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ERG2010 - Invited Talks

S. Andergassen

Title: Nonequilibrium current and relaxation dynamics of a charge-fluctuating

Abstract: We study the steady-state current in a minimal model for a quantum dot dominated by charge fluctuations and analytically describe the time evolution into this state. The current is driven by a finite bias voltage V across the dot, and two different renormalization group methods are used to treat the local Coulomb interaction. The corresponding flow equations can be solved analytically which allows to identify all microscopic cutoff scales. Exploring the entire parameter space we find rich non-equilibrium physics which cannot be understood by simply considering the bias voltage as an infrared cutoff. For the experimentally relevant case of left-right asymmetric couplings, the current generically shows a power-law suppression for large V. The relaxation dynamics towards the steady state features characteristic oscillations as well as an interplay of exponential and power-law decay.

L. Bartosch

Title: Ward identities and skeleton equations in the functional renormalization

Abstract: We use the functional renormalization group approach with partial bosonization in the particle-particle channel to study the effect of order parameter fluctuations on the BCS-Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) crossover of superfluid fermions in three dimensions. Our approach is based on a new truncation of the vertex expansion where the renormalization group flow of bosonic two-point functions is closed by means of Dyson-Schwinger equations and the superfluid order parameter is related to the single-particle gap via a Ward identity. We explicitly calculate the chemical potential, the single-particle gap, and the superfluid order parameter at the unitary point and compare our results with experiments and previous calculations.

M. Birse

Title: Functional RG for few-body physics

Abstract: TBA

J.-P. Blaizot

Title: Flow equations with momentum dependent vertex functions

Abstract: In this talk I shall discuss truncation schemes of the exact renormalization group flow equations that allow for the treatment of the momentum dependence of the n-point functions. Applications will be presented to the critical O(N) model, and to field theory at finite temperature.

J. Braun

Title: Universal scaling laws for QCD with many flavors

Abstract: QCD with many quark flavors has drawn a lot of attention in the past few years. In this talk we discuss many-flavor QCD in the chiral limit and present universal scaling laws for physical observables such as the critical temperature or the chiral condensate as a function of the flavor number near the conformal window. We argue on general grounds that the associated critical exponents are all interrelated and can be determined from the critical exponent of the running gauge coupling at the Caswell-Banks-Zaks infrared fixed point.

N. Dupuis

Title: Renormalization-group approach to lattice models

Abstract: We propose a modification of the non-perturbative renormalization-group (NPRG) which applies to lattice models. Contrary to the usual NPRG approach where the initial condition of the RG flow is the mean-field solution, the lattice NPRG uses the (local) limit of decoupled sites as the (initial) reference system. In the long-distance limit, it is equivalent to the usual NPRG formulation and therefore yields identical results for the critical properties. We discuss both a lattice field theory defined on a $d$-dimensional hypercubic lattice and classical spin models. The simplest approximation, the local potential approximation, is sufficient to obtain the critical temperature and the magnetization of the 3D Ising, XY and Heisenberg models to an accuracy of the order of one percent. We briefly comment on the application of the lattice NPRG to interacting bosons (Bose-Hubbard model).

T. Gasenzer

Title: Critical dynamics and turbulence in ultracold atomic gases

Abstract: Turbulent dynamics in an ultracold Bose gas, in two and three spatial dimensions, is analysed by means of statistical simulations using classical field equations. A special focus is set on the infrared regime of large-scale excitations following universal power-law distributions distinctly different from those of commonly known weak wave-turbulence phenomena. The infrared power laws which have been predicted within an analytic field-theoretic approach based on the 2PI effective action, are discussed in comparison to the well-known Kolmogorov scaling of vortical motion. These phenomena of strong turbulence can in principle be observed with technologies available to date in the physics of ultracold atomic gases.

C. Husemann

Title: Effective Interaction Vertex of the 2D Hubbard Model at Weak Coupling

Abstract: We identify leading contributions in the scale dependent interaction vertex of the 2D (t,t')-Hubbard model and separate them from remainder terms. The former are expanded in boson exchange interactions of fermion bilinears, such as Cooper pairs or spin operators. In a combined RG flow both boson exchange and remainder interactions are calculated for the repulsive Hubbard model at weak coupling. The momentum dependence of the remainder term is analyzed in detail. Besides momentum we also allow a partial frequency dependence of the boson exchange interactions. In dependence on next to nearest neighbor hopping and electron filling we find antiferromagnetism, d-wave superconductivity, and ferromagnetism.

Y. Igarashi

Title: Ginsparg-Wilson type realization of chiral symmetry in ERG

Abstract: Ginsparg-Wilson type realization of chiral symmetry for sigma model is discussed in continuum theory. Non-linear transformations needed for reduction of chiral transformations to those of the standard form are found. The Polchinski flow equations expressed in terms of new variables is given.

S. Jakobs

Title: Nonequibrium functional RG for the Anderson impurity model

Abstract: TBA

P. Jakubczyk

Title: Turning a First Order Quantum Phase Transition Continuous:

Abstract: We analyze a quantum phase transition between normal metal and a quantum nematic phase. Renormalization group approach based on the standard expansion of the effective potential in powers of the order parameter is not applicable in this case. Employing functional RG, we show that fluctuation effects change the predicted order of the phase transition, revealing the critical quantum fluctuations, which are absent according to mean-field studies.

P. Kopietz

Title: Spectral function and quasiparticle damping of interacting bosons

Abstract: We employ the functional renormalization group to study dynamical properties of the two-dimensional Bose gas. Our approach is free of infrared divergences, which plague the usual diagrammatic approaches, and is consistent with the exact Nepomnyashchy identity, which states that the anomalous self-energy vanishes at zero frequency and momentum. We recover the correct infrared behavior of the propagators and present explicit results for the spectral line-shape, from which we extract the quasi-particle dispersion and damping.

D. Litim

Title: Perspectives for asymptotically safe gravity

Abstract: TBA

W. Metzner

Title: RG flow for symmetry breaking in interacting Fermi systems

Abstract: I review various ways of treating spontaneous symmetry breaking in interacting Fermi systems within the exact renormalization group framework. Using fermionic superfluids as a prototype for a broken continuous symmetry, I discuss purely fermionic flow equations as well as coupled flows of fermions and their (bosonic) order parameter fluctuations.

Y. Meurice

Title: Fisher's zeros as boundary of RG flows in complex coupling space

Abstract: We discuss the possibility of extending the RG flows to complex coupling spaces. We argue that the Fisher's zeros are located at the boundary of the complex basin of attraction of IR fixed points. We support this picture with numerical calculations at finite volume for 2D O(N) models in the large-N limit and the hierarchical Ising model using the two-lattice matching method. We present numerical evidence supporting the idea that, as the volume increases, the Fisher's zeros of 4-dimensional pure gauge SU(2) lattice gauge theory with a Wilson action, stabilize at a distance larger than 0.1 from the real axis in the complex beta=4/g^2 plane. We show that when a positive adjoint term is added, the zeros get closer to the real axis. We compare the situation with the U(1) case. We discuss the implications of this new framework for proofs of confinement and searches for nontrivial IR fixed points in models beyond the standard model.

D. Mouhanna

Title: Crumpling transition and flat phase of polymerized phantom membranes

Abstract: Polymerized membranes form a particularly rich domain of statistical physics. Due to their nontrivial elastic properties they exhibit nontrivial critical behaviours first, they undergo a phase transition between a crumpled phase at high temperature and a flat phase at low temperature with orientational order between the normals of the membrane. Second, amazingly, due to the existence of long-range forces mediated by phonons, the correlations functions in the flat phase display a nontrivial infrared scaling behaviour. Accordingly, the lower critical dimension above which an order can develop appears to be smaller than 2. I show how a nonperturbative renormalization group approach of polymerized membranes allows to explore all these behaviours in a unified way.

E. Mottola

Title: The Trace Anomaly, Dynamical Vacuum Energy and Effective Action

Abstract: TBA

A. Parola

Title: Renormalization of microscopic Hamiltonians

Abstract: A review of the Hierarchical Reference Theory of fluids (HRT) is presented. I will first discuss how to generalize the basic concepts of Wilson's momentum shell integration method to microscopic models, both on and off lattice. This allows to retain information of non universal properties throughout the renormalization process by avoiding any coarse-graining procedure and the mapping onto effective models. Sharp and smooth cut-off prescriptions will be contrasted. Then I will introduce a simple non perturbative approximation to the exact HRT equations (in the same spirit of the Local Potential Approximation) showing results for some specific statistical model. The behavior at the first order transition and the convexity requirement of the free energy will be also discussed. I will then generalize HRT to quantum systems, comparing the results with field theoretical methods for the case of Heisenberg antiferromagnets. Some open problem and perspective for future work will be finally offered.

R. Percacci

Title: Flow of couplings in 3-dimensional topologically massive gravity

Abstract: Unlike pure Einstein-Hilbert gravity in 3d, which has no propagating degrees of freedom, topologically massive gravity is a nontrivial theory. I will describe the RG flow of this theory, which has three couplings. It exhibits asymptotic safety in a domain where perturbation theory is probably still reliable. Some technical issues will be highlighted.

M. Pietroni

Title: Resummation methods in cosmological perturbation theory

Abstract: The distribution of matter at low redshift and at O(100 Mpc) scales carries information on crucial aspects of our Universe, such as its recent expansion history, neutrino masses, non-gaussianity of the primordial statistics of the perturbations, and the nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. In order to accurately describe the relevant observables, density perturbations have to be resummed at all orders, since they are close to non-linear in these regimes. I will review and compare the different approaches which have been proposed in the recent years, most of which make use of field theoretical tools, such as Feynman diagrams and RG techniques. I will also discuss some recent results on the distribution of Dark Matter halos, and compare them with N-body simulations.

M. Pletyukhov

Title: Real-time renormalization group approach to the time evolution of

Abstract: We address the problem of how a quantum local interacting dissipative system evolves towards nonequilibrium stationary state. Applying the recently established method of real-time renormalization group (RTRG) we study the real-time evolution of observables after a sudden switching of a coupling to reservoirs with chemical potentials +V/2 and -V/2 in two basic models. In particular, we consider the anisotropic Kondo model (both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic) and interacting resonant-level model (IRLM) which are the minimal models for the study of spin and charge fluctuations, respectively. We derive analytic expressions for all time scales and find that 1) all observables (spin, current, dot population) decay with both relaxation and decoherence rates, 2) bias voltage V appears as an important energy scale for the dynamics setting the frequency of oscillatory behavior, 3) the decay is not purely exponential but is rather accompanied by the power-law decay.

J. Polchinski

Title: The Holographic Wilson Renormalization Group

Abstract: The holographic principle implies the emergence of quantum gravity from a nongravitational theory in one fewer dimension. In AdS/CFT, the radial dimension emerges from the energy scale of the field theory. We develop the parallels between radial evolution in AdS space and the Wilson RG in the field theory.

O. Rosten

Title: A new perspective on quantum field theory from the ERG

Abstract: TBA

F. Saueressig

Title: Evaluating functional renormalization group equations via off-diagonal

Abstract: The derivation of explicit beta-functions from an exact functional RG equation is often inhibited by the occurrence of operator traces which include non-minimal or higher-derivative differential operators. In this talk, I will outline a systematic method for evaluating such traces based on off-diagonal heat-kernel techniques. The approach is exemplified by computing the ghost wave-function renormalization in asymptotically safe Quantum Gravity. The talk will be based on work in progress in collaboration with D. Benedetti, K. Groh and P. Machado.

M. Scherer

Title: Non-Gaussian Fixed-Points in Chiral Yukawa Systems - Critical

Abstract: TBA

D. Schuricht

Title: Non-equilibrium transport through quantum dots: The effect of

Abstract: TBA

H. Sonoda

Title: Wilson-Fisher fixed point for the Yukawa model in 3 dimensions

Abstract: TBA

G. Tarjus

Title: Nonperturbative functional RG of the random field Ising model:

Abstract: TBA

N. Tetradis

Title: Resummation of cosmological perturbations and the cosmological model

Abstract: TBA

M. Tissier

Title: A linear realization of the BRST symmetry

Abstract: When applying the techniques of the nonperturbative renormalization group to systems with a non-abelian gauge invariance, we face the problem that the gauge-fixed action has a symmetry (the BRST symmetry) which is realized non-linearly. Being non-linear, this symmetry is difficult to handle in the NPRG formalism because quadratic regulators explicitly break it. We will present a model which is equivalent to the usual Yang-Mills theory in the low energy limit, but where the BRST symmetry is realized linearly. We show that this equivalence results from decoupling of massive modes, much as the non-linear sigma model is related witj the linear sigma model when the massive (sigma) mode is frozen. We will discuss how this idea can be implemented to make explicit non-perturbative studies of non-abelian gauge theories.

S.-W. Tsai

Title: Renormalization-group studies of cold fermions and BEC mixtures

Abstract: The spectacular progress in the physics of cold atoms has allowed experimental access to the study of quantum gases, and mixtures of quantum gases with different statistics. Inter-atom interactions can be tuned by external fields, and Hubbard-models can be created in optical lattices. In mixtures of quantum gases, one species may mediate interactions between atoms of another species, leading to the occurrence of competing quantum phases, such as BCS pairing and density-wave states. These mediated interactions are typically frequency dependent, and retardation effects may play an important role. These effects are studied using a functional renormalization-group approach. I will discuss some of the rich phase diagram of these system, focusing on effects of interactions, dimensionality, and lattice geometry.

A. Wipf

Title: Supersymmetric Flows for Supersymmetric Field Theories

Abstract: We study supersymmetric Yukawa models with the functional RG formulated in terms of an exact and manifestly off-shell supersymmetric flow equation for the effective action. For the 2d-supersymmetric Wess-Zumino models with one supercharge we relate the dynamical breaking of supersymmetry to an RG relevant control parameter of the superpotential. Supersymmetry gives rise to a new superscaling relation between the critical exponent associated with the control parameter and the anomalous dimension of the field. The models exhibit a surprisingly rich fixed-point structure with a discrete number of fixed-point superpotentials. Each fixed-point superpotential is characterized by its number of nodes and by the number of RG relevant directions. For the 3d-models we determine the phase-transition line separating the supersymmetric from the non-supersymmetric phase. In addition we determine the finite-temperature phase diagram for the restoration of the global Z2-symmetry.

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