Performs the adaptive codebook search.
IppStatus ippsAdaptiveCodebookSearch_GSMAMR_16s(const Ipp16s* pSrcTarget, const Ipp16s* pSrcImpulseResponse, Ipp16s* pSrcOpenLoopLag, Ipp16s* pValResultPrevIntPitchLag, Ipp16s* pSrcDstExcitation, Ipp16s* pResultFracPitchLag, Ipp16s* pResultAdptIndex, Ipp16s* pDstAdptVector, Ipp16s subFrame, IppSpchBitRate mode);
pSrcTarget |
Pointer to the 40-element adaptive target signal vector, represented using Q15.0. This should be aligned on an 8‑byte boundary. |
pSrcImpulseResponse |
Pointer to the 40-element impulse response of the weighted synthesis filter, represented using Q3.12. This should be aligned on an 8‑byte boundary. |
pSrcOpenLoopLag |
Pointer to a two-element vector of OLP lags. For 5.15 and 4.75 kbps frames, only the first vector element contains a valid lag value, since only one lag is estimated. For all other bit rates, both vector elements contain valid pitch lag values. |
pValResultPrevIntPitchLag |
Pointer to the previous integral pitch lag. |
pSrcDstExcitation |
Pointer to the 194-element excitation vector. Elements 0 ~ 153 contain the past excitation, represented using Q15.0. Elements 154 ~ 193 are used as a buffer whenever the subframe length exceeds the pitch lag. On output, elements 154 - 193 are updated to contain the adaptive codebook vector. |
pResultFracPitchLag |
Pointer to the fractional pitch lag obtained during the adaptive codebook search. |
pResultAdptIndex |
Pointer to the coded closed-loop pitch index. |
pDstAdptVector |
Pointer to the 40-sample adaptive codebook vector, represented using Q15.0. |
subFrame |
Subframe index. |
mode |
Bit rate specifier. Values between IPP_SPCHBR_4750 and IPP_SPCHBR_12200 are valid. |
The function ippsAdaptiveCodebookSearch_GSMAMR is declared in ippsc.h file. This function performs the adaptive codebook search. The adaptive codebook search consists of a closed-loop pitch search followed by computation of an adaptive excitation vector. The adaptive excitation vector is obtained by interpolating the past excitation at the fractional pitch lag obtained during the closed-loop pitch search. The adaptive codebook is searched on every subframe.
ippStsNoErr |
Indicates no error. |
IppStsNullPtrErr |
Indicates an error when one of the specified pointers is NULL. |
ippStsRangeErr |
Indicates an error when mode is not a valid element of the enumerated type IppSpchBitRate. |
ippStsSizeErr |
Indicates an error when subFrame is not in the range [0, 3]. |
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