A. Smirnov (ICTP-Trieste) : Neutrino Physics |
E. Fernandez (IFAE-Barcelona ) : Neutrino Physics with Accelerators
D. Wark ( Imperial College , UK ) : Neutrino Physics without Accelerators
J. Steinberger : (CERN) : What we have learned about Neutrinos |
W. Hollik (MPI) : Electroweak Theory |
C. Ewerz (Milano) : QCD Theory |
F. Paige (BNL) : LHC and the exploration of Beyond the Standard Model |
G. Polesello (CERN) : LHC versus the Standard Model |
D. Treille (CERN) : LHC Experimental Challenges |
A. Masiero (Padova) : Beyond Standard Model Flavours |
A. Ali (DESY-Hamburg) : Rare decays and CP violation in B Physics |
S. Giagu (Roma 1, La Sapienza) : B and Charm Physics |
D. Lucchesi (Padova) : B Physics experimental review |
T. Behnke (DESY-Hamburg) : ILC: the next step in H.E. Physics |
M Feindt (IEKP-Karlsruhe) : Physics with Neuralnets |
A. Delgado (CERN ) : Xtradimensional World(s) |
H-C. Schultz-Coulon (Heidelberg U.) : QCD from Hera. . . |
M. Martínez (IFAE, Barcelona) : . . . to the Tevatron |
B. Heinemann ( Liverpool ) : Beyond Standard Model: now and later |
F. Zwirner (Roma 1, La Sapienza) : SUSY: where do we stand? |
J. Marco (IFCA-Cantabria) : A GRIDed World |
R.Brout and F.Englert *) ( Brussels ) : About the Brout-Englert-Higgs particle |
K. Kondo (Waseda) : Dynamical Likelyhood Method and Top Quark physics in CDF |
T. Dorigo (Padova) : High Pt Physics |