
Encodes the last few bits in the bitstream and aligns the output data on the byte boundary.


IppStatus ippsEncodeLZSSFlush_8u (Ipp8u** ppDst, int* pDstLen, IppLZSSState_8u* pLZSSState);



Double pointer to the destination buffer.


Pointer to the length of destination buffer.


Pointer to the LZSS encoder state structure.


The function ippsEncodeLZSSFlush is declared in the ippdc.h file. This function encodes the last few bits (remainder) in the bitstream, writes them to ppDst, and aligns the output data on a byte boundary.

Example below shows how to use the function ippsEncodeLZSSFlush_8u and supporting functions.

Return Values


Indicates no error.


Indicates an error if one of the pointers is NULL.


Indicates an error if pDstLen is less than or equal to 0.


Indicates a warning that the size of the destination buffer is insufficient for completing the operation.

Using the Function ippsEncodeLZSS_8u and Supporting Functions

#define INBLOCKSIZE 65536
#define OUTBLOCKSIZE 16384      
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ippdc.h"
FILE                    *inFile, *outFile;
Ipp8u                  *pSrc = NULL, *pDst = NULL, *startpSrc, *startpDst;
int                      srcLen, dstLen = 0;
int                      commonDstLen;
IppLZSSState_8u         *pLZSSState; 
IppStatus                status;  

/* Memory allocation for input data and output code buffers, */
/* and for the internal encoding state structure:            */
startpSrc = ippsMalloc_8u( (INBLOCKSIZE) * sizeof(char) );
startpDst = ippsMalloc_8u( (OUTBLOCKSIZE) * sizeof(char) );

/* Initializing the arguments, reading srcLen bytes of       */
/* input data from input data file to startpSrc:             */
commonDstLen = (OUTBLOCKSIZE);
pDst = startpDst;
dstLen = commonDstLen;
srcLen = fread( startpSrc, sizeof(Ipp8u), INBLOCKSIZE, inFile );
if(srcLen <= 0)
  return -1;
pSrc = startpSrc;
/* The main loop. In every iteration program calls the        */
/* ippsEncodeLZSS_8u. ippsEncodeLZSS_8u changes the values    */
/* of pSrc, srcLen, pDst and dstLen. ippsEncodeLZSS_8u        */
/* returns ippStsDstSizeLessExpected if there is no           */
/* room in the destination buffer pDst to continue encoding.  */
/* In this case dstLen == 0. Such case is handled by          */
/* flushing the pDst to the output file. If ippsEncodeLZSS_8u */
/* returns ippStsNoErr, then the program flushes the current  */
/* pDst of length of (commonDstLen - dstLen) bytes to         */
/* the output file and reads next srcLen bytes of input data  */
/* to startpSrc.                                              */
for( ; ; )
  status = ippsEncodeLZSS_8u(&pSrc, &srcLen, &pDst, &dstLen, pLZSSState);
  if( status == ippStsDstSizeLessExpected )
    fwrite( startpDst, sizeof(Ipp8u), (commonDstLen - dstLen), outFile );
    dstLen = commonDstLen;
    pDst = startpDst;
  else if( status == ippStsNoErr )
    fwrite( startpDst, sizeof(Ipp8u), (commonDstLen - dstLen), outFile );
    pDst = startpDst;
    dstLen = commonDstLen;
     srcLen = fread( startpSrc, sizeof(Ipp8u), INBLOCKSIZE, inFile );
     if( srcLen <= 0 ) 
     pSrc = startpSrc;
 return (-1);
} /* for */

/*  The call of ippsEncodeLZSSFlush_8u flushes the last few   */
/*  bits of code to the destination buffer:                   */
if( ippsEncodeLZSSFlush_8u(&pDst, &dstLen, pLZSSState) == ippStsNoErr )
  fwrite( startpDst, sizeof(Ipp8u), (commonDstLen - dstLen), outFile );
  ippsFree( startpSrc );
  ippsFree( startpDst );
  return (-1);


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