Searches the codebook for the best code vector.
IppStatus ippsCodebookSearch_G728_16s(const Ipp16s* pSrcCorr, const Ipp16s* pSrcEnergy, int* pDstShapeIdx, int* pDstGainIdx, short* pDstCodebookIdx, IppSpchBitRate rate);
pSrcCorr |
Pointer to the input vector [5] of time-reversed convolution of the target signal. |
pSrcEnergy |
Pointer to the input vector [128] of the energy of convolved shape codevector. |
pDstShapeIdx |
Pointer to the output best 7-bit shape codebook index. |
pDstGainIdx |
Pointer to the output best 3-bit gain codebook index. |
pDstCodebookIdx |
Pointer to the output best codebook index to be transmitted. |
rate |
Input coding bit rate. |
The function ippsCodebookSearch_G728 is declared in ippsc.h file. This function implements the “Error calculator and best codebook index selector” block used to search through the gain codebook and the shape codebook for the best combination of the gain and shape codebook indexes.
ippStsNoErr |
Indicates no error. |
ippStsNullPtrErr |
Indicates an error when one of the specified pointer is NULL. |
IppStsRangeErr |
Indicates an error when rate is not one of the acceptable values IPP_SPCHBR_16000, IPP_SPCHBR_12800 or IPP_SPCHBR_9600 for the 16, 12.8 or 9.6 Kbit/s coding bit rates, respectively. |
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