Intel® IPPimplements image processing functions that operate on a pixel-by-pixel basis: threshold and compare functions. Table Image Threshold and Compare Operations lists all functions of this group:
Function Base Name | Operation |
Thresholding |
Performs thresholding of pixel values in an image, using the specified compare operation |
Thresholds pixel values of an image, using the comparison for “greater than” |
Thresholds pixel values of an image, using the comparison for “less than” |
Thresholds pixel values of an image. Pixels that satisfy the compare condition are set to a specified value |
Thresholds pixel values of an image. Pixels that are greater than threshold are set to a specified value |
Thresholds pixel values of an image. Pixels that are less than threshold are set to a specified value |
Performs double thresholding of pixel values in an image |
Computes the value of the Otsu threshold |
Comparison |
Compares pixel values of two images using a specified compare operation |
Compares pixel values of a source image to a given value using a specified compare operation |
Compares two images with floating-point data, testing whether pixel values are equal within a certain tolerance eps |
Tests whether floating-point pixel values of an image are equal to a given value within a certain tolerance eps |
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