Humboldt Kolleg on Quantum Gravity and Fundamental Interactions


Learn more about the Humboldt Foundation and its programs here.

The main objective of the Conference is the understanding of the quantum nature of fundamental interactions at very high-energy energy scales and their implications for Particle Physics and Cosmology. For this purpose, we intend to bring together world experts in String Theory, AdS/CFT correspondence, Beyond the Standard Model Physics, Non-commutative geometry and Matrix Models for a three days conference. During the conference, particle physics string models, low-energy supersymmetry, grand unified models, other beyond the standard model physics scenarios and non-commutative geometry field theory and gravity constructions and specific matrix models will be investigated from the viewpoint of their emergence from a quantum gravity framework and of their implications in Particle Physics and Cosmology.

C. Angelantonj, C. Bachas, E. Dudas, A. Kehagias, D. Lüst, H. Nicolai, P. Vitale, G. Zoupanos.

L. Alvarez-Gaumé, K.N. Anagnostopoulos, C. Angelantonj, P. Aschieri, C. Bachas, M. Buric, E. Dudas, G. Dvali, A. Hebecker, I. Iliopoulos, A. Kehagias, C. Kounnas, D. Luest, V. Mukhanov, H. Nicolai, H. P. Nilles, P. Schupp, R. Szabo, S. Theisen, P. Vitale, C. Wetterich, G. Zoupanos.

A. Ashtekar (IGC, Penn State) M. Martone (SGP)
C. Bachas (ENS, Paris) R. Minasian (IPhT CEA-Saclay)
G. Barnich (U Libre Bruxelles) H. Nicolai (AEI)
G. Dvali (ASC LMU & MPI München) P. Nilles (U Bonn)
I. Garcia Garcia (Santa Barbara, KITP) H. Ooguri (Caltech & Kavli IPMU)
S. Giddings (UC Santa Barbara) Y. Oz (Tel Aviv U)
M. Haack (LMU Munich) E. Pomoni (DESY)
C. Hull (Imperial Coll London) V. Rivasseau (U Paris-Saclay)
R. Kallosh (Stanford U) G. Ross (Oxford U)
H. Kawai (National Taiwan U) A. Sagnotti (SNS)
J. Kim (Seoul Natl U) G. Savvidy (Demokritos)
K. Krasnov (U Nottingham) H. Steinacker (U Vienna)
I. Lavdas (LMU-Munich) K. Stelle (Imperial Coll London)
A. Linde (Stanford U) R. Szabo (Herriot-Watt U)
D. Luest (LMU & MPI Munich) T. Weigand (II. ITP Hamburg U)
S. Majid (Queen Mary U) C. Wetterich (Heidelberg U)
C. Markou (MPI Munich)  

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