Á. Publications in International Journals (1990 –2010)
1. “A study of gelatin ablation induced by a novel design TEA CO2 laser”, D. Yova, A.A. Serafetinides and M. Makropoulou, Lasers in Medical Science, V.6, p.429, 1991. 2. “Ablative etching of nitrocellulose with IR and UV laser radiation”, C.D. Skordoulis, M. Makropoulou and A.A. Serafetinides, Optics and Laser Technology, V.27, p.185, 1995. 3. “Ablation of nylon 6,6 with UV and IR lasers”, ”, C.D. Skordoulis, M. Makropoulou and A.A. Serafetinides, Applied Surface Science, V.86, p.239, 1995. 4. “TEA CO2 laser ablation of coronary artery”, A.A. Serafetinides, H. Gonis, M. Makropoulou, E. Agapitos, N. Kavantzas, C. Politopoulos and D. Yova, Nuovo Cimento, V.17D, p.213, 1995. 5. “Effects of He-Ne laser radiation on the erythrocyte membrane”, M. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, E. Kovacs, T. Sovopol, R. Moraru and V. Vasiliu, Romanian Journal of Biophysics, V.5, p.69, 1995. 6. “The interaction of He-Ne laser radiation with the erythrocyte membrane”, M. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, E. Kovacs, T. Savopol and R. Moraru, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, V.38, p.427, 1995. 7. “Hard tissue laser ablation mechanisms”, E.N. Sobol, A.A. Serafetinides, M.I. Makropoulou, E. Helidonis, G. Kavalos, Lasers in Medical Sciences, V.10, p.173, 1995. 8. “Ultra-violet and infra-red laser ablation studies of biocompatible polymers”, M. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, C.D. Skordoulis, Lasers in Medical Sciences, vol. 10, p. 201, 1995. 9. “He-Ne laser irradiation effects on the osmotic fragility of young and old human erythrocytes”, M. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, E. Kovacs, T. Savopol, R. Moraru, V. Vasiliu, Romanian Journal of Biophysics, V.5, p.279, 1995. 10. “Theoretical model of CO2 laser ablation of soft tissue phantoms”, E.N. Sobol, M. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, D. Yova, Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 18D, p. 483, 1996. 11. "XeCl Laser Ablation of Biocompatible PTFE Studied by Photothermal Beam Deflection", C.D. Skordoulis, M.I. Makropoulou, A.L. Bolovinos and A.A. Serafetinides, Lasers in Medical Sciences, V.12, p.313, 1997. 12. “Picosecond and Subpicosecond Visible Laser Ablation of Optically Transparent Polymers”, A.A. Serafetinides, C.D. Scordoulis, M. Makropoulou and A.K. Kar, Applied Surface Science, V.135, p.276, 1998. 13. "A Simplified Simulation Model and Virtual Reality Visualization of Tumour Growth in Vitro", G. Stamatakos, N. Uzunoglu, K. Delibasis, M. Makropoulou, N. Mouravliansky, A. Marsh, Future Generation Computer Systems, V.14, p.79-89, 1998. 14. “Picosecond Laser Ablation of Dentine in Endodontics”, A.A. Serafetinides, M.G. Khabbaz, M. Makropoulou and A.K. Kar, Lasers in Medical Science, V.14, p. 168, 1999. 15. “Tumor growth simulation and visualization: a review and a Web based paradigm”, Stamatakos GS, Uzunoglu NK, Delibasis K, Mouravliansky N, Marsh A, Makropoulou M.. Stud Health Technol Inform. 79, 255-74, 2000. 16. “Spectroscopic characterization of atherosclerotic plaque by laser induced fluorescence”, N. Anastassopoulou, B. Arapoglou, P. Demakakos, M. Makropoulou, A. Paphiti, A.A. Serafetinides, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, V.28, p.67, 2001. 17. “Ultra-short pulsed laser ablation of polymers”, A.A. Serafetinides, M.I. Makropoulou, C.D. Scordoulis and A.K. Kar, Applied Surface Science, V.180, p. 42-56, 2001. 18. "Modelling Tumor Growth and Irradiation Response in vitro - A Combination of High Performance Computing and Web-Based Technologies Including VRML Visualization", G.S. Stamatakos, EI. Zacharaki, M.I. Makropoulou, N.A. Mouravliansky, A. Marsh, K.S. Nikita and N.K. Uzunoglou, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, V. 5, p. 279-289, 2001. 19. "Q-Switched versus free running Er:YAG laser efficacy on the root canal walls of human teeth: A SEM study", M.G. Khabbaz, M. I. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, D. Papadopoulos, E. Papagiakoumou, Journal of Endodontics, Vol. 30, pp. 585-588, 2004. 20. "The influence of the Q-switched and free-running Er:YAG laser beam characteristics on the ablation of root canal dentine ", E. Papagiakoumou, D.N. Papadopoulos, M.G. Khabbaz, M.I. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 233, pp. 234-243, 2004. 21. “Photodynamic therapy in normal pig stomach: Protective effect of octreotide”, E. Mallas, G. Karamanolis, M. Zissis, E. Karvouni, G. Kostopanagiotou, M. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, S. Ladas, S.A. Raptis, Endoscopy, V.36, p.893-7, 2004. 22. “Optical properties and chromophore concentration measurements in tissue-like phantoms”, E. Drakaki, S. Psycharakis, M. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, Optics Communications, V.254, p.40, 2005. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2005.05.013 23. “Evaluation of trapping efficiency of optical tweezers by dielectrophoresis”, E. Papagiakoumou, D. Pietreanu, M.I. Makropoulou, E. Kovacs, A.A. Serafetinides, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 11(1), 014035, 2006. 24. “Study of visible and mid-infrared laser ablation mechanism of PMMA and intraocular lenses: experimental and theoretical results”, E. Spyratou, M. Makropoulou and A. A. Serafetinides, Lasers in Medical Science, Vol. 23, Number 2, 179-188, 2008. 25. “Laser induced autofluorescence studies of animal skin used in modeling of human cutaneous tissue spectroscopic measurements”, Drakaki E., Borisova E., Makropoulou M., Avramov L., Serafetinides A. A. and Angelov I., Skin Research and Technology, 13: 1–10, 2007. 26. “In vitro fluorescence measurements and Monte Carlo simulation of laser irradiation propagation in porcine skin tissue”, E. Drakaki, M. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, Lasers in Medical Science, V.23, p.267-276, 2008. 27. “Ultrashort laser ablation of PMMA and intraocular lenses”, A.A. Serafetinides, M. Makropoulou, E. Fabrikesi, E. Spyratou, C. Bacharis, R.R. Thomson, A.K. Kar, Applied Physics A, V. 93, p.111-116, 2008. 28. “Monte Carlo modelling of corneal and retinal Optical Coherence Tomography imaging”, A. Gerakis, M.Yu. Kirillin, E.A. Sergeeva, M. Makropoulou, and A.A. Serafetinides, 8th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering - BIBE 2008, CD edition, pp.1-6, 2008. DOI: 10.1109/BIBE.2008.4696840 29. “Laser induced fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopy for the discrimination of basal cell carcinoma from the surrounding normal skin tissue”, E. Drakaki, E. Kaselouris, M. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, A. Tsenga, A.J. Stratigos, A.D. Katsambas, Ch. Antoniou, Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, 22(3), pp. 158-165, 2009. 30. “Line Optical Tweezers: A tool to investigate stained liposomes transformations and to determine shear modulus”, E. Spyratou, M. Makropoulou, A.A. Serafetinides, Colloids and Surface A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 349, 35-42, 2009. 31. “Atomic force microscopy: a tool to study the structure, dynamics and stability of liposomal drug delivery systems”, Ellas Spyratou, Elena A Mourelatou, Mersini Makropoulou & Costas Demetzos, Experts Opin. Drug. Deliv. 6(3):305-317, 2009. doi: 10.1517/17425240902828312 , 32. “Development and characterization of oligonucleotide-tagged dye encapsulated EPC DPPG liposomes”, Mourelatou, Elena A.; Spyratou, Ellas; Georgopoulos, Aristidis; Makropoulou, Mersini; Liandris, Emmanouil; Gazouli, Maria; Ikonomopoulos, John; Demetzos, Costas, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 10, No9, pp. 5548-5556(9), 2010. DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2010.2474. 33. “UV laser ablation of intraocular lenses: SEM and AFM microscopy examination of the biomaterial surface”, E. Spyratou, I. Asproudis, D. Tsoutsi, C. Bacharis, K. Moutsouris, M. Makropoulou, and A.A. Serafetinides, Applied Surface Science, 256, 2539–2545, 2010. |