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New Registration deadline July 31, 2005
Year of Physics 2005
CORFU2005 school plenary lectures include the following speakers and topics
September 4-11 Detailed plenary talk programme and young researcher talk programme
A. Smirnov (ICTP-Trieste) Neutrino Physics
E. Fernandez (IFAE-Barcelona ) Neutrino Physics with Accelerators
D. Wark ( Imperial College , UK ) Neutrino Physics without Accelerators
J. Steinberger (CERN) What we have learned about Neutrinos
W. Hollik (MPI) Electroweak Theory
C. Ewerz (Milano) QCD Theory
F. Paige (BNL) LHC and the exploration of Beyond the Standard Model
G. Polesello (CERN) LHC versus the Standard Model
D. Treille (CERN) LHC Experimental Challenges
A. Masiero (Padova) Beyond Standard Model Flavours
A. Ali (DESY-Hamburg) Rare decays and CP violation in B Physics
S. Giagu (Roma 1, La Sapienza) B and Charm Physics
D. Lucchesi (Padova) B Physics experimental review
T. Behnke (DESY-Hamburg) ILC: the next step in H.E. Physics
M Feindt (IEKP-Karlsruhe) Physics with Neuralnets
A. Delgado (CERN ) Xtradimensional World(s)
H-C. Schultz-Coulon(Heidelberg U.) QCD from Hera. . .
M. Martínez (IFAE, Barcelona) . . . to the Tevatron
B. Heinemann (Liverpool) Beyond Standard Model: now and later
F. Zwirner (Roma 1, La Sapienza) SUSY: where do we stand?
J. Marco (IFCA-Cantabria) A GRIDed World
R.Brout and F.Englert *) (Brussels ) About the Brout-Englert-Higgs particle
K. Kondo (Waseda) Dynamical Likelyhood Method and Top Quark physics in CDF
T. Dorigo (Padova) High Pt Physics
September 11 Detailed programme
September 11-18 Detailed programme
G. Lazarides (AUTH) Basics on inflationary cosmology
S. Pokorski (Warsaw U.) Supersymmetry and supersymmetric extentions of the Standard Model
S. Thomas (Stanford) Way beyond the Standard Model
F. Zwirner (Roma U.) Supersymmetry breaking
E. Dudas (Orsay & CPHT) and M. Petropoulos (CPHT) Strings, branes and orientifolds
J. W. F. Valle(Valencia) Neutrino Physics
F. Quevedo (Cambridge) Topics String Cosmology
P. Fayet (ENS) Light Dark matter
G. Ross (Oxford) Fermion mass generation
September 18-20 Detailed programme
P. Aschieri (Alessandria) Noncommutative Gravity
S. Doplicher (Rome) Quantum Spacetime and Quantum Field Theory
H. Grosse (Vienna) Noncommutative Field Theory and Renormalization
J. Madore (Orsay) Dynamics of Fuzzy Spaces
S. Watamura (Sendai) Supersymmetric ADHM construction and its deformation
J. Wess (Munich) Noncommutative Differential Geometry
September 20-26 Detailed programme
G. Cardoso (Munich) Black-holes entropy and string theory
F. Denef (Rutgers) Constructions and distributions of string vacua
J.-P. Derendinger (Neuchatel) Supergravity gaugings and moduli superpotentials
G. Gibbons (Cambridge) Remarks on Brane Cosmology
E. Verlinde (Amsterdam) The topological string partition function as a wave-function
  *)to be confirmed