Talk Slides

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Abebe, Amare The more things change
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Abel, Steven UV/IR mixing, (non)renormalisation and naturalness from a string perspective
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Akarsu, Ozgur Simultaneous alleviation of major cosmological tensions through $\Lambda_{\ms}$CDM cosmology
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Allanach, BENJAMIN The current status of B-anomalies and Z' explanations
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alvarez, enrique Unimodular gravity
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Antoniadis, Ignatios Landscape, swampland and extra dimensions
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Argyropoulos, Spyros Constraining electroweak baryogenesis models with searches for cascade decays of heavy Higgs bosons in ATLAS
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Asorey, Manuel Trace anomaly and induced action in metric-scalar backgrounds
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Babichev, Eugeny
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Bastos, Jose Extending the SM with vector-like quarks consequences for CKM unitarily and CP violation
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Beaton, Rachael
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Belyaev, Alexander The Muon anomalous magnetic moment from the Fermionic Portal to Vector Dark Matter
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Ben-Dayan, Ido
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BENAKLI, Karim Some aspects of anomalous U(1)
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Bersini, Jahmall Matteo The θ-angle physics at finite baryon density
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Blasone, Massimo Neutrino oscillations in the interaction picture
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Botella, Francisco J. Taking advantage of entanglement in B factories to measure the weak phase gamma
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Branco, Gustavo C. Unitarity Relations in the Presence of Vector-Like Quarks
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Buccella, Franco
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Cristinziani, Markus Top physics in ATLAS and CMS Top physics in ATLAS and CMS
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D Ambrosio, Giancarlo Theory of Rare Kaon decays
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Dabrowski, Mariusz P. Almost extensivity of Barrow entropy as favoured by the full dynamical and geometrical set of cosmological data.
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Davis, Nikolaos Robust intermittency analysis in heavy ion collisions overcoming challenges through novel techniques.
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Dedes, Athanasios The code SmeftFR handling vertices in SMEFT
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Dent, James Primordial Black Holes, Superradiance, First Order Phase Transitions and Gravitational Waves
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Deppisch, Frank Probing New Physics with Double Beta Decay
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Dey, Atri A smoking gun signature of 3HDM
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Di Bari, Pasquale A grandunified RHINO miracle in IceCube
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Dialektopoulos, Kostas TBA
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Dorsner, Ilja Triple-leptoquark interactions for tree- and loop-level proton decays
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Duchaniya, Lokesh Kumar Cosmological implication of f(T) gravity models through phase space analysis
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Ducu, Otilia SUSY in ATLAS and CMS
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Escamilla Torres, Luis Adrian Reconstructing the Dark Energy
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Espinosa, Jose Applications of the Tunneling Potential Formalism
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Frampton, Paul Atmospheric Neutrino Octant from Flavour Symmetry
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FRERE, Jean-Marie Exotics lead the way to gluebalss --- through anomalies
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Gattus, Viola Supergeometry in Effective Quantum Field Theories
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Gavela, Belen The QCD axion sum rule
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Gelmini, Graciela B
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Giare, William Dark Interactions in the CMB
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Goncalves, Joao Pedro Exploring mixed lepton-quark interactions in non-resonant leptoquark production at the LHC
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Greljo, Admir Flavor puzzles of the Standard Model effective field theory
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Grzadkowski, Bohdan Semisymmetries of Two-Higgs-doublet models
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Guo, Jun Exotics and BSM (non SUSY, non DM) in ATLAS and CMS
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Guryn, Wlodzimierz Physics with tagged forward protons in proton-proton collisions at RHIC
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Hell, Anamaria Exorcizing the ghosts in higher-derivative gravity
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Herrero Garcia, Juan Extended Dark Sectors, Neutrino Masses and the Baryon Asymmetry
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Hu, Yu-Min Cosmological tension and the strong coupling problem in modified teleparallel gravity
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Ivanov, Igor Confronting CP symmetry of order 4 with experimental data
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Kalbouneh, Basheer The multipolar structure of the local universe
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Katirci, Nihan Scalar field emulator via anisotropically deformed vacuum energy
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Kazuki, Sakurai Quantum process tomography at colliders
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Kenworthy, W DArcy Two out of Three Ain't Bad A SH0ES Two Rung Distance Ladder
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Ketov, Sergey Improved single-field models of inflation and production of primordial black holes
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Keus, Venus Dark matter theory in the era of future accelerators
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King, Steve Neutrino Mixing Sum Rules and Littlest Seesaw Models
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Kokorelis, Christos Sterile neutrinos and μ-term phenomenology from D-brane string models
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Kolb, Rocky Gravitational Production of Massive Spin-2 Particles
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Konishi, Kenichi Anomaly and Dynamics in Strongly-coupled Gauge Theories. New Criteria for Different Phases and Lessons from Supersymmetric Theories
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Konitopoulos, Spyros
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Kotlarski, Wojciech One (or maye two) SUSY Higgses at 95 GeV?
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Koutroulis, Fotis Thermal effects in Ising Cosmology
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Kowalska, Kamila Phenomenology with trans-Planckian asymptotic safety
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Lalak, Zygmunt Primordial black holes, dark matter and gravitational waves with light scalars
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Leon Torres, Genly Fractional Cosmology with conformal and nonminimal couplings a possible resolution to H0 tension?
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Lisi, Eligio Recent topics in the analysis of neutrino mass-mixing parameters
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Lopez Honorez, Laura Dark matter probes
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Lopez-Pavon, Jacobo New Physics searches using ProtoDUNE and the CERN SPS accelerator
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Lukierski, Jerzy Doubly kappa-deformed Yang models
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Mahmoudi, Nazila B anomalies in the post-R_K era
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Mankel, Rainer Higgs physics in ATLAS and CMS
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Marfatia, Danny How to measure the reactor neutrino flux below 2 MeV
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Martinelli, Guido Recent developments in Flavor physics, the Unitarity Fit, Anomalies and all that
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Maselek, Rafal Searching for Dark Matter in the LHC with the help of Machine Learning
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Mavromatos, Nikolaos Torsion-induced axions in string theory, quantum gravity and the cosmological tensions
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Melchiorri, Alessandro
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Migkas, Konstantinos Probing H0 isotropy and bulk flows with eROSITA and galaxy cluster scaling relations
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Mitsou, Vasiliki Looking for charged detector-stable particles at the LHC
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Mondragon, Myriam Finite Unified Theories Results and Perspectives
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Morais, Antonio Audible Gravitational Echoes of New Physics
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Moreno, Jesus TBA / Related to "Entanglement and High Energy Physics"
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Morselli, Aldo An update on Indirect dark-matter searches with gamma-rays experiments status and future plans from 300 KeV to 100 TeV
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Mukhaeva, Alfiia Impact of a non-universal Z' on the B-> K*ll and B -> K*vv processes
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NICOLIS, Stam Flavor and Fluctuations
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Nielsen, Holger Bech Model for dark matter, stopping in the shielding, just at DAMA
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Nilles, Hans Peter The Hidden Power of Modular Flavor Symmetry
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Oda, Ichiro BRST formalism of Weyl Invariant Gravity
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Olechowski, Marek Investigating ALP Dark Matter through the Early Universe Dynamics of PQ Field
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Ozulker, Emre Tackling the tensions of cosmology with a negative dark energy density
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Pallis, Constantinos High-Scale Supersymmetry from Inflection-Point Sgoldstino Inflation
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Papathanasiou, Georgios Symbol Alphabets from the Landau Singular Locus
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Pasechnik, Roman Phenomenology of flavoured 3HDMs
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Patellis, Gregory Split NMSSM from dimensional reduction of a 10D, N=1, E(8) gauge theory over a modified flag manifold
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Perivolaropoulos, Leandros The challenges of ΛCDM and the physics transition approaches.
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Petronikolou, Maria Alleviating H0 tension through modified entropies
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Pilaftsis, Apostolos Geometric Quantum Field Theories
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Pinfold, James The Search for Milli-Charged Matter at the LHC
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Pollo, Agnieszka Galaxy evolution, observational biases and cosmological tensions
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Pomarol, Alex Cornering BSMs with Positivity
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Porod, Werner Predictions for composite Higgs models from gauge/gravity dualities
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Poulin, Vivian
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Praszalowicz, Michal 20 years of Theta+
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Priyanka Lamba, Priyanka Lamba Quantum information and CP measurement in $H \to \tau^+ \tau^-$ at future lepton colliders
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Rehult, Anders CP Violation in Rare B Decays as a Window to New Physics
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Risaliti, Guido Quasars as high-redshift standard candles
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Rius, Nuria On low scale baryogenesis
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Rizos, Ioannis On three-generation super no-scale models in heterotic string theory
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rossi, elvira SM (QCD+EW) in ATLAS and CMS
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Rubio, Javier The Higgs field and the nature of gravity
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SAHOO, DIBYAKRUPA Probing CP violation in Higgs -> tau+ tau- gamma
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Sahu, Bisnupriya Dark Matter in ATLAS and CMS
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Sarkar, Sarben Beyond the standard Model from axions to nonHermiticity
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Schweda, Kai Highlights from ALICE
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Seller, Karoly Real effective potentials for phase transitions in models with extended scalar sectors
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Serpico, Pasquale Dario The QCD phase transition behind a PBH origin of LIGO/Virgo events?
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Sessolo, Enrico Maria Naturally small neutrino masses from asymptotic safety
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Sola Peracaula, Joan Running vacuum approach to the quantum vacuum theoretical and phenomenological implications
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Sorce, Jenny Disentangling tensions from systematics with CLONES (Constrained Local & Nesting Environment Simulations)
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Staicova, Denitsa On the Robustness of the Constancy of the Supernova Absolute Magnitude Non-parametric Reconstruction & Bayesian approaches
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Steingasser, Thomas Higgs criticality in and beyond the SM
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Strumia, Alessandro Modular invariance and the QCD angle
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Talbert, Jim Revisiting extractions of the strong coupling constant with soft collinear effective theory
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Teubert, Frederic Recent results from LHCb
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Tevong, You Potential positivity bounds on a positively light Higgs
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THONGYOI, NAKORN A vector-like top quark portal to a minimal non-Abelian vector dark matter
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Tkaczyk, Slawomir Recent Results from CMS
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Torre, Riccardo Beyond SM phenomena at future accelerators
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Trocsanyi, Zoltan On the status of the superweak extension of the standard model
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Tsesmelis, Emmanuel The Path Towards the Future Circular Collider at CERN
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Tsilioukas, Stelios
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Tzerefos, Charalampos TBA
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Vagnozzi, Sunny
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Valencia, German Constraining new physics with hyperon decays
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Van Putten, Maurice
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VASILIOS, ZARIKAS Renormalization group approaches to Quantum Gravity and Tensions in Modern Cosmology
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Vlastou, Rosa Neutron physics at the CERN n_TOF facility
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Ye, Gen Shape of CMB lensing in early dark energy cosmology
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Zhuang, Xuai Recent results from ATLAS
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Zoltan, Peli Precise prediction for the W-boson mass in U(1) extensions of the standard model
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Generated on Fri 17 Nov 2023 05:45:04 PM EET. Updated every 15 min.