Allocates memory and initializes a state structure for the single-rate stream FIR filter.
IppStatus ippsFIRStreamInitAlloc_16s(IppsFIRState_16s** ppState, const Ipp16s* pTaps, int tapsLen, int tapsFactor, IppRoundMode rndMode);
IppStatus ippsFIRStreamInitAlloc_32f(IppsFIRState_32f** ppState, const Ipp32f* pTaps, int tapsLen);
pTaps |
Pointer to the array containing the tap values. |
tapsLen |
Number of elements in the array pTaps. |
tapsFactor |
Scale factor for the integer taps. |
rndMode |
Rounding mode, the following values are possible: |
ippRndZero - specifies that floating-point values are truncated toward zero, |
ippRndNear - specifies that floating-point values are rounded to the nearest even integer when the fractional part equals 0.5; otherwise they are rounded to the nearest integer, |
ippRndFinancial - specifies that floating-point values are rounded down to the nearest integer when the fractional part is less than 0.5, or rounded up to the nearest integer if the fractional part is equal or greater than 0.5. |
ppState |
Double pointer to the FIR state structure to be created. |
The function ippsFIRStreamInitAlloc is declared in the ipps.h file. This function allocates memory and initializes a state structure for a single-rate stream FIR filter. The initialization function copies the tap values from the tapsLen-length array pTaps into the state structure ppState. To scale integer taps use the tapsFactor value.
The parameter rndMode sets the rounding mode that is used by the functions ippsFIR and ippsFIROne.
If the state is not created, the initialization function returns an error status.
ippStsNoErr |
Indicates no error. |
ippStsMemAllocErr |
Indicates an error when no memory is allocated. |
ippStsNullPtrErr |
Indicates an error when pTaps or ppState is NULL. |
ippStsFIRLenErr |
Indicates an error when tapsLen is less than or equal to 0. |
ippStsRoundModeNotSupportedErr |
Indicates an error when the rndMode has an illegal value. |
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