Initializes the row resampling structure.
IppStatus ippiResampleRowInit_32f(IppiResampleRowSpec_32f* pRowSpec, IppiResampleType filterType, int scrSampleWidth, int dstSampleWidth);
srcSampleWidth |
Distance between neighbor pixels of the source row on the reference grid. |
dstSampleWidth |
Distance between neighbor pixels of the destination row on the reference grid. |
pRowSpec |
Pointer to the initialized structure. |
filterType |
Specifies the type of the interpolation filter that is used for resampling. Possible value is ippResampleCatmullRom for the Catmull-Rom interpolation. |
The function ippiResampleRowInit is declared in the ippi.h file.
This function initializes in the external buffer the resampling specification structure IppiResampleRowSpec created by the user. The buffer size should be computed previously by the function ippiResampleRowGetSize. This function is necessary for the functions ippiResampleRow and ippiResampleRowReplicateBorder.
ippStsNoErr |
Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or a warning. |
ippStsNullPtrErr |
Indicates an error condition if one of the specified pointers is NULL. |
ippStsBadArgErr |
Indicates an error condition if the specified filter type is incorrect or unsupported. |
ippStsOutOfRangeErr |
Indicates an error condition if any of the scrSampleWidth or dstSampleWidth parameters is not valid. |
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