Huffman Codec Functions

This section describes Huffman encoding and decoding functions that are specific for JPEG codec. These functions are listed in Table “Huffman Codec Functions”.

Huffman Codec Functions
Function Base Name Description
Encoder Functions
EncodeHuffmanRawTableInit_JPEG Creates raw Huffman tables using Huffman symbols statistics.
EncodeHuffmanSpecGetBufSize_JPEG Returns the length of the IppiEncodeHuffmanSpec structure.
EncodeHuffmanSpecInit_JPEG Creates Huffman table in format that is suitable for an encoder.
EncodeHuffmanSpecInitAlloc_JPEG Allocates memory and creates Huffman table in format that is suitable for an encoder.
EncodeHuffmanSpecFree_JPEG Frees memory allocated by the ippiEncodeHuffmanSpecInitAlloc_JPEG_8u function.
EncodeHuffmanStateGetBufSize_JPEG Returns the length of the IppiEncodeHuffmanState structure.
EncodeHuffmanStateInit_JPEG Initializes the IppiEncodeHuffmanState structure.
EncodeHuffmanStateInitAlloc_JPEG Allocates memory and initializes the IppiEncodeHuffmanState structure.
EncodeHuffmanStateFree_JPEG Frees memory allocated by the ippiEncodeHuffmanStateInitAlloc_JPEG function.
EncodeHuffman8x8_JPEG Performs Huffman baseline encoding of an 8x8 block of quantized DCT coefficients.
EncodeHuffman8x8_Direct_JPEG Directly performs Huffman baseline encoding of an 8x8 block of quantized DCT coefficients.
GetHuffmanStatistics8x8_JPEG Computes Huffman symbols statistics for the baseline encoding.
GetHuffmanStatistics8x8_DCFirst_JPEG Computes Huffman symbols statistics for the progressive encoding (DC coefficient).
GetHuffmanStatistics8x8_ACFirst_JPEG Computes Huffman symbols statistics for the progressive encoding (AC coefficients, the first scan).
GetHuffmanStatistics8x8_ACRefine_JPEG Computes Huffman symbols statistics for the progressive encoding (AC coefficients, subsequent scans).
EncodeHuffman8x8_DCFirst_JPEG Performs progressive encoding of the DC coefficient from an 8x8 block of the quantized DCT coefficients (first scan).
EncodeHuffman8x8_DCRefine_JPEG Performs progressive encoding of the DC coefficient from an 8x8 block of the quantized DCT coefficients (subsequent scans).
EncodeHuffman8x8_ACFirst_JPEG Performs progressive encoding of the AC coefficients from an 8x8 block of the quantized DCT coefficients (first scan).
EncodeHuffman8x8_ACRefine_JPEG Performs progressive encoding of the AC coefficients from an 8x8 block of the quantized DCT coefficients (subsequent scans).
Decoder Functions
DecodeHuffmanSpecGetBufSize_JPEG Returns the length of the IppiDecodeHuffmanSpecstructure.
DecodeHuffmanSpecInit_JPEG Creates Huffman table in format that is suitable for a decoder.
DecodeHuffmanSpecInitAlloc_JPEG Allocates memory and creates Huffman table in format that is suitable for a decoder.
DecodeHuffmanSpecFree_JPEG Frees memory allocated by the ippiDecodeHuffmanSpecInitAlloc_JPEG function.
DecodeHuffmanStateGetBufSize_JPEG Returns the length of the IppiDecodeHuffmanState structure
DecodeHuffmanStateInit_JPEG Initializes the IppiDecodeHuffmanState structure.
DecodeHuffmanStateInitAlloc_JPEG Allocates memory and initializes the IppiDecodeHuffmanState structure.
DecodeHuffmanStateFree_JPEG Frees memory allocated by the ippiDecodeHuffmanStateInitAlloc_JPEG function.
DecodeHuffman8x8_JPEG Performs Huffman baseline decoding of 8x8 block of the quantized DCT coefficients.
DecodeHuffman8x8_Direct_JPEG Directly performs Huffman baseline decoding of 8x8 block of the quantized DCT coefficients.
DecodeHuffman8x8_DCFirst_JPEG Performs progressive decoding of the DC coefficient from an 8x8 block of the quantized DCT coefficients (first scan).
DecodeHuffman8x8_DCRefine_JPEG Performs progressive decoding of the DC coefficient from an 8x8 block of the quantized DCT coefficients (subsequent scans).
DecodeHuffman8x8_ACFirst_JPEG Performs progressive decoding of the AC coefficients from an 8x8 block of the quantized DCT coefficients (first scan).
DecodeHuffman8x8_ACRefine_JPEG Performs progressive decoding of the AC coefficients from an 8x8 block of the quantized DCT coefficients (subsequent scans).

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