G.729.1 Functions

This section describes the Intel IPP functions that can be used in implementing speech codecs following ITU-T recommendations G.729.1 (ex.G729EV) [ITU7291]. The primitives are primarily designed to implement the well-defined, computationally expensive core operations that comprise the codec portion of the G729.1 system. The G729.1 codec comprises an algorithm extending ITU-T G.729 [ITU729] for the scalable coding of narrowband and wideband speech and audio signals at 8-32 kbit/s. The output of the G.729.1 codec has a bandwidth of 50-4000 Hz at 8 and 12 kbit/s and 50-7000 Hz from 14 to 32 kbit/s. At 8 kbit/s, G.729.1 is fully interoperable with G.729 [ITU729], G.729 Annex A [ITU729A] and G.729 Annex B [ITU729B].

The list of these functions is given in the table below.

Intel IPP G.729.1 Functions 
Function Base Name Operation
FilterHighpassGetStateSize_G7291 Returns the size of the high-pass filter state memory.
FilterHighpassInit_G7291 Returns the size of the high-pass filter state memory.
FilterHighpass_G7291 Performs high-pass filtering.
FilterLowpass_G7291 Performs high-pass filtering.
QMFGetStateSize_G7291 Returns the size of the QMF encode state memory.
QMFInit_G7291 Initializes the state memory of QMF filter.
QMFEncode_G7291 Performs QMF analysis filtering.
QMFDecode_G7291 Performs QMF synthesis filtering.
LSFDecode_G7291 Decodes the quantized LSFs.
AdaptiveCodebookSearch_G7291 Searches for the integer delay and the fraction delay, and computes the adaptive vector.
AdaptiveCodebookGain_G7291 Calculates the gain of the adaptive-codebook vector and the filtered codebook vector.
AlgebraicCodebookSearchL1_G7291, AlgebraicCodebookSearchL2_G7291 Performs the fixed (algebraic) codebook search.
GainQuant_G7291 Quantizes the codebook gain using a two-stage conjugate-structured codebook.
EnvelopTime_G7291 Computes the time envelope parameters.
EnvelopFrequency_G7291 Computes the frequency envelope parameters.
GenerateExcitationGetStateSize_G7291 Calculates the size of the state memory for generation of the excitation signal.
GenerateExcitationInit_G7291 Initializes the state memory for generation of the excitation signal.
GenerateExcitation_G7291 Performs generation of the excitation signal.
ShapeEnvelopTime_G7291 Performs the shaping of the time envelope of the excitation signal.
ShapeEnvelopFrequency_G7291 Performs the shaping of the frequency envelope of the excitation signal.
CompressEnvelopTime_G7291 Performs an adaptive amplitude compression.
MDCTFwd_G7291 Computes forward MDCT.
MDCTInv_G7291 Computes inverse MDCT
MDCTQuantFwd_G7291 Performs split spherical vector quantization.
MDCTQuantInv_G7291 Performs inverse split spherical vector quantization.
MDCTPostProcess_G7291 Performs post-processing oh higher-band MDCT coefficients.
GainControl_G7291 Compensates for the tilt in the short-term filter.
TiltCompensation_G7291 Compensates for the tilt in the short-term filter.
QuantParam_G7291 Quantizes of the TDBWE parameter set by "mean removed VQ".

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