Image Statistics Functions

Intel® IPP implements image processing functions that can be used to compute the following statistical parameters of an image:

Table “Image Statistics Functions” lists the image statistics functions:

Image Statistics Functions 
Function Base Name Operation
Sum Computes the sum of image pixel values
Integral Transforms an image to the integral representation
SqrIntegral Transforms an image to integral and integral of pixel squares representations
TiltedIntegral Transforms an image to the tilted integral representation
TiltedSqrIntegral Transforms an image to tilted integral and tilted integral of pixel squares representations
Mean Computes the mean of image pixel values
MeanStdDev Computes the mean and standard deviation of image pixel values
RectStdDev Computes the standard deviation of the integral images.
TiltedRectStdDev Computes the standard deviation of the tilted integral images.
HistogramRange Computes the intensity histogram of an image
HistogramEven Computes the intensity histogram of an image with equal bins
CountInRange Counts the number of pixels within the given intensity range
            Minimum and Maximum Operations
Min Computes the minimum of image pixel values
MinIndx Computes the minimum of image pixel values, and retrieves the coordinates of pixels with minimal intensity values
Max Computes the maximum of image pixel values
MaxIndx Computes the maximum of image pixel values, and retrieves the coordinates of pixels with maximal intensity values
MinMax Computes the minimum and maximum of image pixel values
MinMaxIndx Calculates minimum and maximum pixel values and their indexes
MaxEvery Computes maximum value for each pair of pixels of two images
MinEvery Computes minimum value for each pair of pixels of two images
FindPeaks3x3GetBufferSize Computes the size of the working buffer for the peak search
FindPeaks3x3 Finds coordinates of peaks (maximums or minimums) with absolute value exceeding threshold value
MomentInitAlloc Allocates memory and initializes the moment context structure
MomentFree Deallocates the previously initialized structure that stores image moments
MomentGetStateSize Computes the size of the external buffer for the moment context structure
MomentInit Initializes the moment context structure
Moments Computes all image moments of order 0 to 3 and Hu moment invariants
GetSpatialMoment Retrieves image spatial moment computed by ippiMoments
GetCentralMoment Retrieves image central moment computed by ippiMoments
GetNormalizedSpatialMoment Retrieves the normalized value of the image spatial moment computed by ippiMoments
GetNormalizedCentralMoment Retrieves the normalized value of the image central moment computed by ippiMoments
GetHuMoments Retrieves image Hu moment invariants computed by ippiMoments
Norm_Inf Computes the infinity norm of image pixel values
Norm_L1 Computes the L1-norm of image pixel values
Norm_L2 Computes the L2-norm of image pixel values
NormDiff_Inf Computes the infinity norm of differences between pixel values of two images
NormDiff_L1 Computes the L1-norm of differences between pixel values of two images
NormDiff_L2 Computes the L2-norm of differences between pixel values of two images
NormRel_Inf Computes the relative error for the infinity norm of differences between pixel values of two images
NormRel_L1 Computes the relative error for the L1-norm of differences between pixel values of two images.
NormRel_L2 Computes the relative error for the L2-norm of differences between pixel values of two images.
            Image Quality Index
QualityIndex Computes the universal image quality index
            Proximity Measures
SqrDistanceFull_Norm Computes normalized full Euclidean distance between an image and a template.
SqrDistanceSame_Norm Computes normalized Euclidean distance between an image and a template.
SqrDistanceValid_Norm Computes normalized valid Euclidean distance between an image and a template.
CrossCorrFull_Norm Computes normalized full cross-correlation between an image and a template.
CrossCorrSame_Norm Computes normalized cross-correlation between an image and a template.
CrossCorrValid_Norm Computes normalized valid cross-correlation between an image and a template.
CrossCorrValid Computes valid cross-correlation between an image and a template.
CrossCorrFull_NormLevel Computes normalized full correlation coefficients between an image and a template.
CrossCorrSame_NormLevel Computes normalized correlation coefficients between an image and a template.
CrossCorrValid_NormLevel Computes normalized valid correlation coefficients between an image and a template.

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