Estimates the maximum cross-correlation between two vectors.
IppStatus ippsCrossCorrLagMax_16s (const Ipp16s* pSrc1, const Ipp16s* pSrc2, int len, int lag, Ipp32s* pMax, int* pMaxLag);
IppStatus ippsCrossCorrLagMax_32f64f(const Ipp32f* pSrc1, const Ipp32f* pSrc2, int len, int lag, Ipp64f* pMax, int* pMaxLag);
pSrc1 |
Pointer to the first source vector [len]. |
pSrc2 |
Pointer to the second source vector [len+lag +1]. |
len |
Length of the cross-correlation. |
lag |
The maximal lag value. |
pMax |
Pointer to the maximum cross-correlation. |
pMaxLag |
Pointer to the lag which holds the cross-correlation maximum. |
The functions ippsCrossCorrLagMax are declared in the ippsc.h file. These functions find the maximum of the cross-correlation between two input vectors using the following formula:
The functions return the value of the cross-correlation maximum and the lag which holds it. The function ippsCrossCorrLagMax_16s returns pMax value multiplied by two.
If more than one lag which holds the cross-correlation maximum exists, the function returns the biggest lag.
ippStsNoErr |
Indicates no error. |
ippStsNullPtrErr |
Indicates an error when the pSrc1, pSrc2, pMax, or maxLag pointer is NULL. |
ippStsRangeErr |
Indicates an error when lag is less than 0. |
ippStsSizeErr |
Indicates an error when len is less or equal to 0. |
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