Workshop on Connecting Insights in Fundamental Physics: Standard Model and Beyond
- The National Technical University of Athens
- The Municipality of Corfu
- The Regional Government of the Ionian Islands (Periphery of the Ionian Islands)
G. Barenboim, H. Dreiner, G. Perez, M. Raidal, M.N. Rebelo, I. Tamborra, Z. Trocsanyi, A. Weiler.
D. Ghilencea, J. Kalinowski, S. Maltezos, G. Manolakos, G. Patellis, N. Tracas, D. Varouchas, G. Zoupanos
F. del Aguila, J.A. Aguilar Saavedra, I. Antoniadis, R. Barbieri, M. B. Gavela, D. Ghilencea, N. Glover, W. Hollik, J. Kalinowski, G. Koutsoumbas, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau, M. N. Rebelo, A. Ringwald, G. Rodrigo, S. Sarkar, E. Tsesmelis, D. Varouchas, A. Weiler, G. Zanderighi
I. Antoniadis (Bern/Jussieu) | A. Ilakovac (U Zagreb) | H.B. Nielsen (Borh Inst) |
N. Antoniou (NKUA) | F. Joaquim (CFTP/IST/U Lisboa) | I. Oda (Ryukyu) |
G. Barenboim (U. Valencia) | S.H. Jung (SNU) | K. Oda* (Osaka) |
F. Botella (U Valencia) | J. Kalinowski (U Warsaw) | M. Olechowski (U Warsaw) |
E. Branchina (Catania U, INFN) | S.K. Kang (Seoul U Sci Tech) | G. Papathanasiou (DESY) |
G.C. Branco (CFTP/IST/U Lisboa) | P. Kanti (Ioanina) | P. Paradisi (Padova) |
F. Buccella (Napoli) | A. Karam (NICPB Tallinn) | M. Pepe-Altarelli (CERN) |
Ki.Y. Choi* (Sungkyunkwan U) | V. Keus (Helsinki U) | R. Percacci* (SISSA) |
A. Dedes (Ioanina) | J.E. Kim (Kyung Hee U) | A. Pilaftsis (Manchester U) |
S. De (NISER) | S.F. King (Southampton) | A. Romanino* (SISSA) |
A. De Roeck (CERN) | W. Krasny (Pafris U) | G.G. Ross (Oxford) |
A. Djouadi (Annecy) | T. Kugo (Kyoto) | J. Rubio (Helsinki) |
I. Dorsner (U Split) | K.M. Kutak (IFJ Cracow) | K. Sakurai (U Warsaw) |
H. Dreiner (Bonn) | Z. Lalak (Warsaw U) | R. Santos (Lisboa) |
L. Fayard (LAL, Orsay) | S.J. Lee (Korea U) | K. Tamvakis (Ioannina) |
R. Fleischer (NIKHEF) | G. Leontaris (Ioannina) | Y. Tang (Tokyo) |
D. Ghilencea (IFIN) | N. Mahmoudi (Lyon) | A. Tokareva* (Moscow INR) |
M. Gintner (IEAP CTU Prague & ZU Zilina) | E. Ma (US Riverside) | E. Tsesmelis (CERN & Oxford U) |
B. Grzadkowski (U Warsaw) | N. Mavromatos (Kings) | A. Vikman* (Prague IoP) |
T. Hahn (MPI Munich) | A. Mazumdar (Groningen) | M. Yamada (Heidelberg) |
N. Harnew (Oxford U) | A. Mitov (Cambridge U) | A.F. Zarnecki (U Warsaw) |
A. Held (Heidelberg) | V. Mitsou (Valencia U) |
(*): to be confirmed.
- ▪ Standard Model of Particle Physics (Electroweak, Higgs and QCD) with emphasis on precision predictions at the energy frontier. It will start on Sept 1st and continue for two days.
- ▪ The origin of Flavour (study of flavour, CP, B and L violating Higgs and top observables and perspectives at high energy colliders). It will start on Sept 3rd and will have a duration of a day
- ▪ Neutrino Physics (what is the mechanism behind neutrino mass? what is the scale of new physics?) with emphasis on present and future neutrino experiments. It will start on Sept 4rd and will have a duration of a day.
- ▪ 5th Management Committee Meeting of COST CA15108. It will take place on Sept 5th and, following the meeting, there will be an excursion.
- ▪ Beyond the SM (BSM) (theory, codes and experimental searches) with emphasis on multi-Higgs models, supersymmetry, composite models and extra dimensions, classical and quantum scale invariance and applications to BSM and Cosmology. It will start on Sept 6th and will have a duration of 3 days.
- ▪ Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology (dark matter, dark energy, baryogenesis, axions). It will start on Sept 9th and will have a duration of two days.
In parallel to the main scientific programme another rich programme of outreach activities is planned. This includes master classes for high school students, seminars for high school teachers, open talks for the general public, CERN exhibition and interviews in the media (TV, radio, newspapers).
- Registered Participants: click here for list
- Aug 31: Arrival/Registration day.
- Sep 05: 5th Management Committee Meeting of COST CA15108, excursion.
- Sep 11: Departure date.
- Detailed Programme: Timetable (Click here).
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece
(click here for a larger map, for a menu click on the top left icon of the map, GPS: geo:39.606101,19.926115)

Guaranteed hotel availability is for a very limited time! Please make your hotel reservations ASAP!
The registration fee is 200€. The fee is waived if the lowcost package is chosen. In addition, the fee will be waived for all participants of the COST Action CA15108 "Connecting insights in fundamental physics". Payments must be transferred to the NTUA bank account shown in this form and the receipt emailed to Mrs Ifigeneia Moraiti.