This chapter describes the Intel IPP functions that can be used in implementing speech codecs following the ITU-T recommendations G.722.1. The list of these functions is given in the table below.
Function Base Name | Operation |
DCTFwd_G722, DCTFwd_G7221 | Compute the forward discrete cosine transform (DCT) of a signal. |
DCTInv_G722, DCTInv_G7221 | Compute the inverse discrete cosine transform (DCT) of a signal |
DecomposeMLTToDCT_G722, DecomposeMLTToDCT_G7221 | Decomposes the MLT input signal to the form of the DCT input signal. |
DecomposeDCTToMLT_G722, DecomposeDCTToMLT_G7221 | Decomposes inverse DCT output signal to the form of the MLT transform output signal. |
HuffmanEncode_G722 | Performs Huffman encoding of the quantized amplitude envelope indexes. |
These functions are used in the Intel IPP G.722.1 Speech Encoder-Decodersample downloadable from
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