Intel® IPP implements image processing functions for computer vision. These functions are combined in groups by their functionality. Each group of functions is described separately.
Function Name | Description |
Feature Detection Functions | |
CannyGetSize | Pre-calculates the size of the temporary buffer for the function ippiCanny. |
Canny | Finds edges in the image. |
EigenValsVecsGetBufferSize | Pre-calculates the size of the temporary buffer for the function ippiEigenValsVecs. |
EigenValsVecs | Calculates eigen values and eigen vectors of image blocks for corner detection. |
MinEigenValGetBufferSize | Pre-calculates the size of the temporary buffer for the function ippiCornerMinEigenVal. |
MinEigenVal | Calculates the minimal eigen value of image blocks for corner detection. |
HoughLineGetSize | Computes the size of the working buffer straight lines detection. |
HoughLine | Detects straight lines in the source image. |
HoughLine_Region | Detects straight lines with the specified range of parameters in the source image |
Distance Transform Functions | |
DistanceTransform | Performs the distance transform operation. |
GetDistanceTransformMask | Calculates metrics for distance transform. |
TrueDistanceTransformGetBufferSize | Calculates the size of the temporary working buffer for the function ippiTrueDistanceTransform. |
TrueDistanceTransform | Calculates the Eucledian distance to the closest zero pixel for all non-zero pixels of the source image. |
FastMarchingGetBufferSize | Computes the size of the working buffer for the peak search. |
FastMarching | Calculates distance transform to closest zero pixel for all non-zero pixels of source image using fast marching method. |
Image Gradients | |
GradientColorToGray | Converts a color gradient image to grayscale. |
Flood Fill Functions | |
FloodFillGetSize | Calculates size of temporary buffer for flood filling operation. |
FloodFillGetSize_Grad | Calculates size of temporary buffer for the gradient flood filling. |
FloodFill | Fills the connected area of the same pixel values on the image with a new value, considering 4 or 8 neighbor values of the pixel. |
FloodFill_Grad | Fills the connected area of the pixel values within a small threshold on the image with a new value, considering 4 or 8 neighbor values of the pixel. |
FloodFill_Range | Fills the connected region of the pixel values within a specified range on the image with a new value, considering 4 neighbor values of the pixel |
Motion Templates Functions | |
UpdateMotionHistory | Updates the motion history image using the motion silhouette at a given timestamp. |
OpticalFlowPyrLKInitAlloc | Allocates memory and initializes a structure for optical flow calculation. |
OpticalFlowPyrLKFree | Frees memory allocated for the optical flow structure. |
OpticalFlowPyrLK | Calculates optical flow for the set of feature points using the pyramidal Lucas-Kanade algorithm. |
Pyramids Functions | |
PyrDownGetBufSize | Calculates the size of a temporary buffer used by the function PyrDown. |
PyrUpGetBufSize | Calculates the size of a temporary buffer used by the function PyrUp. |
PyrDown | Applies the Gaussian to an image, then performs down-sampling. |
PyrUp | Performs up-sampling of an image, then applies the Gaussian multiplied by 4. |
Universal Pyramids Functions | |
PyramidInitAlloc | Allocates memory and initializes a pyramid structure. |
PyramidFree | Frees memory allocated for the pyramid structure. |
PyramidLayerDownInitAlloc | Allocates memory and initializes a structure for creating a lower pyramid layer. |
PyramidLayerUpInitAlloc | Allocates memory and initializes a structure for creating an upper pyramid layer. |
PyramidLayerDownFree | Frees memory allocated for the lower pyramid layer structure. |
PyramidLayerUpFree | Frees memory allocated for the upper pyramid layer structure. |
GetPyramidDownROI | Computes the size of the lower pyramid layer. |
GetPyramidUpROI | Computes the size of the upper pyramid layer. |
PyramidLayerDown | Creates a lower pyramid layer. |
PyramidLayerUp | Creates an upper pyramid layer. |
Image Inpainting Functions | |
InpaintInitAlloc | Allocates memory and initializes a structure for image inpainting. |
InpaintFree | Frees memory allocated for the structure for image inpainting. |
Inpaint | Restorse unknown image pixels. |
Image Segmentation Functions | |
LabelMarkersGetBufferSize | Computes the size of the working buffer for the marker labeling. |
LabelMarkers | Labels markers in image with different values. |
SegmentWatershedGetBufferSize | Computes the size of the working buffer for the watershed segmentation. |
SegmentWatershed | Performs watershed image segmentation using markers. |
SegmentGradientGetBufferSize | Computes the size of the working buffer for the gradient segmentation. |
SegmentGradient | Performs image segmentation by region growing to the least gradient direction. |
BoundSegments | Marks pixels belonging to segment boundaries. |
ForegroundHistogramInitAlloc | Allocates memory and initializes a state structure for foreground and background segmentation using histograms. |
ForegroundHistogramFree | Frees memory allocated for the foreground and background segmentation structure. |
ForegroundHistogram | Calculates foreground mask using histograms. |
ForegroundHistogramUpdate | Updates histogram statistical model for foreground segmentation. |
ForegroundGaussianInitAlloc | Allocates memory and initializes a state structure for foreground/background segmentation using Gaussian mixtures. |
ForegroundGaussianFree | Frees memory allocated for foreground/background segmentation using Gaussian mixtures. |
ForegroundGaussian | Performs foreground/background segmentation using Gaussian mixtures. |
Pattern Recognition Functions | |
HaarClassifierInitAlloc | Allocates memory and initializes the structure for standard Haar classifiers. |
TiltedHaarClassifierInitAlloc | Allocates memory and initializes the structure for tilted Haar classifiers. |
HaarClassifierFree | Frees memory allocated for the Haar classifier structure. |
GetHaarClassifierSize | Returns the size of the Haar classifier. |
TiltHaarFeatures | Modifies a Haar classifier by tilting specified features. |
ApplyHaarClassifier | Applies a Haar classifier to an image. |
ApplyMixedHaarClassifier | Applies a mixed Haar classifier to an image. |
Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction | |
UndistortGetSize | Computes the size of the external buffer. |
UndistortRadial | Corrects radial distortions of the single image. |
CreateMapCameraUndistort | Creates look-up tables of coordinates of corrected image. |
Image Enchancement Functions | |
SRHNInitAlloc_PSF3x3, SRHNInitAlloc_PSF2x2 | Allocates memory and initializes the internal representation of the PSF table. |
SRHNFree_PSF3x3, SRHNFree_PSF3x3 | Deallocates the internal representation of the PSF table. |
SRHNCalcResidual_PSF3x3, SRHNCalcResidual_PSF2x2 | Computes residuals for the likelihood part of the target function or its gradient. |
SRHNUpdateGradient_PSF3x3, SRHNUpdateGradient_PSF2x2 | Updates the likelihood part of the gradient. |
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