Computer Vision

Intel® IPP implements image processing functions for computer vision. These functions are combined in groups by their functionality. Each group of functions is described separately.

Intel IPP Functions for Computer Vision Applications  
Function Name Description
            Feature Detection Functions
CannyGetSize Pre-calculates the size of the temporary buffer for the function ippiCanny.
Canny Finds edges in the image.
EigenValsVecsGetBufferSize Pre-calculates the size of the temporary buffer for the function ippiEigenValsVecs.
EigenValsVecs Calculates eigen values and eigen vectors of image blocks for corner detection.
MinEigenValGetBufferSize Pre-calculates the size of the temporary buffer for the function ippiCornerMinEigenVal.
MinEigenVal Calculates the minimal eigen value of image blocks for corner detection.
HoughLineGetSize Computes the size of the working buffer straight lines detection.
HoughLine Detects straight lines in the source image.
HoughLine_Region Detects straight lines with the specified range of parameters in the source image
            Distance Transform Functions
DistanceTransform Performs the distance transform operation.
GetDistanceTransformMask Calculates metrics for distance transform.
TrueDistanceTransformGetBufferSize Calculates the size of the temporary working buffer for the function ippiTrueDistanceTransform.
TrueDistanceTransform Calculates the Eucledian distance to the closest zero pixel for all non-zero pixels of the source image.
FastMarchingGetBufferSize Computes the size of the working buffer for the peak search.
FastMarching Calculates distance transform to closest zero pixel for all non-zero pixels of source image using fast marching method.
            Image Gradients
GradientColorToGray Converts a color gradient image to grayscale.
            Flood Fill Functions
FloodFillGetSize Calculates size of temporary buffer for flood filling operation.
FloodFillGetSize_Grad Calculates size of temporary buffer for the gradient flood filling.
FloodFill Fills the connected area of the same pixel values on the image with a new value, considering 4 or 8 neighbor values of the pixel.
FloodFill_Grad Fills the connected area of the pixel values within a small threshold on the image with a new value, considering 4 or 8 neighbor values of the pixel.
FloodFill_Range Fills the connected region of the pixel values within a specified range on the image with a new value, considering 4 neighbor values of the pixel
            Motion Templates Functions
UpdateMotionHistory Updates the motion history image using the motion silhouette at a given timestamp.
OpticalFlowPyrLKInitAlloc Allocates memory and initializes a structure for optical flow calculation.
OpticalFlowPyrLKFree Frees memory allocated for the optical flow structure.
OpticalFlowPyrLK Calculates optical flow for the set of feature points using the pyramidal Lucas-Kanade algorithm.
            Pyramids Functions
PyrDownGetBufSize Calculates the size of a temporary buffer used by the function PyrDown.
PyrUpGetBufSize Calculates the size of a temporary buffer used by the function PyrUp.
PyrDown Applies the Gaussian to an image, then performs down-sampling.
PyrUp Performs up-sampling of an image, then applies the Gaussian multiplied by 4.
            Universal Pyramids Functions
PyramidInitAlloc Allocates memory and initializes a pyramid structure.
PyramidFree Frees memory allocated for the pyramid structure.
PyramidLayerDownInitAlloc Allocates memory and initializes a structure for creating a lower pyramid layer.
PyramidLayerUpInitAlloc Allocates memory and initializes a structure for creating an upper pyramid layer.
PyramidLayerDownFree Frees memory allocated for the lower pyramid layer structure.
PyramidLayerUpFree Frees memory allocated for the upper pyramid layer structure.
GetPyramidDownROI Computes the size of the lower pyramid layer.
GetPyramidUpROI Computes the size of the upper pyramid layer.
PyramidLayerDown Creates a lower pyramid layer.
PyramidLayerUp Creates an upper pyramid layer.
            Image Inpainting Functions
InpaintInitAlloc Allocates memory and initializes a structure for image inpainting.
InpaintFree Frees memory allocated for the structure for image inpainting.
Inpaint Restorse unknown image pixels.
            Image Segmentation Functions
LabelMarkersGetBufferSize Computes the size of the working buffer for the marker labeling.
LabelMarkers Labels markers in image with different values.
SegmentWatershedGetBufferSize Computes the size of the working buffer for the watershed segmentation.
SegmentWatershed Performs watershed image segmentation using markers.
SegmentGradientGetBufferSize Computes the size of the working buffer for the gradient segmentation.
SegmentGradient Performs image segmentation by region growing to the least gradient direction.
BoundSegments Marks pixels belonging to segment boundaries.
ForegroundHistogramInitAlloc Allocates memory and initializes a state structure for foreground and background segmentation using histograms.
ForegroundHistogramFree Frees memory allocated for the foreground and background segmentation structure.
ForegroundHistogram Calculates foreground mask using histograms.
ForegroundHistogramUpdate Updates histogram statistical model for foreground segmentation.
ForegroundGaussianInitAlloc Allocates memory and initializes a state structure for foreground/background segmentation using Gaussian mixtures.
ForegroundGaussianFree Frees memory allocated for foreground/background segmentation using Gaussian mixtures.
ForegroundGaussian Performs foreground/background segmentation using Gaussian mixtures.
            Pattern Recognition Functions
HaarClassifierInitAlloc Allocates memory and initializes the structure for standard Haar classifiers.
TiltedHaarClassifierInitAlloc Allocates memory and initializes the structure for tilted Haar classifiers.
HaarClassifierFree Frees memory allocated for the Haar classifier structure.
GetHaarClassifierSize Returns the size of the Haar classifier.
TiltHaarFeatures Modifies a Haar classifier by tilting specified features.
ApplyHaarClassifier Applies a Haar classifier to an image.
ApplyMixedHaarClassifier Applies a mixed Haar classifier to an image.
            Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction
UndistortGetSize Computes the size of the external buffer.
UndistortRadial Corrects radial distortions of the single image.
CreateMapCameraUndistort Creates look-up tables of coordinates of corrected image.
            Image Enchancement Functions
SRHNInitAlloc_PSF3x3, SRHNInitAlloc_PSF2x2 Allocates memory and initializes the internal representation of the PSF table.
SRHNFree_PSF3x3, SRHNFree_PSF3x3 Deallocates the internal representation of the PSF table.
SRHNCalcResidual_PSF3x3, SRHNCalcResidual_PSF2x2 Computes residuals for the likelihood part of the target function or its gradient.
SRHNUpdateGradient_PSF3x3, SRHNUpdateGradient_PSF2x2 Updates the likelihood part of the gradient.

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