FIRSubband_EC, FIRSubbandLow_EC

Computes the frequency-domain adaptive filter output


IppStatus ippsFIRSubband_EC_32fc(Ipp32fc** ppSrcSignalIn, Ipp32fc** ppSrcCoefs, Ipp32fc* pDstSignalOut, int numSegments, int len);

IppStatus ippsFIRSubband_EC_32sc_Sfs(Ipp32sc** ppSrcSignalIn, Ipp32sc** ppSrcCoefs, Ipp32sc* pDstSignalOut, int numSegments, int len, int scaleFactor);

IppStatus ippsFIRSubbandLow_EC_32sc_Sfs(const Ipp32sc** ppSrcSignal, const Ipp32sc** ppCoefs, int numSegments, Ipp32sc* pDstSignal, int startSubband, int numSubbands, int scaleFactor);


ppSrcSignalIn, ppSrcSignal

Pointer to the two-dimensional vector of size [numSegments]*[ len] containing the pointers to the most recent complex-valued FFT spectra in input audio signal.

ppSrcCoefs, ppCoefs

Pointer to the two-dimensional vector of size [numSegments]*[ len] containing the pointers to the filter coefficients vector of size [len].

pDstSignalOut, pDstSignal

Pointer to the complex-valued filter output vector.


Number of filter segments (0 < numSegments < 256).

len, numSubbands

Number of filter subbands (0 < len, numSubbands < 4097).


Number of subbands to skip before filtering (0£ startSubband < numSubbands).


Saturation fixed scale factor (-32 < scaleFactor < 32), for ippsFIRSubbandLow_EC_32sc_Sfs function (0 ≤ scaleFactor < 32).


The functions ippsFIRSubband_EC and ippsFIRSubbandLow_EC are declared in the ippsc.h file.These functions perform FIR filtering of the input two-dimensional spectra vector.

The ippsFIRSubbandLow_EC_32sc_Sfs function performs filtering without 64-bit integer overflow check. For startSubband=0, if no overflow occurs this function is equivalent to the function ippsFIRSubband_EC_32sc_Sfs with len equals to numSubbands.

Return Values


Indicates no error.


Indicates an error when one of the specified pointers is NULL.


Indicates an error when len has an illegal value.


Indicates an error when numSegments, startSubband or scaleFactor is out of the specified range.

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