TwofishPack, TwofishUnpack

Packs/unpacks the IppsTwofishSpec context into/from a user-defined buffer.


IppStatus ippsTwofishPack (const IppsTwofishSpec* pCtx, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippsTwofishUnpack (const Ipp8u* pBuffer, IppsTwofishSpec* pCtx);



Pointer to the IppsTwofishSpec context.


Pointer to the user-defined buffer.


This functions are declared in the ippcp.h file. The TwofishPack function transforms the *pCtx context to a position-independent form and stores it in the *pBuffer buffer. The TwofishUnpack function performs the inverse operation, that is, transforms the contents of the *pBuffer buffer into a normal IppsTwofishSpec context. The TwofishPack and TwofishUnpack functions enable replacing the position-dependent IppsTwofishSpec context in the memory.

Call the TwofishGetSize function prior to TwofishPack/TwofishUnpack to determine the size of the buffer.

Return Values


Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or warning.


Indicates an error condition if any of the specified pointers is NULL.

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