The descriptors field further describes the operation. Descriptors are individual characters that indicate additional details of the operation.
The following descriptors are used in image and video processing functions:
Descriptor | Description | Example |
A | Image data contains an alpha channel as the last channel, requires C4, alpha-channel is not processed |
ippiAddC_8u_AC4R, |
A0 | Image data contains an alpha channel as the first channel, requires C4, alpha-channel is not processed |
ippiLUTPalette_8u_C3A0C4R |
C1, C2, C3, C4 | Image data is in pixel order and made up of 1, 2, 3 or 4 discrete interleaved channels |
ippiFilter_32f_C1R ippiFilter_32f_C3R ippiFilter_32f_C4R ippiResizeCCRotate_8u_C2R |
C | Channel of interest (COI) is used in the operation |
ippiSet_8u_C3CR |
I | Operation is performed in-place - that is result of operation is written back into the source (default is not-in-place) |
ippiMulPack_32f_C3IR |
M | Operation uses a mask to determine pixels to be processed |
ippiCopy_8u_C1MR |
P2, P3, P4 | Image data is in planar order and made up of 2, 3 or 4 discrete planar (non-interleaved) channels, with a separate pointer to each plane |
ippiResizeYUV420_8u_P2R, ippiGammaFwd_8u_P3R, ippiCopy_32f_P4R |
R | Function operates on a defined region of interest (ROI) for each source image |
ippiMean_8u_C4R |
Sfs | Saturation and fixed scaling mode is used |
ippiSubC_8u_C1RSfs |
s | Saturation and no scaling (default) |
ippiConvert_16s16u_C1Rs |
If more that one descriptor is used, they are presented in the function name in alphabetical order.
Every function that operates on image data has a channel count descriptor Cn (for interleaved image) or Pn (for planar). No default channel count is defined.
If input and output channel layouts are different, both source and destination layouts are listed. For example, the function ippiHLSToBGR_8u_C3P3R converts three-channel interleaved HLS image to the three-plane BGR image.
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