Workshop on Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Approach
- COST: CA18108 - Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach
- The National Technical University of Athens
- The Municipality of Corfu
- The Regional Government of the Ionian Islands (Periphery of the Ionian Islands)
J.M. Carmona, G. Gubitosi, F. Mercati, E. Saridakis
J Abedi (U Stavanger) | A Ioannisian (YerPhI & ITPM) |
G Amelino-Camelia (U Naples Federico II) | D Kerszberg (IFAE-BIST) |
M Arzano (U Naples) | I Lobo (Federal U Paraíba) |
J Asorey-Barreiro (CIEMAT) | P Martínez Miravé (IFIC CSIC-U Valencia) |
D Benisty (U Cambridge) | C Pfeifer (U Bremen, ZARM) |
J-M Carmona (CAPA / U Zaragoza) | M Piva (NICPB, Tallinn) |
K Dialektopoulos (AUTh) | S Rastgoo (York U) |
G Djodjevic (U Nis) | M-A Reyes Hung (U Zaragoza) |
G Fabiano (U Naples Federico II) | G Rosati (IFT Wroclaw U) |
D Frattulillo (U Napoli Federico II) | E Saridakis (NTUA & NOA) |
N Ghazaryan (YerPhI and ITPM) | P Satunin (INR RAS) |
M Grazia Di Luca (SSM) | D Staicova (INRNE, BAS) |
G Gubitosi (U Naples Federico II) | A Tokareva (U Jyvaskyla) |
I Gutierrez-Sagredo (U Burgos) | C Trimarelli (U Aquila - INFN-LNGS) |
S Heefer (Eindhoven U Tech) | N Voicu (Transilvania U Brasov) |
This is the second Annual Conference organized by COST Action CA18108 (, an initiative funded by the COST Association (, aiming to enable researchers from different communities of quantum gravity theorists and phenomenologists and gamma-ray, neutrino, cosmic-ray and gravitational-wave experimentalists to learn about each other's work and cooperate on the goal of developing new strategies for testing candidate quantum gravity theories using multi-messenger high-energy astrophysical observations.
It will be possible to attend in person in Corfu (preferred mode) or to follow the conference online.
The conference will be accompanied by a topical Special Issue on Quantum Gravity Phenomenology and Multi-Messenger astronomy in Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG), which will be edited by members of the QGMM Cost Action. We invite all participants of our second annual conference to contribute to the special issue with original research papers which meet the topical criterion. The focus issue will open for submission for 6 months after the conference (with some flexibility).
The conference is preceded by the COST CA18108 First Training School. Students and early career postdocs who are interested in participating can register on the school webpage.
- Registered Participants: TBA
- Oct 05: Arrival/Registration day.
- Oct 09: Departure date.
- Detailed Programme: available here
- Zoom Connection:, or select Meeting ID: 661 3863 3172 Passcode: 599340
- Recorded Talks: available here.

(scan QR code to enter Zoom meeting)
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece
(click here for a larger map, for a menu click on the top left icon of the map, GPS: geo:39.606101,19.926115)

Guaranteed hotel availability is for a very limited time! Please make your hotel reservations ASAP!
There is no registration fee for those supported by the COST action.