164.         Th.Mercouris and  C.A.Nicolaides , J.Phys. B24, L557 (1991).

                "Computation of the widths of doubly excited states coupled by external AC or DC fields"

 165.         C. A. Nicolaides and P.Valtazanos, J.Mol. Struct.(Theochem),234,483 (1991).

                "The (H2O)2* cluster at a geometry of intramolecular charge transfer"

 166.         Th.Mercouris and C.A.Nicolaides, J.Phys. B24 , L57 (1991).

                "Above-threshold ionization in the presence of a DC-field.  Application to H- "

 167.         C.A.Nicolaides and P.Valtazanos, Chem.Phys.Lett. 176 , 239 (1991).

                "Chemical trapping of molecular hydrogen by BeO"

 168.         Th.Mercouris and C.A. Nicolaides, J.Phys. B24, L165 (1991).

                "The meaning of "correlations" in the theory of multiphoton detachment"

 169.         C.A.Nicolaides and Th. Mercouris, Phys.Rev. A44, 7827 (1991).

                "Magnitude of static and dynamic polarizabilities of doubly excited states of negative ions: Applications ot the second bound state of H- "

 170.         C. A. Nicolaides and G. Aspromallis, Phys. Rev. A44, 2217 (1991).

                "Binding of an electron by He and Xe"

 171.         C.A. Nicolaides  and P.Valtazanos, in "Theoretical and Computational  Models for Organic Chemistry", edited by S. J. Formosinho et al, Kluwer, Amsterdam, (1991) p. 355.

                "Molecules with "volcanic" ground hypersurfaces.  Structure, stability and reactivity"

 172.         I. D. Petsalakis, G. Theodorakopoulos, C.A.Nicolaides and R. J. Buenker,  Chem.Phys.Lett. 185, 359 (1991).

                "Nearly-diabatic states by maximization of the non-orthonormal overlap between model-diabatic and MRD-CI wavefunctions"

 173.         I. D. Petsalakis, Th. Mercouris, G. Theodorakopoulos and C. A. Nicolaides Chem.Phys.Lett. 182  561 (1991).

                "Theory and ab-initio calculations of partial widths and interchannel coupling in predissociation diatomic states.  Application to HeF"

 174.         A. Metropoulos and C. A. Nicolaides, Chem. Phys. Lett. 187, 487 (1991).

                "Excited 2Óu+ states of He2+ and the formation of explosive He22+"

 175.         E. D. Simandiras and C.A. Nicolaides, Chem.Phys.Lett. 185, 529 (1991).

                "Nonclassical hydrogen complexes of the alkaline earths"

 176.         J.N. Silverman and C.A. Nicolaides , Chem.Phys.Lett. 184,  321 (1991).

                "Complex Stark eigenvalues for excited states of hydrogenic ions from analytic  continuation or real variationally based large-order perturbation theory"

 177.         E. I. Kamitsos, G. D. Chryssikos and C.A. Nicolaides in "Laser Applications in Basic Sciences, Engineering and Medicine" ed. by K. Siomos , Techn.University of Crete, Hania, Greece (1991), p.p. 97-113.

                "Use of lasers in the study of the glassy state"

178. C.A.Nicolaides, Phys.Rev. A46, 690 (1992).

         “Hole-projection, saddle points and localization in the theory of autoionizing states”.


179. C.A.Nicolaides, in “Applied Many-Body Methods in spectroscopy and electronic structure”, ed. D.Mukherjee, Plenum, N. Y.  (1992), p. 233.

         “Theory and computation of nonstationary states of polyelectronic atoms and molecules”.


180.    C. A. Nicolaides and E. D. Simandiras, Chem. Phys. Lett. 196, 213 (1992).

         “Prediction of non-transition-metal hydrogen complexes”.


181.    I. D. Petsalakis, G. Theodorakopoulos and  C. A. Nicolaides,  J.Chem.Phys.97 , 7623 (1992)                                                          

         “Adiabatic and quasiadiabatic 2Ó+ states of BeH”.


182.  C. A. Nicolaides and S. I. Themelis, Phys. Rev. A45, 349 (1992).

         “Theory of the resonances of the LoSurdo-Stark effect”.


183. Th. Mercouris and  C. A. Nicolaides, Phys. Rev. A45, 2116 (1992).

         “Theory of multiphoton ionization tested on negative ions”.


184.    C. A. Nicolaides, J. Phys. B25, L91 (1992); Corrigendum B25, 2442  (1992).

         “On the preparation and observation of the triply excited discrete state He- 2p3 4So”.


185.  C. A. Nicolaides and H. J. Gotsis, J. Phys. B25, L171 (1992).

         “On the calculation of the complex energies of resonances”.


186.  S. I. Themelis and  C. A. Nicolaides, Phys. Rev. A46, R21 (1992).

         “Theory and computation of scalar and tensor polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities and of LoSurdo-Stark shifts in polyelectronic atoms”.


187.    M. Chrysos, G. Aspromallis, Y. Komninos and  C. A. Nicolaides, Phys. Rev. A46, 5789 (1992).

         “Partial widths of the He-  2S two-electron ionization ladder resonances”.


188.    C. A. Nicolaides,N.C.Bacalis and Y.Komninos, Chem.Phys.Lett. 192, 486 (1992).

         “Theory for the direct construction of diabatic states and application to the He+2 2Óg+ spectrum”.


189.    M. A. Dubinskii, A.C.Cefalas and  C.A.Nicolaides, Optics Comm. 88, 122 (1992).

         “Solid state LaF3: Nd3+ vuv laser pumped by a pulsed discharge F2- molecular laser at 157 nm”.


190.    N. C. Bacalis, Y. Komninos and  C. A. Nicolaides, Phys. Rev. A45, 2701 (1992).

         “State-specific theory and method for the computation of diatomic molecules: Application to He22+ 1Óg+”.


191.    M. Chrysos, Y. Komninos and  C. A. Nicolaides, J. Phys. B25, 1977  (1992).

         “Partial widths of the resonances of the H-  1Po two-electron ionization ladder”.


192.    M. A. Dubinskii, A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou, S. M. Spyrou, C. A. Nicolaides, R. Yu. Abdulsabirov, S. L. Korableva and V. V. Semashko, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B9, 1148 (1992).

         “Efficient LaF3:Nd3+-based vacuum-ultraviolet laser at 172 nm”.


193.  N. A. Piangos and C. A. Nicolaides, Phys. Rev. A48, 4142(1993).

         “Radiative lifetimes of triply excited states of the Li isoelectronic sequence”.


194.    C. A. Nicolaides, N. A. Piangos and Y. Komninos, Phys. Rev. A48, 3578  (1993).

         “Theory and computation of triply excited resonances: Application to states of He-”.


195.    C. A. Nicolaides, Th. Mercouris and I. D. Petsalakis, Chem. Phys. Lett.  212 685(1993).

         “Above and below threshold multiphoton dissociation of volcanic ground states.  Application to BeH++”.


196.  P. Valtazanos and C. A. Nicolaides, J. Chem. Phys. 98, 549 (1993)

         “The OBeH2 hypersurface: Local and global minima, transition states and reaction paths”.


197.    G. Theodorakopoulos, I. D. Petsalakis and C. A. Nicolaides, Chem.  Phys. Lett. 207, 321 (1993).

         “Diabatic potentials for the 11A'' and 21A'' states of H2S”


198.    Th. Mercouris, I. D. Petsalakis and C. A. Nicolaides, Chem. Phys. Lett.  208, 197 (1993).

         “Time-dependent laser-induced molecular formation from repulsive surfaces”


199.  C. A. Nicolaides and S. I. Themelis, J. Phys. B26, L387 (1993).

         “Doubly excited autoionizing states in a DC field.  Widths, polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities of the He 2s2 1S and 2s2p 3Po states”.


200.  C. A. Nicolaides and S. I. Themelis, J. Phys. B26, 2217 (1993).

         “The hyperpolarizability of Li 1s22s 2S: a test case for advanced theories of electronic properties”.


201.  C. A. Nicolaides, J. Phys. B26, L291 (1993).

         “Multielectron radiative transitions”.


202.  M. Bylicki and C. A. Nicolaides, Phys. Rev. A48, 3589 (1993).

         “Computation of resonances by two methods involving the use of complex coordinates”.


203.  Th. Mercouris and C. A. Nicolaides, Phys. Rev. A48, 628 (1993).

         “Quantitative study of multiphoton multiple ionization: Second-harmonic Nd: YAG laser ionization of the doubly excited 2p2 3P bound state of H-”.


204.  C. A. Nicolaides and S. I. Themelis, Phys. Rev. A47, 3122 (1993).

         “Theory and computation of electric-field-induced tunneling rates of polyelectronic atomic states”.


205.    Y. Komninos, S. I. Themelis, M. Chrysos and C. A. Nicolaides, Int. J. Qu. Chem. S27,  399, (1993).

         “Properties of the two-electron ionization ladder and related good quantum numbers”.


206.  S. I. Themelis and C. A. Nicolaides, Phys. Rev. A49,  596 (1994).

         “Partial widths with interchannel coupling to all orders for the H- two-electron ionization ladder of 1D symmetry”.


207.  S.I. Themelis and C.A. Nicolaides, Phys.Rev. A49 3089 (1994).

         “dc-field tunneling of polyelectronic atoms and  of negative ions:   Computations based on models and on ab initio theory”.


208.  E. Sarantopoulou,  A.C. Cefalas, M.A. Dubinski,  C.A.  Nicolaides ,  R. Yu Abdulsabirov, S.L. Korableva, A.K. Naumov and   V.U.Semashko,  Opt.Comm. 107, 104 (1994).

         “VUV and UV fluorescence and absorption  studies of Nd3+ and Ho3+ ions in LiYF4 single crystals”.


209.  S. I. Themelis and  C.A. Nicolaides, Phys.Rev. A49 1618  (1994).

         “Effect of interchannel coupling on the partial and total autoionization widths: Application to the 1s3s3p 4Po and 1s3p2 4P states for Z=2-5, 10”.


210.    I.D. Petsalakis, G. Theodorakopoulos and C.A. Nicolaides, J.Chem.Phys. 100 5870 (1994).

         “Quasidiabatic states for intramolecular charge transfer.  Application to the protonation of NH3”.


211.   E.D.Simandiras and C.A.Nicolaides,Chem. Phys. Letts. 223, 233 (1994)

         “Prediction and characterization of magnesium fluoride dimers and their nonclassical hydrogen complexes”.


212.  M. Bylicki, S.I.Themelis and C.A. Nicolaides, J. Phys. B27, 2741 (1994).

         “State-specific theory and computation of a polyelectronic atomic state in a magnetic field.  Application to doubly excited states of H-


213.    C.A. Nicolaides,  Th. Mercouris, Y. Komninos and I.D. Petsalakis, Int. J. Qu. Chem.  51  529 (1994).

         “Many-electron,  many-photon theory of nonstationary states”.


214.    Th. Mercouris, I.D.Petsalakis, P.Valtazanos and C.A.Nicolaides, J. Phys. B27, L519  (1994).

         “Time-dependent multiphoton absorption by NO++.  Above and below threshold dissociation and the effect of the first excited surface”. 


215.  Y. Komninos and C.A. Nicolaides,  Phys.Rev. A50,  3782  (1994).

         “Electron correlation, geometry and energy spectrum of quadruply excited states”


216.    Th. Mercouris, Y. Komninos, I. Dionyssopoulou and  C.A.  Nicolaides,  Phys.Rev. A50 4109 (1994).

         “Computation of strong-field multiphoton processes in polyelectronic atoms.  State-specific method and application to H and Li-”.


217.  C.A. Nicolaides, Anales de Fisica   90, 214 (1994)

         “Theory and computation of nonstationary states of polyelectronic atoms and molecules”.


218.  E. Sarantopoulou, A.C. Cefalas, M. A. Dubinskii, Z. Kollia, C.A. Nicolaides , R. Yu.Abdusabiorov, S.L. Korableva, A. K. Naumov and V.V. Semashko, J.Mod.Opt. 41, 767 (1994).

         “VUV and UV fluorescence and absorption studies of Tb3+ and Tm3+ trivalent  ions in Lyi F4 single crystal hosts”.


219.    E. Sarantopoulou, A.C. Cefalas, M. A. Dubinskii, C.A. Nicolaides , R. Yu.Abdusabiorov, S.L. Korableva, A. K. Naumov and V.V. Semashko, Appl. Phys.Lett. 65, 813 (1994).

         “Vacuum Ultraviolet and Ultraviolet fluorescence and absorption studies of Er3+ doped LiLu F4  single crystals”.


220.    E. Sarantopoulou, A.C. Cefalas, M. A. Dubinskii, C.A. Nicolaides , R. Yu.Abdusabiorov, S.L. Korableva, A. K. Naumov and V.V. Semashko, Opt. Lett. 19, 499 (1994).

         “VUV and UV fluorescence and absorption studies of Pr3+ doped LiLu F4  single crystals”.


221.    I.D.Petsalakis, Th. Mercouris, C.A.Nicolaides, Chem.Phys.189, 615 (1994).

         “Computation of time-dependent transition probabilities in excimer molecules induced by femtosecond laser pulses”.


222.  M. Bylicki and  C.A. Nicolaides,  Phys.Rev. A51, 204  (1995).

         “Energies and widths of triply excited n=2 intrashell autoionizing states of He-.


223.  S. I. Themelis and C.A. Nicolaides,  Phys.Rev. A 51 2801  (1995).

         “Field-induced tunneling rates, polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities for low-lying excited states of Li and Na”.


224.  S. Dionissopoulou, Th. Mercouris, A. Lyras, Y. Komninos and C.A. Nicolaides, Phys.Rev. A51 3104 (1995).

         “High-order harmonic generation and above-threshold ionization in H:  Calculations using expansions over field-free state-specific wave functions”.

225.    Ch. Sinanis, Y. Komninos and C.A. Nicolaides , Phys.Rev. A51 R2672  (1995).

         “Asymmetry parameter and total  cross section for the photodetachment of  the metastable  Be- 1s22s2p2 4P state”.


226.  S. Dionissopoulou, A. Lyras, Th. Mercouris and C.A. Nicolaides, J.Phys. B28 L109 (1995);  Corrigendum, J.Phys. B28 4005 (1995).

         “High-order above threshold ionization spectrum of hydrogen and photoelectron angular distributions”.


227.  S. I. Themelis and C.A. Nicolaides, J.Phys. B28   L379 (1995).

         “Energies, widths and l-dependence of the H-  3P and He- 4P TEIL states”.


228.    N.C.Bacalis, Y. Komninos and C.A.Nicolaides,Chem.Phys.Letts.240,172  (1995).

         “Toward the understanding of the He2-  excited states”.


229.  A. Vegiri and  C.A. Nicolaides , J. Phys. B28, 2927  (1995)

         “Predissociation of the A2Ó+, C2Ó+  and    D2Ó+   levels of 4HeH from a multistate close-coupling  scattering approach”.


230.  S. I. Themelis and C.A. Nicolaides,   Phys.Rev. A52 , 2439  (1995)

         “Dipole polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities of excited valence  states of Be”.


231.    Y. Komninos , G. Aspromallis and C.A.Nicolaides , J.Phys.B28, 2049  (1995).

         “Theory and computation of perturbed spectra.  Application to the Al 2D relativistic J=5/2, 3/2 spectrum.”


232.    Ch. Sinanis, G. Aspromallis and C.A. Nicolaides , J.Phys. B28  L423 (1995).

         “Electron correlation in the Auger spectra of the Ne+  K2s2p5 (3,1Po)3p 2S satellites.


233.    C. E. Theodosiou, L.J. Curtis  and  C.A. Nicolaides,  Phys.Rev. A52, 3677 (1995).

         “Determination of dipole polarizabilities for Mg+ and Ca+ ions from precision lifetime measurements and transition- moment cancellations”


234.  C.A. Nicolaides,   Int.J.Qu. Chem. 60 ,119 (1996).

         “The  state-specific approach to the solution of problems of electronic structure and dynamics involving excited states”.


235.    C.A.Nicolaides and E.D.Simandiras, Comm. Inorg. Chem. 18, 65 (1996).

         “Prediction of nonclassical hydrogen complexes of nontransition metals”.


236.    C.A. Nicolaides, S. Dionissopoulou  and Th. Mercouris,  J.Phys.B29, 231 (1996).

        “Time-dependent multiphoton ionization from the He 1s2s 1S metastable state”.


237.  C. A. Nicolaides, Th. Mercouris and S. I. Themelis , in “New Methods in Quantum Theory” eds. C. A. Tsipis, V. S. Popov, D. R. Hershbach and J. S. Avery, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996, p.135.

         “Multielectron, multichannel problems and their solution to all-orders via the diagonalization of state-specific complex eigenvalue Schrödinger equations”.


238.  C.A. Nicolaides    and Th. Mercouris , J. Phys. B29 1151 (1996)

         “On the violation of the exponential decay law in atomics physics: Ab initio calculation of the time-dependence of the He- 1s2p2 4P nonstationary state”.


239.  Th. Mercouris, Y. Komninos, S. Dionissopoulou and   C.A. Nicolaides,  J.Phys. B29 L13 (1996).

         “Effect on observables of the singularity in the multiphoton free-free dipole matrix elements”.


240.  G. Aspromallis, Ch. Sinanis and C.A. Nicolaides, J.Phys. B29 ,L1 (1996)

         “The lifetimes of the fine structure levels of the Be- 1s22s2p2 4P  metastable state”.



241.    Y.Komninos, G. Aspromallis and C.A. Nicolaides, J.Phys.B29, L193 (1996)

         “The 2Fo Rydberg series and low-lying autoionizing states of Al”.


242.    S. Dionissopoulou, Th. Mercouris and C.A. Nicolaides, J.Phys. B29 4787  (1996)

         “Ionization rates and harmonic generation for H interacting with laser pulses of ë=1064 nm  and peak intensities  in the range  2x 1013 W/cm2- 2 x 1014  w/cm2”.


243.  V.  Constantoudis and C.A. Nicolaides, Phys. Rev. A55, 1325  (1997)

         “Regular and chaotic multiphoton dissociation”


244.  Y. Komninos and  C.A.Nicolaides,  J.Phys.  B30 , L237 (1997)

         “Theory and  computation of the profile of the free-free transition probability between autoionizing  (resonant) states”.


245.  Th. Mercouris and  C.A. Nicolaides,   J. Phys. B30 , 811 (1997).

         “Time dependence and properties of nonstationary states in the continuous  spectrum of atoms”.


246.    C.A. Nicolaides,  C. Haritos and Th. Mercouris, Phys.Rev. A55 2830 (1997).

         “Theory and computation  of  electron correlation in the continuous spectrum:  Double photoionization cross-section of H  and He near and far from threshold”.


247.    Th. Mercouris, Y. Komninos, S. Dionissopoulou and C.A. Nicolaides,   J.Phys. B30  2133(1997).

         “The electric dipole approximation and the calculation  of free-free transition matrix elements  in multiphoton processes”.


248.    Th. Mercouris , S.Dionissopoulou and C.A. Nicolaides, J.Phys. B30 , 4751 (1997).

         “Multiphoton response of He to short laser pulses of wavelength 248 nm and

           intensities in the range 1014 – 1016 W/cm2


249.    S. Dionissopoulou, Th. Mercouris, A. Lyras and  C.A. Nicolaides,   Phys.Rev. A55 , 4397 (1997).

         “Strong laser-field effects  in hydrogen: High-order above-threshold ionization and photoelectron angular distribution”.


250.  C. A. Nicolaides, S. Dionissopoulou and Th.Mercouris, J. Phys. B31, L1 (1998).

         “The significance of electron correlation and of state symmetries in the interaction of strong laser pulses of 5 eV with He”.


251.  N. A. Piangos and C.A. Nicolaides, J. Phys. B31, L147 (1998).

         “Very highly excited bound states of atomic negative ions having all their electrons with unpaired spins”.


252.  C. A. Nicolaides and Y. Komninos, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 67 , 321 (1998).

         “Geometrically active atomic states and the formation of molecules in their normal shape”.


253.Ch. Sinanis, Y. Komninos and C. A. Nicolaides, Phys. Rev. A57 , R3158   (1998).

         “Computation of the position and the width of the B- 1s22s22p2 1D shape resonance”.


254.  M. Bylicki and  C.A. Nicolaides, J.Phys. B31,  L685 (1998).

         “The H2-  4So spetrum has at least two resonance states”.


255.C. Haritos, Th. Mercouris and C. A. Nicolaides, J. Phys. B31, L783 (1998).


         “Single and double photoionization cross-sections of the He- 1s2s2p 4Po state at and far from threshold, from the many-electron,  many-photon theory”.


256.  Y. Komninos and C. A. Nicolaides, Int. J. Quantum Chem.  71 , 25 (1999).

         “Molecular shape, the shape of the geometrically active atomic states and hybridization”.


257.  C. A. Nicolaides, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 71 ,  209 (1999).

         “On the application of conventional quantum chemistry methods of computation to states perturbed by the continuous spectrum”.


258.  S. I. Themelis and C. A. Nicolaides, Phys. Rev. A59 , 2500 (1999)

        “Quantum mechanical vs semiclassical  calculations of dc-field-induced tunneling rates of  Li  1s22s 2S, 1s22p 2Po and 1s23d 2D”.


259.  Th. Mercouris and  C. A. Nicolaides, J.Phys. B32 , 2371 (1999)

         “Does a delta function atom interacting with a superstrong laser pulse exhibit stabilization?”


260. M.Bylicki and C.A.Nicolaides , J.Phys. B32 , L317 (1999)

       “Even parity 1P resonances of H- up to the n=5 threshold”


261. Th.Mercouris, S.I.Themelis and C.A.Nicolaides , Phys.Rev. A61 , 013407 (2000).

        “Nonperturbative theory and computation of the nonlinear response of

          He to dc- and ac-fields”


262. S.I.Themelis, Th.Mercouris and C.A.Nicolaides, Phys.Rev.A61 , 024101   (2000).

        “Quantum mechanical versus semiclassical calculations of dc-field tunneling rates for He , for field strengths in the range 0.067-1.0 a.u.”


263. M.Bylicki and C.A.Nicolaides, J.Phys. B33 , 911 (2000).

        “Energies, widths and spectral features of the 3P resonances of H-“


264. M.Bylicki and C.A.Nicolaides, Phys.Rev.A61 , 052508 (2000).

        “Theoretical resolution of the H- resonance spectrum up to the n=4 threshold, I: States of 1Po , 1D, and 1Fo  symmetries”


265. M.Bylicki and C.A.Nicolaides, Phys.Rev.A61 , 052509 (2000).

        “Theoretical resolution of the H- resonance spectrum up to the n=4 threshold, II: States of 1S and 1D  symmetries”


266.S. Dionissopoulou, Th. Mercouris and  C. A. Nicolaides, Phys.Rev A61 ,   063402 (2000). Erratum, A62 039901 2000).

         “Variation of harmonic generation from He interacting with short laser pulses of 5 eV as a function of pulse rise time and intensity”


267.  Th.Mercouris and C.A.Nicolaides , J.Phys.B33 , 2095 (2000).

“The continuous spectrum in the solution of the time-dependent  Schroedinger equation for laser-atom interactions” 


268.   C.A.Nicolaides , C.Haritos and Th.Mercouris, J.Phys.B33  , 2733 (2000).

“ Nonperturbative multiphoton detachment rates of H- and their relation to the electronic structure of the initial state”.


269.Th.Mercouris and C.A.Nicolaides , J.Phys.B33 , 4673 (2000).

“ Dichromatic polyphotonic ionization rate of He for ë1 = 248 nm and ë2 = (1/3)248 nm from the many-electron, many-photon theory.”


270.  S.I.Themelis and C.A.Nicolaides , J.Phys. B33 , 5561 (2000).

  “Complex energies and the polyelectronic Stark problem”


271.C.Haritos, Th.Mercouris and C.A.Nicolaides , Phys.Rev. A63 , 013410 (2001).

“ Multiphoton detachment rates of H- for weak and strong fields.”


272.  Th.Mercouris and C.A.Nicolaides , Phys.Rev. A63 , 013411 (2001).

“ He in dichromatic weak or strong ac-fields of ë1 = 248 nm and ë2 = (1/m)248 nm, m=2,3,4.”


273.  C.A.Nicolaides and N.A.Piangos, J. Phys. B34 , 99 (2001).

“ Existence and characterization of n=3 triply excited resonances of He


274.  Th.Mercouris and C.A.Nicolaides  , Eur. Phys. J. D14 , 241 (2001).

“ The multiphoton ionization rate and the energy shift of atoms interacting with weak dichromatic fields with commensurate frequencies are simple functions of the phase”


       275. S.I.Themelis and C.A.Nicolaides , J.Phys. B34 , 2905 (2001).

               “Complex energies and the polyelectronic Stark problem : II. The Li n = 4

                 levels for weak and strong fields”


276.    Th.Mercouris and C.A.Nicolaides, Physica B296 , 271 (2001).

“He in two-color ac-fields of ë1 =248 nm and ë2 = (1/m)248 nm , m = 2,3,4. The rate of multiphoton ionization , for weak fields, is a simple function of the phase”.


277.    C.A.Nicolaides and N.A.Piangos, Phys.Rev. A64 , 052505 (2001).

“State-specific approach and computation of resonance states . Identification and properties of the lowest 2Po and 2D triply excited states of He-“


278.    Th.Mercouris , C.Haritos and C.A.Nicolaides, J.Phys. B34 , 3789 (2001).

“Theory and computation of the rate of multiphoton two-electron ionization via the direct mechanism”.


279.    V.Constantoudis and C.A.Nicolaides, Phys.Rev. E64 , 056211 (2001).

“Nonhyperbolic escape and changes in phase space stability structures in laser-induced multiphoton dissociation of a diatomic molecule”.


280.    N.A.Piangos and C.A.Nicolaides, J.Phys. B34 , L633 (2001).

“Weakly bound resonances: Electronic structure and partial decay widths of a new He- triply excited resonance”.


281.    M.Bylicki and C.A.Nicolaides, Phys.Rev. A65 , 012504 (2002).

“Theoretical resolution of the H- resonance spectrum up to the n = 5 threshold, III: States of 3Po symmetry”.


        282.  Th.Mercouris and C.A.Nicolaides, Phys.Rev. A65 , 012112 (2002).

“Stationarity coefficients and short-time deviations from exponential decay in atomic resonance states”.



283.   S.I.Themelis,Y.Komninos and C.A.Nicolaides, Eur.Phys.J. D18, 277 (2002).

“Properties of doubly excited states of H- and He associated with manifolds from N = 6 to N = 25”. 


        284.  Th.Mercouris, Y.Komninos and C.A.Nicolaides, J.Phys. B35 , 1439 (2002).

                “Electric dipole versus full interaction in the dynamics of laser excitation of

                  Rydberg wavepackets”. 


285.     C.A.Nicolaides, S.I.Themelis and Y.Komninos, J.Phys. B35 , 1831 (2002).

“Degrees of validity of models for the description of doubly excited states of H- and He”.


286.     Y.Komninos,Th.Mercouris and C.A.Nicolaides, Phys.Rev. A65 ,043412 (2002)

“Theory and computation of the matrix elements of the full interaction of the electromagnetic field with an atomic state. Aplication to the Rydberg and the continuous spectrum”.


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