline Si to an intense CW laser beam, E Liarokapis, E Anastassakis, Physica Scripta 38 (1), 84 (1988). 183. Laser-induced thermal strains in isotropic media: Polycrystalline Si, E Liarokapis, E Anastassakis, Journal of applied physics 63 (8), 2615-2619 (1988). 184. X-ray spectroscopy of electronic quasimolecules. II. Emission anisotropy of selected K molecular-orbital transitions, TJM Zouros, E Liarokapis, JS Greenberg, Physical Review A 37 (2), 426 (1988). 185. One-phonon assisted laser excitation of Er 3+ luminescence in CaF2, M Sendova-Vasileva, M Iliev, E Liarokapis, Bulgarian Journal of Physics 15 (4), 367-373 (1988). 186. Polycrystalline Si under strain: Elastic and lattice-dynamical considerations, E Anastassakis, E Liarokapis, Journal of applied physics 62 (8), 3346-3352 (1987). 187. X-ray spectroscopy of electronic quasimolecules. I. Isolation and study of particular K molecular-orbital transitions, E Liarokapis, TJM ZOUROs, JS Greenberg, Physical Review A 36 (4), 1669 (1987). 188. Structural order in a-Si: H: Cl films, P Danesh, I Savatinova, E Anachkova, S Georgiev, E Anastassakis, ..., Journal of Non Crystalline Solids 90 (1), 303-306 (1987). 189. Raman study of phonon anharmonicity in LaF3, E Liarokapis, E Anastassakis, GA Kourouklis, Physical Review B 32 (12), 8346 (1985). 190. Temperature rise induced by a cw laser beam revisited, E Liarokapis, YS Raptis, Journal of Applied Physics 57 (12), 5123-5126 (1985). 191. A coincidence study of vacancy sharing between quasi-molecular orbitals, E Liarokapis, JJ O'Brien, TJM Zouros, JS Greenberg, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics (1968-1987) 18 (4), L115 (1985). 192. Light scattering of InSb at high temperatures, E Liarokapis, E Anastassakis, Physical Review B 30 (4), 2270 (1984). 193. Effect of temperature gradients on the first-order Raman spectrum of Si, J Raptis, E Liarokapis, E Anastassakis, Applied physics letters 44 (1), 125-127 (1984). 194. Observation of selected molecular-orbital x rays in coincidence with separated-atom K x rays, JJ O'Brien, E Liarokapis, JS Greenberg, Physical Review Letters 44 (6), 386 (1980).