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Summer School and Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
September 3 - 14, 2014
Coorganized and Supported by:  
  ITN: HiggsTools
  ITN: Invisibles
  ITN: LHCPhenoNet
  ERC Grant: LHCtheory Theoretical Predictions and Analyses of LHC Physics: "Advancing the Precision Frontier"
  ERC Grant: MassTeV
  Institutes: Max Planck Institute for Physics, CERN, SAMPS - National Technical University of Athens, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), IPPP Durham, LAPP, IFT Madrid, Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics, SISSA, LPTENS, ICTP, LAPTH, University of Warsaw, University of Granada, Technical University of Lisbon, IFIC Valencia, Oxford University, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa , NCSR "Demokritos", University of Athens
Organizing Committee:
F. del Aguila, I. Antoniadis, R. Barbieri, M. B. Gavela, N. Glover, W. Hollik, J. Kalinowski, G. Koutsoumbas, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau, M.N. Rebelo, A. Ringwald, G. Rodrigo, S. Sarkar, E. Tsesmelis
School Lectures
Electroweak Standard Model G. Degrassi (U. Roma III)
Perturbative QCD F. Maltoni (U.C. Louvain)
Lattice QCD P. Weisz (MPI, München)
Heavy Ions/Quark Gluon Plasma U. Wiedemann (CERN)
Status of experimental searches at the LHC: ATLAS N. Konstantinidis (U. College London)
Status of experimental searches at the LHC: CMS P. Sphicas (U. Athens)
Status of experimental searches at the LHC: ALICE L. Ramello (INFN, Torino)
Flavour Physics (theory) F. Feruglio (U. Padova)
Flavour Physics (LHCb) N. Harnew (Oxford U.)
Higgs Physics (theory) A. Djouadi (U. Paris-Sud, Orsay & CERN)
Higgs Physics (experimental) A. de Roeck (CERN)
Neutrinos (theory) G. Altarelli (CERN & Roma III U.)
Neutrinos (experimental) C. Andreopoulos (Liverpool U)
Introduction to SUSY D. Kazakov (Dubna)
Introduction to SUGRA (formal aspects) U. Lindstrom (Uppsala U)
Extra Dimensions I. Antoniadis (CERN)
Introduction to String Theory C. Angelantonj (Turin U. & INFN, Turin)
Beyond the Standard Model: String/SUGRA (top/down approach) G. Ross (Oxford U.)
Beyond the Standard Model and the LHC (bottom/up approach) G. Altarelli (CERN & Roma III U.) and G. Ross (Oxford U.)
Introduction to Gauge/Gravity Duality K. Papadodimas (U. Groningen & CERN)
Astroparticle Physics (theory) G. Lazarides (Thessaloniki U.)
Astroparticle Physics (dark matter searches) S. Sarkar (Oxford U.) and P. Ullio* (SISSA)
Standard Cosmology V. Mukhanov (LMU, Munich)
Inspiring Cosmology G. Dvali (NYU & LMU-MPI)
CLIC L. Linssen (CERN)
ILC F. Simon (MPI - Munich)
LHC and LHC upgrade S. Bertolucci (CERN) and E. Tsesmelis (CERN & Oxford U.)
FCC F. Zimmermann (CERN)
BICEP2 S. Sarkar (Oxford U.)
(*) to be confirmed
Main Workshop Speakers include:
F. del Aguila (Granada U.) G. Koutsoumbas (NTUA)
G. Altarelli (CERN, Roma III U.) M. Krawczyk (Warsaw U.)
I. Antoniadis (CERN) Z. Lalak (Warsaw U.)
A. Barr (Oxford U.) M.M. Llacer (Goettingen)
J. Bernabeu (U. Valencia, IFIC) E. Ma (UC Riverside)
G.C. Branco (CFTP, IST, U. Lisboa) P. Mastrolia (MPI)
L. Brink (Chalmers U. Tech.) P. Minkowski (ITP, U. Bern)
S. Capozziello (U. Napoli) A. Mondragon (UNAM)
A. Cooper-Sarkar (Oxford U.) M. Mondragon (Mexico U.)
G. Dvali (NYU, LMU-MPI) A. Morselli (Roma 2, INFN)
E. Dudas (Ecole Polyt., CPHT) H.B. Nielsen* (NBI)
D. Emmanuel-Costa (CFTP, IST, U. Lisboa) P. Osland (U. Bergen)
J-M. Frere (U. Libre de Bruxelles) C. Papadopoulos (Demokritos)
D. Ghilencea (CERN, Bucharest, IFIN-HH) S. Petcov (INFN, SISSA)
C. Giunti (INFN, Turin) R. Pittau (DFTC, U. Granada)
C. Gomez (LMU, UAM-CSIC, Madrid) A. Policicchio (Cosenza)
D. Fasouliotis (U. Athens) G.G. Ross (Oxford U.)
M. Felcini (CERN, Boston U.) I. Sachs (LMU)
B. Grzadkowski (Warsaw U.) A. Sagnotti (SNS)
N. Harnew (Oxford U.) S. Sarkar (Oxford U.)
G. Heinrich (MPI) A. Smirnov (MPI, Heidelberg)
W. Hollik (MPI) P. Sphicas (U. Athens)
J. Jaeckel (U. Heidelberg) A.I. Studenikin (Moscow State U.)
J. Kalinowski (Warsaw U.) C. Wetterich (U. Heidelberg)
(*): to be confirmed
Workshop speakers will be also selected among the participating young scientists
School and Workshop Topics: Elecroweak Physics, Perturbative and Lattice QCD, Heavy Ions/Quark Gluon Plasma, Higgs, Flavour Physics, Neutrino Physics, SUSY and SUGRA, Physics Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC, Extra Dimensions, String Theory, Standard Cosmology, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, Gauge/Gravity Duality, LHC, ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb, CLIC, ILC, FCC, LHC upgrade, BICEP2.
Registered Participants: click here for list
Program September 3: Arrival/Registration day. September 14: Departure date.
Detailed programme: download here.
Meeting Location Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece (map - zoom out to see larger area)
Registration Fee There is a fee of 150 euros, to be paid in cash upon arrival in Corfu. The fee is waived if the lowcost package is chosen.