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As a service to our young participants and young researchers worldwide, we will post here any job opening
announcements sent to us which are in the areas of high energy physics and cosmology.
- 190627: 12 Ph.D. positions, QFT+GR, RTG 2522
- 190620: Ph.D. positions, RWTH Aachen U
- 190614: Postdocs, Torino string theory group
- 190417: Ph.D. positions, experiment, IFIC, Valencia
- 190411: Ph.D. positions, theory, ITMP, MSU, Moscow
- 190318: Tenure track faculty position, theory, U Vienna
- 190221: Pre-strings 2019, Leuven
- 190219: Ph.D. Positions, U Torino
- 190202: International School, Amplitudes and Cosmology, Holography and Positive Geometries, Lecce, May 27-Jun 1
- 190128: Permanent research staff, theory, CERN
- 190117: Ph.D. positions, theory, PPPaH, Germany
- 190114: Ph.D. or Postdocs, dark matter searches, U Autónoma de Madrid
- 190111: Ph.D. Fellowships, QCD+Collider physics, U Oxford
- 190109: Senior grants, Ramon y Cajal Programme, tenure track, Spain
- 190108: Ph.D. fellowship, N3PDF group, Milan U
- 181228: Several positions, Perimeter Inst
- 181205: Postdocs, theory, RWTH Aachen U
- 181203: Postdoc, theory, DESY
- 181130: Postdocs, pheno/astro, U Catholique de Louvain
- 181130: Postdoc, theory/pheno, U Genova
- 181127: Postdoc, QCD, MIT
- 181122: Postdocs theory, RWTH Aachen U
- 181121: Professor of Physics, Sapienza U of Rome
- 181120: Postdocs, theory, Dublin Inst Adv Studies
- 181120: Postdoc, PSI, Switzerland
- 181120: Postdocs, Eotvos Lorand U
- 181031: Postdoc, INFN, Pavia
- 181030: Lecturer/Assoc. Professor, experiment, U Cyprus
- 181030: Assoc. Professor, theory, U Cyprus
- 181029: Postdocs, PanScales
- 181025: Postdocs, U Freiburg
- 181011: Postdocs, U Milan
- 181011: Ph.D. positions, IFIC Valencia
- 181008: Postdoc, particle/astroparticle, Frascati National Lab
- 181005: Full professor, LPTM, U Cergy Pontoise
- 181005: Postdoc, computational biology, CNRS, U Grenoble-Alpes
- 181002: Tenure-track research team leader, Center of Excellence in Particle Astrophysics, Warsaw
- 180922: Faculty position, high energy or nuclear, Lehigh U
- 180831: Postdocs, theory, ENS, Paris
- 180831: Postdocs, ENS, Paris