Decodes quantized ISFs from the received codebook index.
IppStatus ippsISFQuantDecode_AMRWBE_16s(const Ipp16s* pSrcIdxs, Ipp16s* pDstQntIsf, Ipp16s* pSrcDstResidual, const Ipp16s* pSrcPrevQntIsf, Ipp16s* pSrcDstIsfMemory, Ipp32s bfi, Ipp32s splitMask);
pSrcIdxs |
Pointer to the seven-element vector containing codebook indices of the quantized LSPs. |
pDstQntIsf |
Pointer to a 16-element destination vector containing quantized ISF in cosine domain. |
pSrcDstResidual |
Pointer to the 16-element quantized ISF residual from the previous frame. |
pSrcPrevQntIsf |
Pointer to the 16-element quantized ISF vector from the previous frame. |
pSrcDstIsfMemory |
Pointer to the 64-element vector containing four subframe ISF sets. |
bfi |
Bad frame indicator: value "0" indicates a good frame, all other values indicate a bad frame. |
splitMask |
Binary mask for the second-stage splitting. It contains 5 significant bits, low significant bit corresponds to the low number of splitting. |
The function ippsISFQuantDecode_AMRWBE is declared in ippsc.h file. The function decodes quantized ISFs from the received codebook index. This function is extension of the function ippsISFQuantDecode_AMRWE. If the parameter splitMask is set to 0, both functions are identical. Otherwise the function performs the second-level splitting in accordance with the splitMask.
ippStsNoErr |
Indicates no error. |
ippStsNullPtrErr |
Indicates an error when one of the specified pointer is NULL. |
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