Performs ISP to LP coefficients conversion.


IppStatus ippsISPToLPC_AMRWB_16s(const Ipp16s* pSrcIsp, Ipp16s* pDstLpc, int len);



Pointer to the input immittance spectral pairs.


Pointer to the output predictor coefficients.


Number of ISP and LPC.


This function is declared in ippsc.h file. The function performs the following steps:

1. Calculates the polynomial coefficients of F1(z) and F2(z) , using the recursive relations from i equal to 2 to len/2 by formulas

f1(i) = 2q2i-2 * f1(i-1) + 2f1(i-2)

for j=i-1 .. 2

f1(j) = f1(j) - 2q2i-2 * f1(j-1) + 2f1(j-2) end

f1(1) = f1(1) - 2q2i-2

with initial values f1(0) = 1 and f1(1) = -2q0.

The coefficients f2(i) are computed similarly by replacing q2i-2 by q2i-1 and len/2 by len/2-1, and with initial conditions f2(0) = 1 and f2(1) = -2q1.

2. Once the coefficients f1(z) and f2(z) are found, F2(z) is multiplied by 1-z-2 to obtain F'2(z) , that is

f'2(i) = f2(i) - f2(i-2), for i = 2, ..., len /2 - 1;

f'1(i) = f1(i) , for i = 0, ..., len /2.

Then F'1(z) and F'2(z) are multiplied by 1+qlen -1 and 1- qlen -1, respectively.

3. Finally, the function computes the LP coefficients from f'1(i) and f'2(i) as:

Return Values


Indicates no error.


Indicates an error when one of the specified pointers is NULL.


Indicates an error when len is less than or equal to zero, or when len is greater than 20.

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