
Sets the value of internal coding pass counter.


IppStatus ippiDecodeCBProgrSetPassCounter_JPEG2K(int nOfPasses, IppiDecodeCBProgrState_JPEG2K* pState);



Number of coding passes.


Pointer to the decode state structure.


The function ippiDecodeCBProgrSetPassCounter_JPEG2K is declared in the ippj.h file. This function sets the value of internal coding pass counter.

The single coding pass is “sub-atom” for coding progression, but their counts in a single terminated segment (for example, the segment filled to the byte boundary) is available from the JPEG 2000 stream or file. During decoding step, pass counter is decremented by one or some other number depending on coding options. If pass counter is set to zero, decoding process will be blocked internally. Externally the pass counter value can be obtained by calling ippiDecodeCBProgrGetPassCounter_JPEG2K function.

The coding pass counter value can be set before any progression step as well as before series of steps.

Return Values


Indicates no error.


Indicates an error if pState pointer is NULL.


Indicates an error condition if a pointer to the invalid structure is passed.

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