Allocates and initializes state structure for LR deconvolution.
IppStatus ippiDeconvLRInitAlloc_32f_C1R(IppiDeconvLR_32f_C1R** ppDeconvLR, const Ipp32f* pKernel, int kernelSize, IppiSize maxRoi, Ipp32f threshold);
IppStatus ippiDeconvLRInitAlloc_32f_C3R(IppiDeconvLR_32f_C3R** ppDeconvLR, const Ipp32f* pKernel, int kernelSize, IppiSize maxRoi, Ipp32f threshold);
ppDeconvLR |
Double pointer to the LR deconvolution state structure. |
pKernel |
Pointer to the kernel array. |
kernelSize |
Size of the kernel. |
maxRoi |
Maximum size of the image ROI in pixels. |
threshold |
Value of the threshold level (to except dividing by zero). |
The function ippiDeconvLRInitAlloc is declared in the ippi.h file. It operates with ROI (see Regions of Interest in Intel IPP).
This function allocates memory, initializes the deconvolution state structure and returns the pointer ppDeconvLR to it. This structure is used by the function ippiDeconvLR that performs deconvolution of the source image using the Lucy-Richardson algorithm.
ippStsNoErr |
Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or a warning. |
ippStsNullPtrErr |
Indicates an error condition if one of the specified pointers is NULL. |
ippStsSizeErr |
Indicates an error condition if kernelSize is less than or equal to 0, or if kernelSize is greater than maxRoi.width or maxRoi.height, or if any field of the maxRoi is less than or equal to 0. |
ippStsBadArgErr |
Indicates an error condition if threshold is less than or equal to 0. |
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