
Computes the bounding rectangle for the source ROI transformed by the ippiShear function.


IppStatus ippiGetShearBound(IppiRect srcRoi, double bound[2][2], double xShear, double yShear, double xShift, double yShift);



Region of interest in the source image (of the IppiRect type).


Output array. Contains vertex coordinates of the bounding rectangle for the transformed source ROI.

xShear, yShear

Shearing transform coefficients.

xShift, yShift

Additional shift values along the horizontal and vertical axes.


The function ippiGetShearBound is declared in the ippi.h file. It operates with ROI (see ROI Processing in Geometric Transforms).

This function is used as a support function for ippiShear. It computes vertex coordinates of the smallest bounding rectangle for the quadrangle quad, to which the source ROI is mapped by the shearing transform function ippiShear using coefficients xShear, yShear and shift values xShift, yShift.

bound[0] specifies x, y coordinates of the top-left corner, bound[1] specifies x, y coordinates of the bottom-right corner.

Return Values


Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or a warning.


Indicates an error condition if xShear*yShear = 1.


Indicates an error condition if srcRoi has a size field with zero or negative value.

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