Algorithm Overview

For every frame in the input stream the algorithm computes the corresponding high-resolution (upsampled) frame by combining information from the original low-resolution frame (the central frame) and several low-resolution frames preceding and following the central frame in the video stream. The algorithm consists of 2 parts:

The Intel IPP functions described below implement only second part.

Once the optical flow is computed, the Bayesian formulation is reduced to the following optimization problem:


g - unknown high-resolution frame represented as a 1D vector which elements are pixel intensities in the raster scan order.

vi,j - confidence weights that make certain links between low- and high-resolution frames more or less important depending on the accuracy of the estimated motion field at corresponding areas and so on.

fi - i-th low-resolution frame, represented as a 1D vector.

fi,j - intensity of the j-th pixel of fi.

Ai - mapping from g to fi , also known as the point spread function PSF (see “Point Spread Function” for more details). It combines optical flow, blurring and downsampling. As Ai is a linear mapping (each low-resolution pixel is a linear combination of several pixels in high-resolution image, Ai,jg is a dot product of the j-th row of matrix Ai and vector g.

σL, σp - standard deviations in the likelihood and prior parts of the target function, respectively.

φL, φp - robust error functions (see “Error Functions”) for the likelihood and prior parts of the target function, respectively.

λ - parameter that regulates smoothness, or the relative weight of the prior part.

(i, j): i< j & |x (i)-x (j)|+| y(i)- y(j)|=1 means that the summation is done over all ordered pairs (gi , gj) where gi and gj are intensities of the horizontally or vertically adjacent pixels of g.

This problem is solved using the conjugate gradient algorithm, which main steps are:

where ψL and ψp are derivatives of the σL and σp, respectively, and Ii is the i-th column of the identity matrix.

where d is the current “conjugate” direction. The search is performed using the Newton-Raphson method, if it fails then the golden-section search (GSS) is used.

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