This chapter, in addition to conventions used throughout the
manual, uses the following notational conventions:
- In the description of function arguments,
when an argument refers to a vector, the expression [n]
in square brackets that may be given after the explanation of the argument
specifies the number of elements (length) of that vector;
- Most of the speech coding functions for their proper execution
interpret their integer and integer array arguments as fixed point
numbers, which represent real numbers that vary in their specific
ranges. Notation Qn used in the argument description
means that this argument values are used in integer calculations
inside the function as real numbers equal to the integer value multiplied
by 2-n (where “n”
is called a scale factor).
For example, if an argument value is described as “4096 in Q12”,
then it is interpreted as the real number 1.0; the value described
as “15565 with scale factor 14” represents the real number 0.95;
an argument described as “Q14 in [0, 1]” must be passed as an integer
value in the range [0,16386].