
Allocates memory and initializes the GIT encoding state structure.


IppStatus ippsEncodeGITInitAlloc_8u (int maxSrcLen, int maxDstLen, IppGITState_8u** ppGITState);



Maximum length of the source buffer.


Maximum length of the destination buffer.


Double pointer to the GIT encoding state structure.


The function ippsEncodeGITInitAlloc is declared in the ippdc.h file. This function allocates memory and initializes the GIT encoding state structure ppGITState. This structure is used by the function ippsEncodeGIT.

The size of the GIT encoding state structure depends on the values of the maxSrcLen and maxDstLen parameters that set the upper bound on the sizes of the source and destination buffers. In subsequent functions, do not specify a greater size of the buffers, as the functions will return an error message.

The maxSrcLen parameter sets the size of a block for input data processing. Due to the adaptive coding used by the GIT algorithm, the compression ratio is very likely to improve as the block size increases.

Return Values


Indicates no errors.


Indicates an error if maxSrcLen or maxDstLen is less than or equal to 0.

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