Compute coordinates of the resized image.
IppStatus ippiGetResizeRect(IppiRect srcRoi, IppiRect* pDstRect, double xFactor, double yFactor, double xShift, double yShift, int interpolation);
srcRoi |
Region of interest in the source image (of the IppiRect type). |
pDstRect |
Pointer to the resultant rectangle (of the IppiRect type). |
xFactor, yFactor |
Factors by which the x and y dimensions of the source ROI are changed. The factor value greater than 1 means increasing the image size in that dimension. |
xShift, yShift |
Shift values in the x and y directions respectively. |
interpolation |
Specifies the interpolation mode. Use one of the following values: |
IPPI_INTER_NN - nearest neighbor interpolation |
IPPI_INTER_LINEAR - linear interpolation |
IPPI_INTER_CUBIC - cubic interpolation |
IPPI_INTER_LANCZOS - interpolation with Lanczos window |
IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_B05C03 - special two-parameters cubic filter |
IPPI_INTER_SUPER - supersampling interpolation |
IPPI_SMOOTH_EDGE, or IPPI_SUBPIXEL_EDGE - edge smoothing in addition to one of the above modes |
IPPI_ANTIALIASING - antialiasing method in addition to the linear, cubic, or Lanczos modes. |
The function ippiGetResizeRect is declared in the ippi.h file. It operates with ROI (see ROI Processing in Geometric Transforms).
This function returns the pointer to the resized image ROI pDstRect of the IppiRect type, that is it calculates the coordinates and size of the rectangular destination image ROI, which is obtained if the source image ROI srcRoi is resized with the specified parameters. The resize operation is not performed.
ippStsNoErr |
Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or a warning. |
ippStsNullPtrErr |
Indicates an error condition if pDstRect pointer is NULL. |
ippStsSizeErr |
Indicates an error condition if width or height of the source image ROI has zero or negative value. |
ippStsResizeFactorErr |
Indicates an error condition if xFactor or yFactor is less than or equal to zero. |
ippStsInterpolationErr |
Indicates an error condition if interpolation has an illegal value. |
ippStsNoOperation |
Indicates a warning if processed area is disappeared, no operation is performed. |
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